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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Just a thought but perhaps you could slowly build her up to being in crowds of people. Can you start with a small bunch of friends that might want to jog with you?
  2. How about some nice meaty bones with lots of stringy ligaments attached? He can 'floss' himself that way :)
  3. If you plan on doing agility there is no way I would castrate before his growth plates have closed. If you don't want him entire up until that stage go for the vasectomy.
  4. Well they look a little different to rice lol, but you have to look really close! Poor Treble, hope he feels better soon. Nova had a bit of an upset tummy during worm dispelling stage. That night he was already back to his normal self :)
  5. Lhok it only took a day until all of Nova's worms were all pooped out, and most came out only 6hrs after the tablet. I'd never had a dog with worms before either, but I have read that it can be up to 48 hours. EDIT: Oh and I also have to worm him every 2 weeks for a while now to make sure I get all of them. Also if it is tape worm (looks like little grains of rice on his butt or ON the poop, or on places he sleeps) you also need to flea treat even if he doesn't have noticeable fleas as he may of eaten one from somewhere else.
  6. What happened to the female Binturong? When I was there she was pregnant. And the female Red Panda? She had some babies when I was there too.
  7. Thats great Hankodie! Zereuloh, the storm from Vic just hit us, and Nova went and sat out in it! Was there any thunder in it? I'm going to run around and make a game out of Nova's first thunder storm.
  8. I hadn't heard of button until I got him, but I had heard of rose. Greyhounds and the like have rose ears :) But the buttoned ear sure is cute... as a button I think Envy would look pretty cute with wonky teething ears! Just make sure they go back up!
  9. Yes definitely normal. My last dog was a lab and i remember him floppy running as a pup Nova does it but not as extreme, still falls flat on his face sometimes though Lolipup I think crazy teething ears depends very much on the breed and then the individual dog. Aussies have a few different accepted ear sets, rose, button and I don't know the name but like button but higher set, almost like a BC! So Novas are moving around now that teething has started. His breeder was convinced his would stay rosed but today we suddenly have one button! I have heard with pricked eared dogs the amount of teething floppage (lol) has to do with how strong the ear cartilage is.
  10. Thank god Treble was actually a friendly! I hope your lecture sunk in to that woman and her sons head!
  11. Well he is going to sleep well tonight, he's back playing in the pool again!
  12. Nawww! I still think he looks like a stuffed toy! He's too cute to be real! Yup Aliwake, he was in there for about 45minutes attacking the water! Nixon will LOVE one! My lab would lay in his
  13. Thanks Aliwake and Hankodie! Hank is such an adorable little guy! Busy this morning, went for a training session on his long line at a field at uni, so lots of distractions. Played 'stick to my leg' games, and lots of recalls. Lucky boy also got a paddling pool today! We have official reached the wonky ears teething stage today too. His left ear has decided to go back to button while his right is rose.
  14. Worm free butt and morning poop! I know these things happen but it made me feel like a terrible owner, I've never had worms or fleas before! And the questions the vet was asking me (not my normal one), I had to keep saying, yes I've done that, I've done that, His breeder did that, etc etc. She then said in a quite shocked voice, 'Oh, you've done all the right things!'. Yea I know!! Obviously they don't get many people in that do the right things, thats a bit sad.
  15. Thanks Lollipop, after a bit of a tummy ache around midday/early afternoon, he is now back to his normal self :) Envy is so gorgeous! She almost looks elegant in that last picture with her signage and long legs Nixon is such a cutie too, he makes me want to try and find old puppy pictures of my Sam, labs are such beautiful souls. Welcome Rangermad! Don't forget some pictures of your boy!
  16. I loved sports grounds, carrying Nova around and through the people. Lots of screaming kids, and overenthusiastic parents, and most are so distracted they won't come hassle your puppy!
  17. Nova doesn't seem to be bothered at all, he's not scooting, not trying to reach his butt at all. He loves the rain so is currently out there laying in it. Yes I hope Nixon doesn't have anymore dramas!
  18. Well his last worming was just under 2 weeks ago, for the tapeworm to have been dropping out it must of been in there minimum of two weeks, so that wormer SHOULD have killed anything in him. Even the vets were a bit surprised, as that is supposed to be the good stuff. We've been given Fenpral so hopefully that will work. Poor Nixon has had a hard time hasn't he
  19. What the hell? What a rude woman! I don't understand how people think it's perfectly ok to do things like that!
  20. Well I'm pissed off about the Drontal Puppy suspension, it should have prevented this! Vets confirmed, no fleas, but I have to flea treat him anyway incase he's just eaten some off another dog or something. We got some stronger wormer, and I now have to go back to early puppy schedule of every two weeks. He's due for his next injection on Friday but he couldn't have it 4 days early! So back to the vets on Friday morning. He's now sitting in the rain loving life.
  21. This is why I'm never switching over to vet lol. Freak out and forget basic stuff lol
  22. I'm overreacting, I needed to calm down and remember my learning lol Hydatids tapeworms live in dogs for years and don't drop out like normal ones. But yea they are nasty and dogs are a host and can then infect humans.
  23. I've never seen him eat lizards or geckos but we do have them around the house, little tiny skinks and tiny geckos, but i haven't seen any out yet. My uni has sheep grazing through it, so I could of easily walked some sheep poop home. Hence why I'm worried about Hydatids (but probably overreacting). Vet at 9:15, Nova was good and gave me a fresh stool sample, and I have lots of sample jars around so I got one for the vet. If I wasn't so worried I'd go do it myself in the labs You can easily see the worms though.
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