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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Hahaha, agreed I don't have chew marks up my arms and legs now!
  2. Naww baby photos! I don't think I have a baby stack on Nova. I do have this though... hehehhe
  3. The vet said that the pain relief they would give can prevent the ear from healing properly, hence why we have to wait till monday for the steroids, but the drops should help soon, and the anti-inflammatories also help with pain relief. Hankodie: Nova is on Pro Plan Sensitive Puppy, When I switch him to adult at around 9 months I think I'll look at Black Hawk Fish and Sweet Potato. Similar ingredients but a lot cheaper. I'm happy with the amount of poos he has: 1 per meal. With the new sensitive food and his yogurt they are looking great too. (Yay poo talk ) Thank Dory :) Oooh I'd love to see a pic on Willow stacking! Are you entered in any more shows? We missed the two I wanted to enter I don't think there are anymore now in the area until next year. So we will be going straight from baby puppy to puppy I think? Bit off putting. When Nova is feeling a bit better we will have another practice of stacking and I'll try and get a photo. He is pretty good when we practice, his stack is almost natural, but he's not so good at holding it, he brings his leg forward into a 3 point GSD stack.
  4. Back from the vet. Did a scraping and looked under the microscope, 2 types of bacteria which was probably carried by the grass seed, and the ear drum damage made it worse. 10 days of some anti-bacterial drops. Continuing with the anti-inflammatories, if he's the pain is still there come Monday the vet will give him some steroids. Poor boy was screaming when he put the swab in. In other news, I didn't think I would have to tell people not to touch my dog in a vet clinic waiting room! Of course they all go straight for his head. When I told them to please not because he is in a lot of pain they just said "Oh but he is too cute not to!!"
  5. I love how Nixon is sleeping! I just went out and gave Nova a piece of oxtail, noticed he was shaking his head again. His ear is infected It's come up over night! Given the vet a call and waiting for them to ring back.
  6. Well as no one else is I'll spam with photos again! Nova's being a big cuddly sook this week with his sore ear. We currently have no couch (might be up to a month waiting on delivery ) So we snuggle on opposite chairs instead "Please don't stop" "Where'd you go?" Do you like my tongue?
  7. Yay for big girl barks! How old is Willow now? I think we need a photo update
  8. I like a combination. I was asked what I intended to do with the pup and my house hold, and also preferences in sex, colour etc. I was looking for a boy and prepared to wait for another litter if there was only girls or unsuitable boys. I was just super lucky that most the litter were boys (and blue!). The breeder picked three pups that suited best and I got a choice out of those. Nova was eventually picked out of the three on personality and conformation not just from what I saw but from what the breeder told me too. I would always like a breeder who would understand my preferences especially on sex.
  9. Nova will now play "dead" on command! It took him a while to go from slow luring (without the treat) to a quick hand signal. He will do it from a drop, any tips on getting him to do it from standing in one command?
  10. Nothing wrong with chasing I always play keep it off with Em and bash 'em ups and feral growling too :laugh: We love feral growling here! Especially trying to get him to tug out and about, GRRRRR! Hank is looking gorgeous as usual
  11. Aliwake that sounds a bit awkward! How did the Dane's owner react? Whippy it's actually his right ear. He keeps holding it down, where he normal has rose (whippet ) ears! I had to go get him some anti-inflams yesterday he just wouldn't settle, and was very sooky. Feeling much better, he is preferring outside today, he's found a nice shady spot to escape the heat. All these torrential down pours on the coast, yet it hasn't rained a drop here and it's over 30 again.
  12. We don't judge intimate excitement here As long as it's not on a human or other dog! Because I'm on boring holidays and Nova was under instructions from the vet to keep him in inside in the air con all yesterday. Here are some crappy photos of A Day in the Life of Nova. There was a lot more, but they are blurrier than the ones here! How much fun Knotties can be (The duck) Finally has enough coordination that he learnt to catch on the full! Being a nosey neighbour Finally tuckered out, can you pick which one is the sore ear?
  13. I want the blue one too! They apparently come in a "Super" size! Naww poor Nixon Spoiled his over exuberant fun!
  14. I wouldn't recommend an Aussie if she wants the personality of a goldie/lab. I purposefully went in the opposite direction of my lab.
  15. I like the Fido's Oatmeal Shampoo and Conditioner for dry skin. I found it worked really well for dry flaky skin when my old boy was on medication.
  16. I think this site explains it quite well, BJ http://www.lowchencl...a.com/low4.html The way most people say Lowchen is the anglicised version as explained in the above. I probably say it differently, having a knowledge of German. For instance I would say German Spitz as 'schpitz' & I say Schnauzer as 'schnowtser' - as you know the German 'z' is prounced 'tz'. As for Groenendael, which I have, I feel a bit of a pedantic twat pronouncing it in Flemish / Dutch with the guttural 'gr' http://www.forvo.com/word/groenendael/ so I just use the anglicised version 'GROAN-en-darl' :laugh: Getting back to breeds with German names, it is amazing how many Germanic breeds there are: Affenpinscher Dachshund Dobermann (German & Miniature) Pinscher German Spitz (Mittel & Klein) Large Munsterlander Leonberger Lowchen Pomeranian (E. Germany / N. Poland) Poodle (Pudel) not French as we are lead to believe! Rottweiler Schnauzer Weimaraner ..... I am sure there are others :) Every time I say these either out loud or in my head, there will probably be a bad german accent now attached.
  17. OMG! I just found out there are Knotties DRAGONS!! I wonder if Petstock will order one in for me
  18. Yea, you don't want to be in hearing distance when he see's a tug toy or the clicker come out
  19. My Aussie the "high energy working dog", is only 6 months old and super lazy. He's got the energy when he wants to, but there are days where he objects to walks and would much prefer to lay on the couch instead
  20. How do I find out what brand the chip is?
  21. Wow I did not know it was German. Now that I am pronouncing it German-like my world is shattered as I always assumed it was "lau-chen" hahaha Maybe youtube has a video explaining how this sounds in German, too, otherwise I might have to record it.... :laugh: Please do! German pronunciation is interesting
  22. The picture going around the internet of an "Adult Pomsky that forever looks like a puppy" is actually a Finnish Lapphund pup... Yup. Go the Internet!
  23. I call them Cattle Dogs, but I didn't realise Heeler would be offensive Most working ACDs I know get called heelers
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