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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. And it's already over. Night time is not the time for wandering!! He's happy to have the same freedom during the day and just sleep under the aircon urgh. Crate in the open bedroom doorway getting the breeze instead.
  2. Tonight is the night. It is WAY too hot to have Nova in his crate in my room away from the air con. I am letting him have free range of my room, the hall, the lounge room/kitchen. Crate is of course in it's usual spot and open to him. He is currently on the end of my bed but I'm hoping he has the sense to seek out the cool areas. He did originally go take a toy to his matt under the aircon but came back to within eyesight. Crossing fingers he still wakes me up in the morning and I don't wake up to toilet accidents or not so accidentally destroyed stuff.
  3. I originally fed proplan and my pup never ate his own poo so it's not that particular food. Some dogs just like to eat poo, my lab certainly did.
  4. We do both of those :) I have a wobble board too for him, we did have an exercise ball but teeth got involved
  5. Nova just ripped a hole in his bed while vigorously humping it. He seemed just as surprised as me. *Sigh*
  6. Well he just discovered his own exercise. Fly hunting He is surprisingly good at it, I'll never need fly spray again!
  7. I guess thats going to have to be the go. Morning walks will have to suffice when we can't get to the river. Just tried some games the back yard to see how he would go with the sun down, he was much more interested in the shadier places and trying to get back into the air con. Hide and go seek seems like a great idea
  8. We've been going to the river, when the sun isn't blaring down. But when the sun is fully out at this temp he just seeks out shade to lay down even when the river is right there.
  9. It's my first time having a dog in a hot climate, the sun is setting and it's still 36 degrees!! Walking/training first thing in the morning ties Nova over for the day, but I like to give him another walk and training sesh in the evenings. I don't feel completely safe walking around by myself at night (it's still expected to stay in the 30s tonight though anyway) does anyone have some alternative exercise ideas for days like today? I played some tug during training this afternoon with him in the air con, I guess I could do that again but I don't want him to loose interest in it.
  10. All I can think of is Eksy with a toy on a stick like those old cartoons of a donkey pulling a cart for a carrot Huski, I can't stay away from your Facebook pages, they are adorable!! Congratulations again!
  11. Nala sounds like a smart cookie! From memory Nova couldn't "get" it until about 12 weeks. But he could figure out one of the Nina Ottoson toys immediately, it was the one where they had to slide the bones up and down to get the treats.
  12. I have a Kong Wobbler for Nova, it took him a few weeks to figure it out. I currently just have a horse lunge line but when I have the money I'll be getting one of these Syn Tek leads
  13. Esky he is adorable!!! I love Bull Arabs! Doodle hair Wait until you get one that needs to have burrs combed out of his really really long ball hair, he does not like it
  14. Nova is a brilliant hot water bottle and fuzzy foot warmer, he's currently unemployed due to the summer season With pool weather upon us he is applying for a position in "towel replacement", duties involve attempting to lick chlorinated water off peoples legs.
  15. We tried so hard to get a photo of just Nova, but he kept jumping on me when he had the antlers on
  16. Further update, Firm poos, less food needed, foot has cleared up well plus it may of helped in clearing up an ear infection he aquired after having a grass seed removed just before I switched him over. It cleared up much quicker than the vet originally thought once I switched. Very happy with the Holistic Select so far.
  17. No Idea about the Tiger mottled ones, but I've came across a few "Chocolate heelers" and to me they look like they've had kelpie bred into them. I know one litter was being advertised here, Mum was a "chocolate", Dad was a bluey, pups were a mix. The Mum definitely had a thinner, bigger eared dog in her.
  18. I have to ask, how did you teach the lying down until you are dry part? Nova goes NUTS after he is bathed, mostly involving rubbing agains't every surface he can find, I generally get him to calm down by holding out a towel and he comes to rub on it, then lays down when he realises towel = big drying cuddles.
