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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. My lab had deep brown eyes that shone bright green. Never seen bright red before, Creepy!
  2. Whippytails, when you open up http://www.cleanrun.com Click Bottom left that says "Store" Then on the right hand side in the red column, click "what ships free" The products change every month. Not many toys this month if that's what you are looking for.
  3. Thanks guys, It's amazing what you can achieve when you should be studying.
  4. These are just what I could get on Free shipping. I love the Dura fused Ducky, Nice quality, should of bought all three I think. They aren't on Free shipping any more though I like those Duck ones! Wait till pups are older for the back packs :)
  5. And I just answered the door for my package from Clean Run Yay!
  6. Sounds like he's had a good first few days Jack, I'm sure he will settle in to the night routine fast enough. Great about the toilet training, I have heard from lots of people that Aussies are pretty quick to toilet train. Hope you don't come home to a wrecked back yard :) So I had an old thread about Crate covers so I updated it and added the finished product photos in it. If you are interested check it out :) http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/242550-custom-crate-covers-pros-and-cons/
  7. Well it's been a long long wait, because you just can't predict nature! My puppy is 4 weeks old today, So only four weeks to go! Seeing as I'll be bringing him home in winter I've gone ahead and made a crate cover! It's made from 100% Cotton material, so should let lots of air through but still be snug enough for winter, I can easily take it off for Summer. When I'm 100% about his name, it will go on the patch on the roof. It's the first time I've made anything using a sewing machine in about 6-7 years so even thought their is some dodgy parts, I'm pretty damn proud of it (Yes I know the ribbon is two different shades, but I ran out of one and didn't realise until I was finished )
  8. Steph may we have a picture of this Nursery? How is Koda settling in Jack? Have you taken him on any adventures yet? I've already been sussing out all the dog friendly cafes. Surprisingly I haven't had one cafe say No to having a dog out the front, even the ones on the main street. Bonus' of living in the country I guess! But my home Town wasn't as dog friendly as this! I'm a bad student and finished off this crate cover this weekend, so when I get some more time today I'll upload some pictures
  9. I'd bath them now, and be inside during the night. If it's really wet tomorrow and they are washed tomorrow morning they might not dry properly outside.
  10. Girls gotta have their fun somehow
  11. My old boy liked to hump his blanket. He had a command to stop it, but we only used it when the timing was 'inappropriate', humping your blanket in front of Grandma is inappropriate lol. He also learnt he couldn't hump legs pretty quickly when that started. He ended up making his own routine for his 'private time', 11pm every night if he was outside in his kennel, you could just hear the kennel start moving around .
  12. Wow! If you keep that up you'll be getting orders from DOL'ers in no time. Sure beats the towels I put over my crates (that make awesome play things as soon as I turn my back :laugh: ) Thank you, but I'm not motivated enough to do that! That's a half a days work right there and it's not done! But after I thought I could make one the "Easy way" I realised I made it a lot harder for myself. If I ever need to make another one I'll be doing it differently! Melina if you attempt one DO NOT follow the way I've put it together!
  13. Thinking of you and Zig today. Best of luck.
  14. I'm going to show you guys this now, because I'm pretty damn impressed with myself . It's not finished but I have exams coming up and this took way too long (around 5 hours) just to get it to this stage so it might not get finished for a few more weeks! Here is my attempt at making a crate cover, 3 1/4 sides done. 1 door done, when rolled up it's currently held by my calculator and some stuff as I forgot to buy buttons. Oops. Excuse the dodgy lighting, but it works in my favour as you can't see the crappy details that comes with not sewing anything by machine in 6 years or so! I think I'll try and replace the velcro dots with white ones too.
  15. I purchased some material today, Chocolate brown and baby blue. Going to attempt to make a crate cover this weekend. I'll post the results if they are worthy :)
  16. I think mines pretty decent quality, If you think you want a tougher one they do have ones with metal trays for a little more.
  17. Thats the one I bought! Mines a 36" I put a picture of it up on the Waiting for a puppy thread.
  18. Hard to say no when its only $24 :) I bought a Kong Wobbler online for that much yesterday instead. The things I give up for puppy love
  19. My partners dog had suspected Coonhound Paralysis, seems to fit, but hers progressed much much faster. The vets did tell us that dogs can have different rates of progression though. She got better by herself. http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/247424-ruby-the-paralysed-dog/
  20. Well I've already resigned to the fact that people here have no Idea what an Aussie is and will call him a fat Border collie, and if he is one of the NBTs "Why did you chop off his tail??" Hopefully when he's fully grown and has his big ruff, it will be a little more obvious he is a boy! Thats odd about Dory!
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