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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Oh no whippytails! Lips do bleed a lot, hope he is fine though. You wouldn't catch me going swimming in winter though! Yes Tikira Sun! It's a lovely 14 degrees outside! It was supposed to be horrible and rainy so it was a good surprise :) Currently sitting on my outside setting soaking it up I don't pity you, Armidale is always cold! Mum said that back in Orange they had a snow warning for today! I wonder if it has happened or not. Beautiful quote Di, thank you
  2. I've done that Whippy, I've got mine all sorted, just generally interested in what other people have done. No pick up time organised yet, I will be talking to the breeder later this week. Did some work on the back yard this morning in the sun. I've started cleaning to keep busy, house is now spotless
  3. Thanks Daisy :) How is your new pup going? Would love to see some new photos!
  4. I've heard of VAN being quite good. Unfortunately due to very odd allergies of my own, feeding a raw diet is a no for me unless absolutely necessary (I put up with the rashes for Sam when he was ill). He will be getting bones etc with gloves on I'm limited on what suppliers are around here, and I prefer not to rely on ordering from suppliers that tend to run out of stock. But I'll be trying him on ProPlan, if that doesn't suit him I think I'll try Wellness. I've had great success with both these foods in the past, so we shall see how this goes.
  5. I know!! Damn holidays started to early I'm going stir crazy with nothing to do but wait! I'll probably end up buying crap he doesn't really need It was pouring down rain today so couldn't finish the puppy proofing in the garden, less I make a giant mud pit! Just wondering but what is everyone planning on feeding their pups? Obviously starting on what ever the breeder is feeding, but will you/have you switched?
  6. Bought Nova's food, puppy slicker and ID tag today, All puppy stuff officially bought :) Tag is just a small cheapie form pet barn, he can get a fancy one when I know he wont eat it! Unfortunately they had no star shapes.
  7. I haven't fed that food before, but perhaps look at the ingredients carefully and try a food with different ingredients. Perhaps it's a food sensitivity
  8. Well if everything else fits then I'm sticking to my recommendation for the Lab :) Mine was happy to go to the park and play fetch until he tired instead of a walk. Bonus if you are feeling sick at all they are more than happy to snuggle on the couch and miss a walking day I've found herding breeds are less likely to be worn out just by fetch. For all the breeds you've mentioned don't forget to wear them out mentally too. In regards to showing, find out what 'type' you like yourself too, and find some breeders that have similar views.
  9. What about exercise wise? Dog that is happy to spend lots of time with you, not aloof (more of an individual thing though) and highly trainable I would go with the labrador. Needs plenty of exercise but tends to get worn out quicker than borders. I find male dogs tend to be more Cuddly if that is what you are after too. You would have to get the advice on people more knowledgable in the other breeds but my understanding is that Samoyeds, being a spitz breed can be less trainable, and Borders can be more aloof. Danes drool a lot!!
  10. The state forests are now open to licensed hunters, of course there will be idiots in every organisation but in general these people are very responsible and definitely do not 'shoot first, ask questions later'.
  11. Very different dogs in that list, perhaps you can tell us what you are looking for in a dog, why you are looking at those breeds and a bit about your lifestyle. There are very knowledgable people here on DOL that might be able to help you narrow your list down To show and breed the dog must be on Main register, So you would want to tell any potential breeders your intentions with the dog and if they agree they will probably pick out a pup for you that has show potential. I would be looking for a great breeder that will stay in contact with you and be a mentor :) Limited register is the 'pet' register, you can not show or breed from the dog and be able to have the pups registered, but you can still compete in dogs sport trials.
  12. I think it would be great if dog shows and dog sport trials could be advertised to the general public more. Great places to meet breeds and the people involved with them.
  13. Argh how is 7 days worse than 10 months!?!?!?!
  14. Oh well at least you can estimate some possible dates now Zereuloh! ONE WEEK!!
  15. Goodness he is a cutie :) I really want to see how his little 1/4 tail will look when he is all big and fluffy!
  16. Hoping for good news Whippytails! I'm starting to get overly excited, 8 more sleeps!!!
  17. LisaCC


    I am so sorry this has happened to you and Raiden. Run free little man.
  18. Actually after today I've already got pretty much everything. Everything left will be puppy proofing stuff, so some lattice, some zip ties and gate locks. Then a hose attachment to fit on my bath tub. Then a tag that I'll grab from pet barn, and a harness when I have him already.
  19. Yea I've got 3 weeks off uni, I work through the holidays but this time it should all be from home, so plenty of time to settle in Nova. I'll know for certain tomorrow, but we are currently looking at picking him up on the 30th.
  20. That sounds like a very impressive cat Should get a video of it!
  21. Thanks guys, I'm studying Animal Science, but this exam was Statistical design and analysis, not fun. But that was my last one and now I can focus on puppy stuff! I actually just ran down and bought Nova a kennel from Sam's Warehouse as they have a big special on. Got one of those wooden ones with the green roof for only $79! Just have to put it together now.
  22. Oh my goodness, I just got home from a sure failed exam to a surprise package from my good friend who lives back in my home town. With a nice hand written letter and a Puppy toy! A gorgeous little highland cow! I've worked with highland cattle so it was so thought out and a complete surprise :)
  23. Lollipup that is an awesome cake! I'm guessing you know it's at least a girl? Oh man I want a puppy shower! I don't think anyone would throw me one *First world problems*
  24. I want someone to do a whole cast of Star Wars characters to match Yoda!
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