  19. I have a shower hose attachment I plug into my bath tub tap and wash him in there. One of those strainer plugs is good to stop the hair from blocking the drain. The Pet Stock here has big hydrobath type things that spurts out shampoo and conditioner all at the right time, plus they have a blow dryer too I think. They are similar to the ones at car washes. I think I'll need to use that next year for his first coat blow!
  20. If she doesn't need to pee, ignore her. If she does take her out to pee then put her back into the crate. I did this with Nova when he decided 5am was a great time to wake up, but he would end up falling asleep outside anyway. Now he sleeps until 7:30 or 8.
  21. This is horrible and disgusting! Dog tortured, remains returned to owners POLICE are investigating a "disturbing" case of animal cruelty that saw a family pet dumped in a suburban backyard without a tail, decapitated and badly beaten. Zac French and his partner Jessica Scoins' Staffordshire bull terrier puppy Indi was stolen from their backyard on November 22, some time between 9am and 11am. See your ad here Nearly three weeks after the theft, Ms Scoins found her pet's decomposed body dumped in their backyard. The couple say they're having a hard time dealing with Indi's death and fear for their own lives. "It seems like a threat to us," Mr French said. "She was left in clear view of our lounge room window." Ms Scoins admits she's not coping with the dog's horrific death and has had very little sleep since finding the dog on Saturday. "I just couldn't believe that someone would do this," she said. "This is a sick and twisted person who's very sadistic and ultimately this person needs to pay for what they've done." Mr French said there was no way the dog could have escaped from the yard which is secured by large padlocks, chains and chicken wire which ensure their three dogs couldn't slip through the bars. The yard is also monitored by CCTV cameras. Mr French said footage from the cameras is being reviewed and, following the incident, additional cameras have been installed to ensure the family is safe from further thefts. Mr French said the couple initially presumed their puppy had been stolen and reported the theft to police. After finding the body in the yard they again contacted police, who have launched an investigation. "When Jess found her she rang me in hysterics," Mr French said. "It looks like she'd been tortured for whatever reason, she had a few shave marks on her as well," he said. "They'd also cut her tail out." Mr French said it was obvious the dog hadn't been attacked by an animal. "I don't know who would have done this, someone that doesn't like us for some unknown reason ," he said. Mr French said he and Ms Scoins don't have any enemies and rarely socialise. "It's just home and work," he said. Despite the incident Mr French said he wouldn't succumb to "intimidation tactics". "I'm disgusted by this. If someone's got a problem confront me, don't take it out on an animal. I consider my animals like my family. "They must be sick and twisted to get some sort of thrill out of this," he said. Canobolas Local Area Command duty officer Bruce Grassick confirmed the matter was under investigation and police were appealing for anyone with information to contact police immediately. "This is a disturbing act of aggravated animal cruelty," Inspector Grassick said. "It's a significant matter but we believe it's an isolated incident." Inspector Grassick said dog owners were being reminded to be vigilant when it came to their pet's safely and security
  22. Yup he's a little bit special Good work Nixon for not humping faces! Congrats DDD on Nalas papers! I was so excited when Nova's came and even more when they had my name on them Hank is still adorable even if he is looking a bit lanky! I just want to smoosh his face!!
  23. yep .. keep it simple :) add a clamshell sandpit and a small pool , perhaps .... Oh yes! The clam pool gets a lot of attention here!
  24. I'm a fan of boxes and newspaper, put them inside each other, sprinkle a bit of food in them and let him rip it to pieces in the back yard! My 7months old tires himself out after destroying them and doing zoomies with the aftermath! Lots of mess to pick up though so don't do it the day you are planning a BBQ!
  25. So as shared previously Nova is a big toy humper and has done so since about 10 weeks. But I swear he is getting more and more retarded at it He has a big cow toy, who he "loves" very dearly. I just walked past to see him in the hall way with the cow wedged between him and the wall, humping away while laying down on his side!!
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