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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Sam had Degenerative Myelopathy. He passed before it got too bad but we were at the stage were he was knuckling his back feet. A few things that come in handy are back end harnesses to help you carry some of their weight when walking, and to help you pick them up when lying down. If she can't use her back end much at all perhaps start looking into getting her fitted for a wheelchair? The only good thing about the disease is that it is pain free. Its a pity she doesn't like water, it did wonders for Sam. Also keep her warm and increase bed padding.
  2. He should darken up a bit, apparently all merles do as they get older, but I don't know whether tan would spread. I do love the merles for that reason, they are all so different, even in the same litter. Two of Novas blue brothers had the flashy white markings more like Atticus and one of them had the piercing full blue eyes. Surprisingly though Nova was the lightest of the litter. When I picked him out the breeder wrote down LIGHT blue merle boy. He has darkened up a lot.
  3. Oh and by the look of it you may be missing the 'puppy uglies' stage, he is still beautiful!
  4. He is so gorgeous Daisy.Tea, with the amount of tan he has he looks so so close to a blue bi! I think it makes him look.. very elegant (no not the kennel) Looking big, any idea what he is weighing? Also is that his adult coat already coming in on his back half?
  5. Yesterday I bought Nova a big boy bed (Compared to the $4 Big W one). Specifically found one made out of nice cool cotton material so he doesn't overheat, the same texture as my own Doona cover that he happily sleeps on. He has decided to try and sleep anywhere BUT the bed, including his new discovery of the day, the crappy doormat. He will chew toys on the new bed though.
  6. Nova is 12 weeks today and he has definitely lost his puppy fat. But he still looks like he has it when he isn't wet :) Photos of lean mean Envy?
  7. Poop is half an hour late today!
  8. Yep just 2 poos, he was having more about 4 a day on Eukanuba the breeders food. But now he is on Pro Plan Large puppy and doing well. Also with a 1/3- 1/2 of a turkey neck for lunch. EDIT: I meant Turkey neck not chicken!
  9. Nova poops at 6am and 6pm like clockwork, so before breakfast an after dinner :) the poops at mealtimes are the poops from the meal before.
  10. Just remember puppies poop and wee a lot. After food, after/during play and exercise, after sleep, after training. It was much easier taking Nova out BEFORE he started showing signs he needed to go rather than waiting for the signs. Now he goes to the back door and barks, let me oooout!
  11. Nawww Chester was SO CUTE!! At least you were able to get a good photo, Nova wouldn't stay still hence the blurry head . Chester doesn't look as skinny as Nova. The vet says he's a good weight but being wet he does look awfully skinny. I've increased his food a little again, but I would rather him carry a little less weight than too much as he is growing.
  12. Aussies are supposed to be the same Fairystar but I'm pretty sure puppy fluff must be different, as he doesn't stay cool easily at the moment. Lhok, treble is clever :) Nova goes over to the wood floors to lay on and against some cool bricks. But that area is right under the reverse cycle! Yep Jack he should be around the 8kg mark I'd say Friday this week. He is still putting on about 1kg per week (exactly 1kg this last week).
  13. Can he not go in the backyard while you are out?
  14. Casper is gorgeous Fairystar!! I'll be interested to know how you keep him cool up in Queensland. I'm having trouble keeping Nova cool when we need to have the heater on because the humans are freezing!
  15. Yep doubt he will be doing that again anytime soon Gorgeous? I think he looks like a gremlin. Don't let him get wet! Lhok Treble sounds adorable!
  16. I know it was hilarious, I had a moment of "OMG, my puppy is going to sink and I'm going to have to jump in and save him!!" But as soon as he got to shore we were all in hysterics.
  17. Lollipup she sounds like a good girl, Nova gets moments of feral bitey-ness too. Gosh Koda is getting tall isn't he! If his breeder thinks he will be a big boy at that weight I wonder what Nova will be like! He was 7.2kgs yesterday at 11weeks. But from the following photos you will notice he is quite a skinny thing under all that fluff. Yesterday my housemate, my friend and her greyhound Brock, and Nova and I went out of town and found a little spot on the Murrumbidgee river to let Nova have his first taste of off leash fun. He loved it, he ran up and down the grassy banks for ages. The river was very very low so all the sandy banks were exposed. Brock decided to go stand in the shallow area so Nova after doing grass zoomies decided to join him but... Did a gigantic running leap past the shallow area and straight into the deep. Probably waist high to me. Luckily, he can swim. He then freaked out that his feet were wet and ran around non stop for about 15 minutes then rolled in the sand. So our before photo the morning of "I've made a terrible mistake!"
  18. Possibly ask another vet, the only time I've ever heard of pups not being allowed in their own backyard is if it is known to have had parvo in it within so many years. We are near a parvo outbreak too. We headed out of town yesterday to a secluded spot on the river to let him have a run though :) And get used to lifting increasingly heavy puppy for outings Any photos yet of the fluff ball?
  19. Have you had parvo in your backyard in the past? If not your own backyard should be perfectly fine
  20. Love the photos especially the Mandarin duck :) I haven't been to Taronga since they were still building all the new seal enclosures and all the aquarium bits. I did work experience with the Carnivores in yr 11, and I was given whisker from the male lion
  21. Did you do that first up? As in use the breeders food and slowly introduce Eagle pack?
  22. They sounds like great dogs Huski, maybe in the far far far future Is there anything better than a worn out puppy who comes for sleepy snuggles, potters out for wees than takes himself to his crate for the night? I love tired puppies, it's the only time they are 'gentle'! Today was a big day! Play date and then lunch out with Mr Brock the Greyhound and his owner. Petstock for some food and a new toy. Big nap (it's tiring being carried everywhere!) Small training sesh getting to know his brand new tug and then a small late afternoon walk to the post box at the end of the street where we run in to a friend who has a lovely Groenendael visiting so we had a quick mini play date with him and friends dane x older pup.
  23. Glad they are working for him! Poor guy must be feeling it.
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