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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. I have a feeling I will get that , you know how you get points and extra money? One of the workers exclaimed that I had gotten the most amount of bonus spending money they had seen, when they have only been open for about 2 months! But I had a brand new puppy to buy stuff for!!!!
  2. Mr Duck has gone bald, he used to have a tuft on his head
  3. DDD, I spend too much money at that store (including that bed). All the staff know who we are, been on first name basis for a while now
  4. Hahaha, Nova has a really great bite and hold on the tug and he's only recently been able to make the duck quack. I think the bellies of those toys are pretty tough. I really liked the big bunny with velvet ears, but I couldn't bring myself to buy him a Pink toy! Everyone already thinks he's a girl!
  5. Yay! Mooooose Buddiesss!!!!! Glad to see Hank also enjoys ripping out the Goatee (I thought it was a goat, but then I found the antlers ) Nova also has the duck! He has had that one since he was 10 weeks, so he's looking pretty grotty, feet squeakers are all dead but the belly still quacks!
  6. Nawww naughty Hank is mighty cute! Noticed he has a new big boy leather collar too Nova's current passed out position, with his new Moose toy
  7. And now he is asleep again. I know he's probably feeling miserable but it's kind of funny to watch him suddenly decide to play with his toy, then fall and then just decide to go back to sleep in the exact position he fell!
  8. Woah Nova is awake again!!! Much fun to be had apparently
  9. I'm glad you know what it is. I hope you can get his medications right and he lives happily. Sorry he won't be your assistance dog though
  10. He's back home, little bit of damage to the ear drum, but it should heal soon with no special care. They had to completely put him under. He's just sleeping/sooking it off now. My poor boy.
  11. Crossing my fingers for tomorrow then. It's horrible watching their weight slowly going down. Hopefully with results you can start doing something to get those numbers back up.
  12. Nova is being sedated at the vets. Waiting for a call to pick him up. Lhok have you found out about Trebles results?
  13. Nova is not very happy. He's not shaking his head heaps, Vet said if constant we might need to come in, but he is not happy at all. I hope he manages to sleep tonight. He wont let me check it again so I'm pretty sure he's going to have to be sedated in the morning
  14. And now we have a grass seed in the ear. Emergency vet on call happens to be our normal vet, he is happy to wait till morning as he isn't being too bad
  15. I heard a pitiful moaning noise, looked out the window to see Nova with his head under the ramp. (I have a car ramp set up on the back steps so he doesn't bound off them). I actually thought that Nova was hurt as earlier he was chasing the magpies and I thought one may of finally got him back. Run outside to discover a little brown dove hiding under the ramp. He's obviously been grabbed out of mid-air, somehow the lucky thing managed to put it self in the exact spot Nova couldn't reach (it's plastic and movable, he obviously didn't think that hard). WIRES lady just came and picked it up. Hopefully it will be ok, she seems to think it will.
  16. I had to change my vote . I just found a bird cornered and injured. Waiting for the WIRES lady to come out now. Thankfully the dog was too stupid to realise he could easily move what the bird was hiding under.
  17. Did you guys get hit by the massive hail storm I got stuck in at Cudal? Scary stuff. Ice almost a foot deep, I wouldn't want to be at a show with that coming through!
  18. Neither of my dogs owned have bitten, I have no evidence of my old lab even getting to small animals unless he found them already dead, stinky and rotting. But I think it's just a case of when and where Nova will catch something, he is an avid bird chaser, but so far he is too slow. (I'm not counting the numerous butterflies he's caught)
  19. So so sorry Lhok. Crossing my fingers for a more positive result from the testing.
  20. Oh Lhok, I'm sorry, hopefully you get somewhere with your breeder. If it's his stomach problems and you have any questions feel free to PM me, my old boy went through a lot with his stomach.
  21. When I go to bed he is in a crate in my room, if its particularly hot and he settles quick, I let him lay on my floor. ONCE he was allowed on my bed next to the open window, he moved around too much so got kicked off. Before my bed time he sleeps anywhere he wants... outside if it's hot, or on the tiles, the doormat is a favourite, the couch, my bed. As the following photos show, on top of my housemate or me (She's under the paisley, I'm under the blue blanket). He makes a great heater!
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