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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Thats a brand new toy I got for him about 2 days ago... We call her Ms Cow and Nova sure does love her. He's not very good but he spent most of last night attempting to hump her At least he knows how to cuddle after.
  2. Wagga is great, I love it , I love the uni, I love our school (School of Veterinary and Animal Science, which equines are in too), we have some fantastic lecturers. I lived on Campus for 2 years too.
  3. One of the things I like about my degree is we have to do so many hours of placement. I know quite a few graduates and those not even graduated with a job secured through placements. Volunteering can help so much.
  4. Kavik it depends on the uni but CSU has it's course structure online if you want to see what subjects you do. There is also lots of Electives to pick from in 3rd and 4th year. Course Structure
  5. If you want money while being a vet, I've heard Aquaculture is the way to go. Must like fish.
  6. That's what I do :) The lab work is actually pretty streamlined so it's not all monkey-work - in my PhD I divided my time between catching animals, lab work, data analysis and reading & writing. After I focused more on the lab work and analysis but that was by choice. Agree with TSD a science degree has a lot of latitude. In our research area we had welfare, physiology, evolution and ecology projects on everything from African painted dogs and kangaroos down to dung beetles and snails :D (pro-tip: invertebrates and dead things don't need ethics approval: saves you piles of paperwork!) Oh awesome :) I'll try and get some placement done in that area and see how I feel after that, but I do find it all very interesting!
  7. There are Equine Science degrees she might want to look into. Thanks. Didn't know they existed. google and found one at Wagga Wagga and asked for info from CSU for an external course. I only know about it because thats my uni :) Equine students are in some of my classes. They seem to enjoy it.
  8. There are Equine Science degrees she might want to look into.
  9. Another interesting career direction it can take you, Genetics and biotechnology. I loved those classes, but I think having a lab job would drive me insane
  10. Oooh interesting fact, I remember a lecturer telling us about a women she graduated with (B of Animal Science), that is now doing IVF in humans So yea very broad.
  11. I'm not entirely sure what I want to do, Still have a while to go yet. But at the moment the areas I'm liking are Behaviour, Reproduction and Development. I spent my summer working under a lecturer doing Behaviour and welfare research and that was enjoyable :) efowler graduated from my degree and from my uni last year so she might be able to help more :)
  12. 13weeks old... Started humping his big toy cow. Not very well though.
  13. If you want to work with animals, perhaps look into doing an Animal Science degree. Shorter degree (4 years at my uni), and depending on what area you are interested in, possibly a much lager starting salary. We've been told it averages around $70,000 starting. Guess I'll see if that holds true
  14. I don't do vet but Animal Science, but as most people in 1st year wanted to transfer we were told starting salary for Vets can be as low as $35,000. Basically, don't do it for the money.
  15. I think the biggest problem even with teaching him to go slowly is the last few steps where dogs like to fly off them! I've only got small steps at my house but I have got one of those dog car ramps from Sam's warehouse and have them on the steps. If you put one of those of the last few steps you might prevent that from happening :)
  16. Hankodie, Yes there was a lot of laughter at the poop lol. Bicarb soda and white vinegar are great at taking out runny poop stains! Thanks Aliwake it was a great night :) I'm sure Nixon will be just fine. I know Nova will have to be home alone for a night in September, so that might be his first time at night without a puppy sitter, but If it's like last night, yep he'll just sleep :) I'm going to start slowly leaving him outside for longer and longer at night time. He does love being outside though :) We went for a walk this arvo when I got home in a break from the rain. Nova's first walk when it's been wet. He went puddle jumping!!! He is soaked
  17. Aww Poor Nixon Because every day I have lunch break at a different time, I find Nova isn't really expecting me to arrive at a certain time, although he does in the afternoons. Are you able to change your lunch breaks around to slightly different times as you wean him off them? Well it was my boyfriend and I's 3rd year together, So I got all fancy, bought a new dress and went to a new fancy restaurant and new cocktail bar! Walking between the restaurant and cocktail bar I just kept thinking about poor Nova! But my housemate sent me 2 picture updates of him, he just slept the whole time
  18. Congratulations, Welcome to Puppyhood! Look at that face! Hank is adorable!! Ahh puppy runs. 5am the morning after I bought Nova home he let it all go as I was carrying him outside... all over my white carpet But they firmed up soon after :) Last night was the first time I went out at night and left Nova! My housemate was puppy sitting but still, he was staring at me through the window as I left! (I did come back at 11pm ) Surprisingly he did not try to eat my black stockings or brand new dress! Today he doesn't want to come inside and is outside laying in the rain. Crazy dog.
  19. Every question you have asked should have gone through your breeder first. Behaviour, food, vaccinations. You've been given good advice for everything and now you are leaving because you know better due to your research of the breed? Right...
  20. No for all the behaviours you have been asking about, such as the stressing, AND about the carrying to school. Lines differ. They can tell you a lot about your individual dog.
  21. I think your first point of reference for these behaviours should be your pups breeder.
  22. I was told by the vet that 3 vac were needed as the first was done at 6weeks, then each one 1months later. If the first one was at 8wks+ then they will give just 2.
  23. What happened to your pen set up in the garage?
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