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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Thanks Jack :) Melina I automatically thought it was a boys name until everyone started telling me it's a girls name. Then Sweden proved me right! Go Sweden! Where about are you from? The Fleur de lys sounds perfect :) Louis was a name I was pondering earlier on too.
  2. Yes that's what I was thinking, but after doing some searching, it's apparently a popular boys name in Sweden So why not? And of course a Star name tag will be a must.
  3. Jack I'm so jealous of you! You get your Aussie before me You will have to bombard us with photos! In other news, I spent more money on still unknown puppy today Also I think I have a name picked out! What does everyone think of Nova for a Blue Merle Aussie boy? Nova as in explosion of a star :)
  4. I was just saying how I've given up buying stuff for myself while buying puppy stuff. Damn!!!
  5. There is a bit of everything in there if you go looking. And the pinned thread is worth a read :)
  6. Very off topic, but being a short arse, with the shortness being all in my legs, I had the impression that most clothes were made for tall people with beautiful long legs!!!
  7. No don't be worried! All dogs are different! It might just be you he ends up being interested in My boy who passed was the lab in my profile pic... known Food Hoovers!
  8. Don't be worried, my old boy had no interest in them at all, much preferred food :) They don't need to tug, people use them a lot as a reward in dog sports. If you want the puppy to tug and he isn't naturally interested in it you have to train him to do it, make him love it :) If he has a high prey drive it's easier, but I've heard of people rubbing tugs with food and stuff to entice him. Or just treat him and make a huge deal when he pays any interest in that toy, when he bites it, when he tugs. When he loves the tug it's used as a reward, so he should only get the tug when training, not to play with all the time on his own. Lots of information in the training threads and on the net in general.
  9. Elsie has been to a couple, I like having her sleep in the tent with me... And she enjoys when mummy crawls into the tent at 5am and goes "HEY let's go looking for bunnies!!". Well if you go to any in Aus and see a little blue heeler running around you know who she is She has completely recovered from her paralysis so she'l be back to doofing!
  10. My partner is big on Bush Doofs, he has taken his tough little blue heeler to some of the smaller ones. She doesn't care about the music one bit and loves all the cuddles she gets from everyone! When she gets sick of it she lets him know and she goes straight to sleep in the car/his camp.
  11. I thought Purina One was the Premium food, and Supercoat was what ever you call below that, as they are both Purina? Then Pro Plan being the Super Premium. I've been spending too much time looking at dog food, I'm getting confused! Oh and I completely agree with the best food is whatever your dog does best on. As people already know my old boy did best on Pedigree!!
  12. Thanks :) Well if Luka was fine with it I'm sure my pup will be, might have to order one before I get him!
  13. Smashtank, having a puppy that loves to tug can be great for training! Just check out some of the threads in Training and dog sports :)
  14. Thought I would show a picture of the crate. Not sure if you can tell quality from it though.
  15. Are these a good chew for baby puppies?
  16. Yes there is a pet shop here that sells the inserts and I'm going to get one of those for this crate. I don't think they have the covers but I'm going to attempt to make one of those myself :)
  17. It's surprisingly strong, I wasn't sure how it would be as it was fairly cheap, but I'm impressed. It was shipped from Sydney, Ozgrooming I think it's called. Probably similar to the $300 ones you get from petbarn. They sell ones with metal trays which might be stronger for about $10 more.
  18. This is the crate I just got, If you scroll down they have different sizes. Free postage on them and mine arrived in Rural NSW after only 2 working days! 3 Days ahead of what they said. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/271009861526?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649
  19. And my Crate just arrived!! Yay! Still 5 weeks to go though! Not showing my pup, but will be doing Obedience and Agility
  20. Fairystar can't wait to see your Samoyed pup! JackC you look really organised! Thinking I might put up some of those compost sides around my garden hose/tap somehow...
  21. Oh if anyone hasn't found the amazingness of this website http://www.cleanrun.com It's all super cheap as it's American, They have a free international shipping section which changes every few weeks. Not sure what is up there now but I've got orders coming this week with a heap of toys!
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