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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. No it's not nice. The morning after I got Nova he poo exploded as I was carrying him outside, all over white carpet! His breeder had just started him on chicken mince. His stomach still doesn't like raw chicken.
  2. Oh no Poor Hank, and poor you! Try a bland diet, rice, boiled chicken, maybe some yogurt until his tummy settles down.
  3. I have to say, you guys are really brave, I thought about an ASOIAF name but was like... nahhh, writer hasn't finished yet, for all I know he might turn that character into an evil bastard or they die in a horrible fashion.
  4. We must arrange a marriage for Sansa and Tyrion That sounds great Zerelouh! I saw you were looking at herding, I'm trying to find a place around here too! Whippy we are entered in the Coolamon/ganmain show which is in Wagga on the Sunday the 6th. The only others that weekend still open when I got his paperwork, was on the Monday and Friday, but I have compulsory classes both those days (yes on the long weekend holiday ).
  5. Oooh I forgot to mention, Zerulouh on here has a Corgi puppy with the same birthday as Nova and Sansa. His name is Tyrion
  6. Glad she's ok She looks too pretty to have done such a giant dump
  7. He looks great Jack! Growing up really well. How was it meeting his siblings again?
  8. Yes! Nova too! Would she be a Leia?
  9. I think we are dorks. Plus by the sound of Sansas age she may even share a birthday with my boy.
  10. Thats pretty awesome! I got a choice out of a few for Nova, but deep down I wanted something like 'Stormborn'
  11. Naww Saxon is gorgeous, and Sansa, well... she's the Key to the North
  12. Not about Hank sorry but naww you named your girl Sansa!! Does she have auburn fur?
  13. I love them, my pup loves them. They get soft when slobbery so I don't think they are too hard. Even when not slobbery his teeth leave marks on them. They dry quick and don't get gross and stinky like bones so they can have them inside too.
  14. Thanks dotdashdot, your wearing is basically what I was going for, I can't stand the shiny 80s suits some people wear Wow Dory your first show was a Royal!! That would scare the crap out of me! Thanks Hankodie, Hank is looking gorgeous as usual :) He is so white!
  15. Exactly Jack, even if we're not cut out for it, we will make it to the obedience and agility rings one day
  16. Thanks you, I do need to buy some shoes... and some clothes, and leash :) I think silver, type? I have no idea what would be best for a pup.
  17. He is so adorable. Love that big dopey grin
  18. Thanks guys, it's October long weekend so still a while to go. It will probably rain, and I will probably fall over
  19. Eeeeeeeekk!!! Nova is entered into a show! What have I done?!?!
  20. Thanks to this thread I just wasted an hour wikipedia-ing Beauceron, following the little blue links and ended up watching 'French ring sport' videos on youtube.
  21. Congratulations Ranger00! So sorry about your girl. I had been on the waiting list for my boy for 6months when my lab Sam passed. I got my puppy just a few months later. I was worried about getting a new puppy so soon as Sam was my first dog and just so beautifully natured , but there was no need to worry, I love my new pup Nova. There are a few other new puppy owners here that have gone through similar thought processes. I think the main thing is to make sure you don't expect your puppy to be like your last dog. I think we forget the early years of what a nuisance our beloved oldies were when they were little. I personally went to a completely different breed in both looks and temperament, so I think that made it a bit easier not to compare them, but if they are the same you might have to try a bit harder. You'll love your puppy, just probably in a slightly different way :) Also I agree with the others, I adore boys, big softies.
  22. Dotdashdot, sorry you weren't able to get the pup you were waiting for, but how exciting that another one might come along even sooner! Keep us updated :)
  23. Is Hank a pawing dog? Does he like to paw at you or other things? Nova does it heaps, and used that to my advantage, When he was 9wks I was able to put my hand down and wait for him to touch it with his paw, click and reward, he picked it up super quick. Now if I want him to target something else, I put it in my hand first then slowly move it to the tip of my fingers, then on the floor etc.
  24. I was thinking of starting the same thing with Nova. I've already taught him to target my hands and other things like coasters, so I thought every time he wants to go outside I will ask him to target the bell in my hand then let him out, and slowly just have him target the bell.
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