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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. We were the only one with any recall, I was using the play date as part of training. The puppies we were playing with on purpose where 2 husky x's. But then about 6? BCs turned up on a planned play date as we were walking back to the car (we were already all on lead), half jumped out of their cars without leads on, no chance of a recall in any of them, the ones already out on leash, waved at us said 'They are friendly' then let theirs loose too. The huskies enjoyed themselves but Nova was already buggered \ Urgh and as I was helping my friend with her husky pups, ones of them said 'yea they've all come down with something, had heaps of vomiting and diarrhoea last night'. Then why are you taking them to public places and letting them rush other dogs????
  2. I hope that hasn't affected Treble too much Lhok. The only thing I could suggest is to perhaps if you haven't already start training 'Look at that'. If it does effect him in anyway, this might help a bit? Play date yesterday that got interrupted by more dogs (don't get me started on that part). Lesson learnt: Don't get them wet, and don't feed them after midnight.
  3. Wow thats really interesting, thanks for the photo. Have the vets recommended any preventative measures for infection?
  4. My lab had beef bones his entire life (until his exclusion diets) and never broke a tooth He also never had any tartar on them his 11 years. Hankodie, try Turkey Necks, they are giant, no need to mash them up as hank won't be chocking on them. I find them great at the moment frozen for Nova's teething. They are so big he only gets half of one.
  5. Simply Grand don't tell me that!!! He won't even put his front paws up yet! Im not lifting his fat butt at 2years lol
  6. Yes I have a feeling he may end up on the large side of the breed. They are too clever aren't they! I tried to lure him with a treat yesterday and he just sat there like nope, pick me up.
  7. Yes aliwak this I find strange, but good as I don't actually want him doing any of it! But Nova jumps on things taller than my car seat, yet he wont get in the car by himself. I struggle to even get him to put his front paws up to help me out the fat lump lol. In saying that he's not fat at all, I actually increased his food again this morning Still putting on 1kg a week though!!! He was 13.4kgs on Monday
  8. Ah he;s figured it out! Nova discovered yesterday he is just tall enough to climb onto the outdoor setting seats. He discovered my bed and couch where tall enough a few weeks ago
  9. I've heard of it in dogs, know a horse who is one. I would be really interested to see photos.
  10. Thanks Aliwake, and yes I'm thrilled :) Just waiting for the full versions to arrive!
  11. Yes I'm very surprised he only got a puncture wound!
  12. Good on that police dog! Are they trained to bite straight after a punch, or are they trained to go for that tender area in these cases?
  13. Oh no, poor Hank! Crossing fingers he's ok. Have a look at his nails, he might have gotten one caught. I took this photo just for you Jack, you can see Nova's adult coat growing right down his spine, it's the only part of him that lays somewhat flat
  14. I've heard Apple cider vinegar is good for everything, maybe coats too?
  15. Steph I think it's completely up to the pub owner. My partners ACD is a regular at a pub here, although he does work there. She was also the local pub dog at his old town of 300 people though too
  16. I've been told it's also good for Novas nose pigmentation :)
  17. Jack, Novas coat is great at the moment, I just want to prevent any fading as the coat grows in :) It's not as shiny as Kodas but Nova's doesn't lay flat lol, it sticks up all fluffy.
  18. If you can find a stock feed place they will have it :) otherwise a quick google sends me here http://www.animalhealthstore.com.au/livamol.html
  19. Haha I was in the store the other day and tossing up whether to get some for Nova, his adult coat has started coming through and as he likes to sunbake Livamol can help with fading.
  20. You could always try some Livamol. It's pretty cheap, here it's $15 for 2kg, get it from a stock feed place, normally used on horses and show cattle but plenty of dog people use it. Just add a teaspoon to his food, should keep him a nice deep chocolate too
  21. Naww Nixon is looking very handsome! How is the head harness going Aliwake?
  22. I want them to do the giant toy sale on free shipping again!! Christmas??
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