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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Yup Livamol here too, adult coat is coming in oh so shiny!!
  2. Thanks guys. I may as well turn this into a continuing thread. Took a comparison photo today. Nova turned 5months on Sunday coinciding with his first show. Picture at 8 weeks and 5 months Not sure how much longer I'll be able to lift him!
  3. Grew up with my Lab, as much as I love them, I don't have the heart to have another. Now have my Aussie pup. I'll see how he turns out first but I think I might have another one day A RED! I have a huge list of breeds I want though. Topping that list is an LUA Dal.
  4. Today was interesting, I have no idea what I'm doing, but lets be glad I know how to laugh at myself! Poor Nova, so many teeth fell out this week and he is hurting so bad, he did not appreciate the judge mouthing him! We were beaten for Baby Puppy by his sister, but it was a good day and Nova was so pooped afterwards that he fell asleep with his head still up and tongue out in the car on the way home! Nice photo of him being surprisingly good in his crate. First time in the crate outside of home, and there were two dogs barking at each other on either side of us and he was still good! Doesn't he scrub up well
  5. The dry skin and dandruff may be from the medication. My last dog was a lab, and he would get bouts of dry itchy skin on his stomach in particular from different medications. We found a good quality oatmeal based shampoo would help, and we were also given a recipe from the vets for a homemade "oatmeal mask" (like a facemask) to put on his belly.
  6. Thanks Whippy and Lhok. Nova has been the best Cuddle bug and I have photo evidence!! Wow both Lhok and Jack with broken fences, you must be proud of both dogs for not taking advantage of it! So today I bought our first show stuff, including a pretty leash. I tried so hard to get a photo of stacked Nova (who is actually getting it really well), but when I went to take the photo he kept moving. But this is the best photo doing his impression of a German shepherd (His back legs should be together!). Because of the failed photo I took one of him sitting with his new show lead, being a total model again. Then this afternoon we went for a walk along the river bank :) My Snuggle buddy
  7. It depends what I'm doing. If we are just walking around a park or something, sure as long as they ask first. But it's getting annoying when I get people wanting to pat him when he is calm, like at a cafe. I can't believe how many people interrupt conversations or meals just to pat my pup.
  8. I don't remember what my lab was as a pup, but the whole litter was very big. Nova my Aussie was 3.8kgs at 8 wks, since then he has put on about 1 kg per week until this week at 5months, he only gained 500gs.
  9. I didn't do puppy preschool with Nova, he only played with limited known calm dogs (not very many), but I socialised him by taking him with me to many places in my arms until he had all his vaccs (there was a massive parvo out break here and they vets were worried about pups walking until after 3rd vac), socialisation doesn't mean they have to play with other dogs. Then when it started up we went to Beginners obedience with a trainer and behaviourist (not a volunteer from a club either) when he was 15wks, we just graduated last night. I think it was much better than a puppy preschool.
  10. Maybe I'm having a really slow day but it only just clicked () that +R = Positive Reinforcement.
  11. Thank you all! I'm trying to keep extra busy so my replying may be slower than usual. Daisy.Tea, Atticus is much better boy replacement I'm sure! How is he going these days? He would be around 6 months now yes? Hankodie, Hank is just adorable! Such a poser!
  12. Not a pro, but I love clicker training, especially for fiddly stuff. I don't think it's just "high drive" dogs that can benefit from it for the following: I've clicker trained a range of animals from tigers to wallabies and chickens. If a chicken can learn with clicker training I think most dogs would be able to.
  13. Thank you :) Yea Nova's been just great, even stopped trying to teeth on me
  14. Envy is so gorgeous :) Steph congrats on your new addition! I've had a bloody terrible week, crap with uni and my partner of 3 years and I broke up. But somehow puppy makes life all better. We graduated Beginners obedience tonight! :) I'm so proud of him, this last week he has just come to life and is doing everything amazingly! During class the assistant trainer joked around and asked if I could train her dog to heel because of the focus nova was giving me!
  15. Yay for everyone!! Super excited for you Dotdashdot.
  16. Ah thank you! There is a picture of an older Tazi with the same body shape on the Turkey page when mentioning the nomadic tribes!
  17. I never thought of what it would look like hanging down and skinny so probably
  18. Thank you Whippy :) I'm going to look at the Friday show before class and buy some stuff we will need at the stalls :)
  19. I'm watching Tribal wives, this week its focusing on a Yoruk tribe in Turkey. They keep showing this young dog, and I can't quite figure out what it is. It's cream coloured with cropped ears, and too me looks close to a saluki, it has the feathers and curly tail. Perhaps a bit too heavy set, but perhaps thats just because it's a puppy? Any hound extraordinaires that have seen this episode or know what dog it would be just from the tribe/country?
  20. Are you rewarding her when she is walking nicely? I find nice smelly soft treats work best as some dog don't like to eat hard food while walking. I use bits tiny bits of cut up roasts chicken, cabanossi and some cheese.
  21. What about an attention cue he's never had before? Have you ever used a whistle?
  22. If he is going blind he is probably using his nose more to compensate. Forcing his nose up would be like taking a walking cane away from a blind person
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