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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Yea I have to agree, my boy was having some anal gland issues for a while, vet advised to increase bone consumption for a short period and it worked perfectly.
  2. I wouldn't use a harness for agility, but I use the ruff wear one linked above for longline training all the time. I actually use it for most things, hiking, general walkings. It's pretty awesome. It's become my favourite harness ever. I have a friend that has one for her Wolfhound x too that fits her perfectly, and another on a staffy, so they seem to adjust to a good range.
  3. Second this. You can adjust both the neck and girth quite a lot.
  4. My dog has a bit of a sensitive tummy, if I find a brand that's working for him I stick to it. Even switching between flavours of the same brand doesn't always work.
  5. A blue merle does not have any dilute genes. They grey colour isn't dilute. They are genetically a black dog with the merle (the grey bits) a separate masking gene on top. A Cattle Dog "blue", they are "roan". Their base colour is actually white with the black or red ticking over the top. Doggenetics Ah maddy already explained it yea, genetics in that link ^ So yea both give a bluish effect but neither are actually "blue".
  6. Nope! Wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole for my dogs. henry is allergic to life, and half those ingredients are suspicious. ...Applaws is grain free and has a very good rating, was just reduced at Woolworth (2.7 kg for $10, normal price is $18)... there is also Natures Goodness, also grain free... (also from Woolworth)....on both packages is states that they are made in Australia... And Blackhwak now :D Meals for Mutts too!
  7. In Daylesford? I was down there in the middle of summer last year in winter clothes as it was about 5 degrees. Surely a freak incident and someones carried it over from the east coast on their clothes/luggage? From what I know the Great Ocean Road is Paralysis Tick free. They have bush ticks though.
  8. No, I stayed, he looked at me while I patted him and his tail kept wagging until the end.
  9. Will there be exemptions for DogsSA members? This isn't even the main reason my dog's intact but as an example... I'm in NSW, but I am sure there are people in SA like me who aren't breeders, but are newbies to showing who have intact dogs. Or just too bad so sad, no more new people, breeders only or show in neuter only?
  10. I would look at the RuffWear Pallisades backpack. You can take off the saddlebags and you are still left with the harness. So if you find you don't use the saddlebags very much you can still get use out of the harness http://www.ruffwear.com/Palisades-Pack_2 I have a Julius K9 harness that has removable saddle bags. Our harness isn't fitted quite right and I'm getting a new one but I wouldn't use this type of harness for trekking or hiking. I would be getting one like the Ruffwear for sure.
  11. I think the Ruffwear backpacks have those nice very well made Ruffwear harnesses under them, and you can take the saddlebags off and just have the harnesses? I have an Aussie and I find Ruffwear equipment to fit superbly. You can't just put the the back packs on at full weight either, you put them on empty and slowly increase the weight (filled evenly on both sides) as the dog gains the muscles to hold them. As perse says too, on an adult dog with no problems.
  12. I don't particularly want children, but I don't see dogs as replacement children either. I wouldn't have kids whether I had dogs or not.
  13. Sam was Red, Nova is Blue and black. But his Ruthless gear is burgundy because I thought it was the nicest
  14. I have a friend that lives on the South Island and she goes hiking and biking every weekend with her dog. She went for a big camping trip a few months back and dog went with her too. It seems quite dog friendly
  15. Mid 20s+ I'll only go in the early mornings or evenings and then I'll feel the cement and asphalt first and make sure it's not hot. So this week we've been doing evening walks and did a bit of Treibball training inside today. Where I was living the last 5 years in summer we would get a few weeks of 40+ and it would be too hot as soon as the sun had risen. I took the dog swimming in the river every morning instead.
  16. What a stunning dog! Are you keeping him in coat Kirty? My Mum has always wanted an Old English Sheepdog. A neighbour had one when I was a kid but always had her clipped really short. I had always wanted to see her in full fluffy coat!
  17. That's why Nova's ruthless collar is a martingale and not a flat, that would squish too much! He's naked at home, has a rolled leather collar for when he needs to be wearing a flat collar or needs to be in a collar for any length of time (boarding etc) as it doesn't affect the coat at all. The Ruthless set is for street walks and he can wear it at obedience and rally when we enter and look all handsome He also has... 3? harnesses for walks and hiking and a variety of other leashes. I have a problem.
  18. Not bad at all, I already have ideas in mind for future sets... for my future currently non existent dogs It gives me more reason to have my forever wanted dalmatian too, that lovely smooth coat would show off a collar much more nicely
  19. I found this website that makes them custom to order. They also have a wire basket design at the bottom of the page too. Not sure how well they would go on the really really flat faced individuals though.
  20. Thanks for the reply BSRA, although I only see maybe 2 people in this thread with "lap dogs" as their profile pic, and one of those also has a rottie who I believe is being trained in IPO? There's a big range of people here on DOL
  21. Ooh I'll share Nova just got a brand spanking new Ruthless leather set! I'm actually looking for a new tag for it, something simple in brass. It's currently just got a little round brass tag from pet stock on it in the mean time. Him modelling And a photo of the set on the actual Ruthless Leather Facebook page if you want a better look not hidden by fur in the wind My link
  22. Any Y-front harness that doesn't impede movement. If you want something with less material the Hurtta Y harness is very lightweight. There are many good Y harnesses in the market that are not bulky. Chris Zink had a few suggestions here but I think any properly fitted Y fronts would be fine. https://drive.google...RSkU/view?pli=1 Your review of Y front harnesses was very good, You should post it
  23. I don't know what else to say except I am so so sorry Labadore. You've done everything you can for Toby, he's such a darling looking boy. Some dogs are too good for this world. Stay strong
  24. Yea, ok so you can't post that and not say where I can get one with an Aussie on it?
  25. Looks bloody stupid to me. But what would I know, I'm an evil animal scientist who uses the term correctly...
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