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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Today some lady seemed shocked Nova didn't have a tail. Me:"Yes dogs of his breed can be born like that". Her: "No they aren't, my sister breeds those dogs". Me still being polite and immediately thinking her sister probably breeds Borders or Koolies: "He's an Australian Shepherd, they can be born with all different lengths" Her: "Stop lying, she breeds those dogs, and you cut yours off". I just told her to get her facts right and walked off.
  2. I'm sure people here would be able to recommend a breeder :) I just walked past two kids on their scooters, probably between 9 and 12, they were very awestruck by Nova. "WOAH!!, Your dog looks like a tiger!!!" They were very nice, so I actually let these ones pat him Although Nova got super excited by their scooters when they rode off.
  3. I couldn't really answer the 2nd and 3rd questions, I use a harness flat and martingale fairly evenly for different purposes, but I put martingale for 2nd as it would be my preference for a pup in general. (Eg, if someone gave me a pup to walk??) for 3rd I put it as "I am able to exert more control over pup's movements" just as that is kinda the closest. My pup is generally really great at loose leash walking, but if he does see something too tempting (currently staring magpies), he just chokes himself on a flat, the martingale puts the pressure evenly around his neck and it makes him stop quick without him making that horrible choking noise.
  4. Thanks Rebanne. Tikira, I think you are right, we just watched that new movie the other day "Now you see me" so maybe he started getting ideas? Goodluck with your search! Have you found any breeders you like that you could get on their waiting list?
  5. Congrats Gillybob, this part of the wait is the hardest. Good luck Tikira, hope you find the right pup. Ranger00 he is adorable!
  6. Thanks Di, They really are great, she has a white background too but glad she thought the black would be best.
  7. I checked the crate all four latches on both doors were still locked!! Will go look for opposable thumbs now...
  8. So confused right now... I just woke up to super loud snoring, found Nova outside of his crate, which he went into at 10pm to sleep which is on the wall near the foot of my bed, he's now on the floor right next to me snoring his head off... THE CRATE DOOR IS STILL SHUT! My bedroom door was still locked from the inside... Im so so so confused
  9. I got some photos of the pesky ears! I'm fairly certain Novas ears will be rosed, as 90% of the time they are like this from two nights ago (Excuse my awesome glow in the dark PJs) It's in the standard and I quite like them, they are pretty expressive :) But today they were back to trying other positions, both were going up at different times like this: Right is is currently sitting in a nice button, while left is still rosed... What will they do? At least all are in the standard, but I want both doing the same thing!!
  10. My angry face is terrible, but I try There are a few I'm looking at, I like Ezydog so theres THIS ONE, labels are Here but they look more like 'fun' ones, I swear they used to have an 'In Training' one Some from K9Pro HERE Two from Cleanrun on free shipping HERE and HERE
  11. Sounds like Hank is doing really well! With the people, I deal with them the same way as you, keep walking, or tell them to wait while I make him sit/ clam down etc, and if they don't listen I get on my angry face and tell them to stop it, and then walk away. Nova will be grown out of his current harness soon and I'm going to attempt what Lollipup did for Envy, get a harness with signage! I'm so over rude people, hopefully some giant words on the side of a working style harness might make them think twice. It might make them think even more with Hank as he is a Golden, they might mistake him for an assistance dog in training? I had that happen with my Lab when we got him a working style harness, even without the signage! (Psst: JackC's Koda is an Aussie not a BC!)
  12. I did a roo elimination diet with my old boy and his HAD to be cooked. Something to do with the allergens and digestibility. Double check with your specialist.
  13. I can't see the photo Can't offer any ideas, but you have my commiserations, Nova is having wonky teething ears too. The were beautiful for a week... then today one is sticking up!! Perhaps those retained baby teeth might still be causing it if they are a bit wriggly?
  14. Turkey wings would be wayyy to big :) Get turkey Necks, they are big but you can cut them. When Nova was a tiny pup I cut them into 3rds. He now gets half of one for lunch. I think a third would be a good size for a Mini Foxie :) They come in different sizes so probably just look at them first and estimate a good chunk to cut off.
  15. Go Treble! He should sleep well tonight thats for sure :) Update on Nova, these are a few days old. Starting to look mangey, his hair is growing in funny places, and is all legs and head! Happy Nova! Yawning Nova Giant Tongue!
  16. Have you tried turkey necks? Our breeder suggested lamb flap but I couldn't get my hands on any, but half a frozen turkey neck gets chewed and completely eaten here. Great for teething too.
  17. Oh no poor Gus!! Apart from the swollen mouth he is looking very handsome though! Growing up very nicely! I'm actually quite afraid Nova is going to do that, he often eats ants just to get bitten and doesn't learn his lesson, he also chases flies, but now the bees are out!!
  18. We've had attempted Birdurs, but the Magpies are too fast for him! I don't think he appreciates that they pick meat off his bone
  19. For people that have never seen them before they sure do stand out don't they!! We get stopped a lot!
  20. Just walking around my suburb, I see mostly kelpies, border collies, staffies and their respective crosses. Quite a few labs, then lots of small white fluffies. A few specifics I know of: a Rottie, a standard Poodle, a Whippet, a Goldie, a Jack Russell pup and I think I've seen 2 danes.
  21. If quality breeders don't advertise where "normal" people look, how will "normal" people ever find a quality dog? I doubt many people who want a pet dog would be looking through online pedigree dog ads, but they might look at gumtree/etc, so if a pedigree breeder is advertised there, perhaps they have captured someone that might have otherwise only seen ads for BYB dogs? A new friend of mine, who previously lived in Melbourne was really interested in how I found my puppy. Then after finding out that a lot of people avoid the petshop here that sells puppies, asked me how do people get their dogs if they aren't in petshops? I was really shocked, as she is actually a very animal savvy person. So yes I don't think 'Normal' people look at specific breeder websites like Dogzonline all that often.
  22. Agree with this. Most dogs that have lunged at me have been on lead. I'd rather come across an in control dog off lead than an on lead out of control dog.
  23. Hello, just wondering if anyone here is either in, or going to check out the yard dogs while at the Henty Field days? Just trying to organise a day to go down.
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