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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Normal tennis balls don't squeak which equals no fun in this house.
  2. This is his Sire. His breeder thinks he will be similar http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/profile.asp?dog=54366
  3. Thank you :) Almost, if you see the dark patch on his side behind this buckle of his harness, thats still a bit puppy fluffy, and he still has some on his head, ears and back of neck. His butt, stomach and chest have taken off though! I didn't think his ruff would come in until he was older but you can see in that picture how much the front of his harness cuts in, so it has grown quite long very fast! I think he will end up with a very full coat. You can tell the difference comparing his coat length with JackCs Koda. His stomach and chest fur is just so silky and lovely to touch.
  4. I've always been told to go the opposite sex. But in saying that if I was to get another dog I would probably want another boy. I just have a deep affection for the big sooks
  5. I feel like Staffys and their crosses weren't everywhere when I was growing up in the 90s? I possibly just didn't pay attention to them.
  6. So after a week of Yogurt in every meal to firm up his poops. Nova has decided he would prefer to not eat than to eat plain yogurt-less dog food from his bowl. Out of the Kong Wobbler, fine. Out of the bowl? Nah. So strange having a dog that is picky and doesn't hoover everything
  7. Our toilet door is constantly closed. Otherwise he tries to toilet roll the house!
  8. He is just adorable! How common are fluffy corgis? I've never seen one before!
  9. Nixon is looking great! His coat condition has definitely come back hasn't it?! Baby Wiz is adorable Huski :)
  10. Thanks Aliwake We ended up with about 5 groups of trick or treaters so he got to show it off! Naww so tiny! Novawas that big when I picked him up lol. Lasted an entire day Whats Jingos tail like? You can get varying sizes in JRTs right? Also Nova was not very foody when I bought him home. I just left the food out for 15 minutes max and then took it away, he soon got the idea to eat it.
  11. I love how black his nose is getting! I loved the good puppy stage lol, it was nice! Keep enjoying it. Oh I almost forgot, Nova weighed exactly 20kgs today!! Still growing, and thats with him being on a very very strict diet the last week due to his poops. First day of normal looking poops in the last week! So excited
  12. Jingo is adorable! My halloween efforts (please ignore housemates floating head)
  13. Envy is so beautiful! I think Envy is turning my far adoration from GSDs to Malinois!! Daisy.Tea, it's hard to find them, but if you are going to show Atti, they might be a good idea as they don't flatten or cut the coat like a normal collar! Nova is normally naked at home for this reason, but I'll need to leave him with a housesitter soon for a few days so I want him in a collar and tag the whole time! I'll either be getting this one from K9 Pro or the local saddlery said they will make me one with a matching leash in what ever leather i like
  14. Oh wow! She's beautiful, almost looks like a fox in this photo!
  15. I also like that I know exactly where the food is made, the factory is just outside my hometown :) If it doesn't work I'll be looking at Blackhawk and Wellness next.
  16. Nova is squeaky ball obsessed, so I always have 2 or more and play swapsies :) Aliwake, we went from Proplan Large breed puppy to the new ProPlan sensitive skin and stomach Puppy. It's their first sensitive puppy formula. Loving the ingredients. Salmon and Tuna, wheat and corn free. Only downfall is we now have stinky Fish breath!
  17. I would give him a steak but he's been having the runs recently, new dry food plus yogurt is helping so he can have a postponed steak
  18. So cute!!! I like 12, 14 and 4! I didn't notice the wart either until you mentioned it Aliwake, I'm just going to tell her straight out no. I said I would watch Nova for a few weeks and see how he is acting. I'm using the excuse that "Hormones are definitely coming in as he humped what's his names friend, so we can't risk it" She saw that... as naughty as it was it was hilarious, nice way to meet someone Plus she'll probably believe that. Dory Nova's feet are huge! Still lots of growing to do I think. He's not 6 months yet. On good things Nova does, I am SO PROUD! We just went for a walk to a reserve by the river. I dropped my phone and didn't realise till I got back to the car, about 20minutes later. Back tracked and Nova found it!! He just stood over it looking at me like here it is Mum!! He was so proud looking! I'm lucky it was in a grassy spot and not in the river or sand! I think we might need to have a go at ANKC Tracking
  19. THIS! The amount of people that would go on and on to me about 'How ridiculous' I was by waiting for so long for a puppy I 'Don't even get full choice of', before I even got Nova was astounding. Now that I have him I get "Wow no wonder you waited he is beautiful and so lovely, he's going to make some great puppies for you". When I tell them that he will never be making any puppies you should see their faces. Oh and not to mention, being an Aussie Shep and most people around here looking at them think he is a Koolie cross, then go on about why would I spend so much money when I could've gotten one of What's His Names koolies x kelpie x border pups for a carton of Extra Dry. A guy on my block has Koolies and whenever he sees my Aussie he comments on the 'Koolie' even though weve told him she's an Aussie. His Koolies have pups that he sells via a sign in his front yard. Quality. Just had another guy try and convince me my own dogs a Koolie while I was having coffee. Because apparently "only Koolies are Blue Merle"
  20. I'll give him a bath sometime this week :) He actually stayed completely still yesterday and let me clip all of his claws As you can see from those photos needs his paws pads trimmed so might see if he'll be a good boy again for that too!
  21. Thanks :) He's actually extremely dirty in those photos so he's normally a lot brighter than that Sounds like Nixon has found the 'calm' side of his labrador temperament. Enjoy those moments, they amazing, you'll never forget them either.
  22. THIS! The amount of people that would go on and on to me about 'How ridiculous' I was by waiting for so long for a puppy I 'Don't even get full choice of', before I even got Nova was astounding. Now that I have him I get "Wow no wonder you waited he is beautiful and so lovely, he's going to make some great puppies for you". When I tell them that he will never be making any puppies you should see their faces. Oh and not to mention, being an Aussie Shep and most people around here looking at them think he is a Koolie cross, then go on about why would I spend so much money when I could've gotten one of What's His Names koolies x kelpie x border pups for a carton of Extra Dry.
  23. Willow and Hank are looking great! Nova's next collar is going to be a rolled leather one now that he is big enough that it will last more than a month and his adult coat is growing nicely. I will have to get a nice tag too! My computer is finally working again so I have some more photos. The last few days I think he looks so much older in the face. I'm buying a new (nice yay) couch in the next two weeks... Not sure how long I'll stick to my "no dogs on the new couch" rule. This is not just a cat owners problem.
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