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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. I love having fish, I'm currently fish free and not liking it Plan on setting up a new tank soon.
  2. MUP, not sure how often you come to Wagga, but both Petstock and Petbarn seem to have big specials on this week. I can go check if they have Thundershirts on special too if you like?
  3. No chance of a play date before unfortunately, Pug is about 5-6 hours away. Hankodie, Nova was an absolute little shit when he started teething, so cranky, so whiney, but he's fine now , hopefully Hank goes back to being sweet again soon after.
  4. Oh I am , and I am truly concerned that Nova might hurt him, even in the friendliest manner. But go pugs! 10 and still young?
  5. Thanks guys, You make me feel like less of a crazy hypersensitive dog lady. Tikira thats exactly my thinking. Even if I was to get another dog permanently now (I wouldn't) I would buy runs and not let them be together unsupervised until Nova was an adult and I was sure they wouldn't fight, let alone a "strange" dog just here for two weeks.
  6. Urghh, someone please tell me I'm not being unreasonable and overreacting. My housemate wants to bring her families 10 yr old male pug to stay for 2 weeks when her parents go away in about a month. Original plan was she was just going home to look after him. I'm saying no and trying to get her understand my reasoning which are: We have no where to separate the dogs during the day. Nova plays with dogs by tackling, this is an elderly pug. He could easily get hurt and through playing would be the best outcome! Nova will be just under 7 months by then. He is staying entire at least until 18 months, I can only guess when his hormones will kick in, he could be early and they could kick in from now. He has never met the other dog before, strange dog coming into his house, hormones possibly coming in and him turning into a teenager. If the temperatures are like they are now both will need to be in the house with aircon (Nova's puppy fluff is still around, and pugs being.. pugs). Only Nova is crate trained and not for all day! I can only see this ending in a bad way! I'm not letting it happen. Rant over. Breath.
  7. He's not such a great study buddy when he climbs over my laptop like a cat! He's changed security settings multiple times now!! How is Jingo settling in?
  8. Hills sponsors the vet students here, they get lectures by them, and also super cheap food if they want to order it. I went to one of the lectures as we (Animal science students) actually got invited once. Exactly what Chequeredblackdog said, "Corn low allergen " I got a free leash and bowl out of it though.
  9. People didn't believe me that my "working dog" is a lazy bum. Today we got smoke from the fires (nearest one is about 5 hours away!), I'm severely asthmatic so I locked myself in the house all day (good for studying at least) and let Nova come veg with me. All morning I was wondering if I could tire him out enough and if he would be psycho all night. This is what he has done for 90% of the day, the other 10% was eating, pooping, and a 15min walk my housemate so nicely took him for (which he didn't even want to get up for ).
  10. Which is American and next to useless. That's unnecessarily rude. Yes it's American but the info can be helpful. True, check the ingredients etc they're nearly always the same, here is another with first 5 ingredients,calories per cup and with protein, fat, calcium, etc got it from a GSD site. I've found it helpful. I found some foods that have separate factories in Australia have better ingredients here than what that website says, so double check against the products Australian website.
  11. Your pups are looking great Steph! My lovely boy at the river today
  12. I failed statistics so I may be missing something, but my understanding is OR is the Odds ratio, so basically how strongly 'A' is associated with 'B'. So at 2.28 is little over double the average chance that having/being "A" will result in having/being "B" 95% CI is Confidence interval performed at 95% which indicates the reliability of an estimate.
  13. Glad she is feeling a bit better! It's great you are able to take her to work with you, she's a lucky girl
  14. Hey Daisy.tea, I've only shown Nova once (entering some more now), but I used a check which was recommended. I'm wondering the same as you though, I didn't really like using it with him. It was fine in the ring etc because he didn't really pull but getting him to ring side was different and I didn't like having to use it . All the other Aussie exhibitors were using snake chains.
  15. Yes I was going to say the same thing. I know it can happen for other reasons but I've only seen it occur in double merles.
  16. Well I didn't feed the spine last night but I gave it to him today, I know he didn't eat it all! He really only chewed on the meaty bits, but I turned away and now it's gone! Off to try and find his sneaky hiding spot
  17. One reason I went for an Aussie is their comparatively good health. I've heard of them living into their late teens too. There are so so many breeds that I would love but would not touch due to some of the health problems or longevity. I'm holding out for LUA dallies.
  18. Oh I'm so sorry Finger crossed Cleo gets better very soon.
  19. It's a bit of a shock actually to have a dog that stops eating when full, especially after a labrador! I was just thinking whether I could convince my housemate to allow a pigs head in the back yard, for an Animal Science student she's a tad squeamish. I would think it would be great for visitors, it's a talking point for sure
  20. Theres not many things he is sensible with but surprisingly thats one of them Thats a very nice offer thank you, but I do have a backup marrow bone in the freezer. Yea, turkey necks are short work, frozen ones can last about an hour though. No turkey necks to be found today so I found a big pack of cheap turkey wings to try too!
  21. Oh that sounds worrying Oooh might have to try a pigs head, but Knights would of just closed for the day. Nova is good at not eating himself into a food coma, he stops when he is full and will go back to it later so he should be alright with one.
  22. Ooh Congratulations! Dachshunds are gorgeous pups! May I ask what coat?
  23. I managed to get hold of a heap of Lamb spine today. I have to leave the pup home tonight for a few hours and was wondering whether these are good bones to leave him alone with to keep him occupied? We will be at dog club first so he should be pretty tired anyway and will probably fall asleep after a bit of chewing. He manages turkey necks, chicken frames and lamb legs all fine, but I haven't fed these before I don't want to risk a choking hazard.
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