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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Hehe, Minimax he was only 3.4kgs when I got him, and he was mostly fur! Smaller than a pug for a few weeks
  2. Travel crate to begin with then as soon as he fitted into harness without slipping out he was in that with a seatbelt attachment. He now travels very calmly and sleeps for most trips over 5mins. Now that he is bigger, when wet and dirty he gets harnessed in the hatch back and attached to these D-ring type things on the floor. Just because this is the cutest picture...
  3. Oh I love looking at all the parents! You can really see some features passed down! I think Gus has his Mums expression
  4. Dory here is Novas Mum :) http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/profile.asp?dog=49033
  5. I think there was a similar thread not too long ago. Fights ensured and OP never returned
  6. I find this odd, as my Aussie gets the opposite. Almost everyone tells me he is a Koolie!
  7. Oh thank you :) I think so too!
  8. OHYES! Especially after I've just had to explain what he even is! I got asked this when I was still carrying him, wanted to "put a lay-by on stud duties". Noooo! Oh and not forgetting the "What the hell is that?", "Well Sir, I do believe that is a dog".
  9. I get it a lot. I like to take Nova down the main streets as I think it is doing wonders for his training. He will do a perfect heel down the main street of Wagga now if I ask him I don't mind polite people stopping us, it's good for the breed and pedigrees in general, and good for Nova. Now that he is looking less like a ball of fluff I also find a large amount of fit looking men want to meet him, and ask about the breed for running, hiking partners What I don't like is rude people. I get people just come up behind us and touch him, I get a god awful amount of parents telling their children to run up and pat a strange dog without asking. All the above while I may be having coffee or talking with another person. I also get a very large amount of people who tell me I've been duped and my Aussie is a worthless mutt and those who don't believe me when I tell them he has a NBT. Nope I'm a horrible puppy tail chopper.
  10. I don't know a lot about it but I have a friend who only showed in GSD specialities when they were still breeding.
  11. Just keep sticking to it Hankodie! We will come out the other side with nice, calm, well behaved boys. Hopefully within 24 months !!! :) We've both put the effort in! And Nova has never been able to concentrate when a leaf had blown past. They are his weakness lol Thank you! He's becoming such a beauty :)
  12. Nova is 6 months. Growing up so fast.
  13. Who the hell punches a horse in the face?? That's the kind of guy you'd like to hear about in a news story where his "awesomely trained" horse kicked him in the crotch and his genitals unfortunately had to be removed... I did tell him I hope that happened
  14. Griffin has grown so much! He's looking very handsome! Nova is back on long line only mode. Teenageness kicked in this arvo with him ignoring my recalls for the first time.
  15. Natural greek yogurt. I like Jalna Low Fat Natural Greek Yogurt. I recently got 2kgs on special for $8!
  16. Oooh good idea! I would be prepared for some god awful farts though
  17. I've used Yogurt or egg. Umm... maybe something disgustingly smelly like fish oil?
  18. How is he if you coat his dry food in something? Seeing as now my idiot won't eat unless there is yogurt on his food Basically with an elimination diet you start on very basics such as rice or potato with a protein source that they have never had before (roo, goat, venison etc), and very slowly add more stuff. If there is an allergy or something sometimes you can't give more than that so everything else has to be through supplements. If he is being picky as well though that does make it hard
  19. Thanks Hankodie and Lhok, I'm very proud Hanks sire is lovely looking! I'm sure you'll be very happy if Hank ends up anywhere near close to that! Lhok, have you talked to a vet about starting an elimination diet with Treble? They are a pain in the butt, but they can help get to the bottom of things. Also just because we have had success with it and it's brand new, Pro Plan has a new sensitive stomach formula, puppy and Adult versions. Nova is on the puppy one. Talking about weird. I discovered Nova will do tricks for lettuce
  20. Thank you!! I completely forgot about them, great place!
  21. I find a large amount of people that say those things to me have dogs that are only doing what they are told to avoid a kick. I much prefer to have my dog WANT to do something, whether it be for a tug or food, than to do it because it's scared of me.
  22. First night back in my home town. I forgot how many bogans there are. Some guy was trying to impress me with his "awesome animal training skills". Told me how he "asserted his dominance" over a horse and dog by punching them in the face... It's because his sister babies them apparently. Safe to say he did not get anywhere with that.
  23. Texas is a gorgeous boy, I wish I could of met him in real life! I did meet a lady at the show we were in that said she had handled him and was naughtier than what Nova was being There are a few people here that own some related adult Aussies through that dogs sire, so Novas grandsire. They all have a very similar look to them. I kind of like it, a lot of shown Aussies have much more white on them, but I like that Nova has Tan there instead :)
  24. I've come up to Orange for the week, will be going to Bathurst while here and need to find a tug toy as Nova took advantage of me unpacking stuff and got a hold of his leather tug and destroyed it! I'll be here for over a week so I'd prefer to have one to keep up training and by the time I shipped anything I will probably be back in Wagga. If anyone knows where I can find one please let me know! I just checked out Orange Petbarn and they don't have any.
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