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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. He's currently doing that so snapped some photos :) Excuse my overtired face.
  2. Nova likes to crawl onto my lap and snooze Thats as far as his jumping goes.
  3. Ah, so if I show Nova in September I might wanna join DogsNSW now?
  4. Thanks Whippy :) How long did DogsVic take?
  5. Simply grand he doesn't jump up at all yet, but I am trying to crack his habit of barking for attention. He will just stare at me and bark. A loud noise was stopping it with praise when he was quiet but he is becoming a bit more stubborn. Ignoring him is seeming to work now, also getting him to sit instead. If you have any tips let me know
  6. Tyrion looks like a stuffed toy! So cute! Also glad we have another boy with purple accessories :) Nova doesn't fit into his yet. Yep Tikara! But he's now fluffier than ever now! I'll try and get a pick tonight
  7. Yay Go Tyrion! So after Nova's chicken frame he rolled in the mud and part of his own poo. So guess who got his first bath too.
  8. Sounds like Gus is coming along great Steph :) We still can't go out much yet, but we have started on leash walking. He's doing quite well, but he's also only just getting used to his collar. Nova is currently having his first ever chicken frame! Seems to be enjoying it
  9. Well I'm glad the beef is working out, surely its a lot less expensive than goat! I'm surprised the vets haven't done a biopsy, it was the first thing done with Sam, but if Bruno is responding I then I guess it's not needed. Also great that he is not on a large amount of meds, hopefully things either get better or stay as they are.
  10. Thats great :) Have you tried Kangaroo? Venison can be good too, but not for Sam. Sam had massive problems with Rice, as in it came out completely undigested. Ended up with Mashed potato. Have the vets put Bruno on any meds?
  11. Like I said, I did not see this online, and this vet visit was before 2007, so before this email thing. I'm going off information given to me by my vet.
  12. Oh I know how that feels. How does he go with the basics like rice?
  13. I've never seen it as an email chain We were told by our vets when my old dog started vomiting after chewing on a big chicken stock ice block in summer.
  14. Not criticising, just general interest. Wouldn't frozen food come with the same risks as ice? Bloat.
  15. Yes Kelpiecuddles we were extremely lucky, our vets had been talking to specialists in sydney about him and even they couldn't believe it. He became pretty famous after he survived Good luck with your cat. Thanks Teekay, I hope it helps her in some way.
  16. Go Willow! I didn't realise pups could do tracking so early! Glad that Tyrion is improving still. We had a very big morning, off to the pet shop for a new teething toy and worming paste (plus a free puppy bag!), then had a coffee and met another puppy who will be going to our beginners class in a few weeks. Then went to the kids sports oval and got carried around while listening to all the noises and meeting some more people!
  17. Glad you had some success. Hopefully tonights even better! Nova gave me a sleep in today! He didn't wake up untill 7:30!
  18. Well good on you for the training too, and it's great he is still so good after being away from you for a few days! I forgot how much puppies sleep, must wake Nova up again soon so he will sleep through the night!
  19. Jack he is so clever! And wow he really has grown! He's got his legs and it even looks like his tail is a bit longer I have to say, one of the reasons I went for an Aussie was for their intelligence, but it's so much higher than I expected! In a great way
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