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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Poor Nova, Orange sucks for dog owners there are so many people that just don't care. When I first took Abbey out we had a bull breed run out at us, Abbey was only about 3 months old, it didn't attack luckily but I was very worried it would affect abbey. Owner comes out of their house since we screamed for someone to come get the dog ' its friendly its friendly' don't worry about him, that makes me so mad I havne't heard anything from the Ranger and a neighbour told me the dog is still rushing at dogs through the fence. Whippy thats very exciting! Do you have any news about a pup? Nova seems ok, I did find a tiny cut on his head, above his ear, but there was no blood or anything and it is healing nicely. We've only come across a few dogs since the attack, all being border collies or crosses and he's still wanted to go play with them. I do wonder if he will react differently to similar breeds as the dog that attacked him, unfortunately I don't know anyone personally with one that I could introduce him to. Dotdashdot Nala is looking GORGEOUS! Already so long legged and model looking! I did see her winning photo in the DogsNSW magazine too Kanae Ezio is adorable, cute little fluffer! Nova turned 8 months this week, weighing a Hefty 24.3kgs. He's definitely going to be on the bigger size for Aussies. Not my little fluffy boy anymore.
  2. 12 months sounds ridiculous, I got Novas within a few weeks, and when I sent them off again to transfer him into my name/membership I got them back from DogsNSW in about 10 days.
  3. I haven't got a voice for Nova in my head yet, I think it's because he still has a higher ratio of high pitched puppy barks, maybe when he fully has his "man voice" it will come out. But for my old Lab Sam, my whole family agreed that if he could talk it would be just like Ted E Bare.
  4. Yea, only here until Sunday, then I'll be back in Wagga. They seemed quite good, said I might get a call from the ranger later on.
  5. Thanks Raineth, I reported it this morning, the council in Orange was pretty good about it. There is a lot of similar looking dogs around my place in Wagga, so I really do hope he bounces back from it.
  6. Thanks everyone, he seems ok this morning, I've reported the attack. Congratulations Yonjuro! Looking forward to photos
  7. My nerves are pretty high still. It really looked like the dog had his eye. I've checked him down to the skin, in his ear, mouth and his eye with nothing that I can see, I did have to wash off a lot of saliva. I don't want to mention breeds but it was "miniature", if it was full sized I think damage would definitely have happened. No swelling yet so hopefully none comes up over night, Nova is calm again and chasing christmas beetles before bed
  8. Yes, thats what I thought. If this had happened when my old boy was alive it would of been much much worse.
  9. My dogs a dope because he regularly rolls around on his back while barking at nothing.
  10. Nova just got attacked by a dog It ran out of it's house and grabbed on him while he was on lead on our walk. Thank god he has long hair because it just got a mouthfull of hair, between his eye and ear, if he didn't have that much thick hair there I have no doubt he would of got skin or his ear torn. The owners rushed out and had to punch and pry the dog off him. There's not a mark on him, we are watching for swelling as his hair was pulled a lot. He's just quietly playing with a toy now, I just hope he doesn't become fearful or reactive because of this. He wasn't worried about my Mums next door neighbours dog barking at him so thats a good sign.
  11. Is it only bodies of water? Does he like to play with running water from the hose? Nova wouldn't get in water after he accidentally dove into a deep part of the river (aiming for the shallows) and needed to swim back as a baby pup. But he liked the running water and also splashes, so I tempted him into his clam pool with the hose on gentle, so he could play with it, and I got him back into the river by making little splashes with my hand, as he likes to try and eat the splashes. He still won't go out past his belly now though. I am working on that by going swimming with him and some toys, very very very slowly getting deeper now that his toy drive is so big.
  12. I don't know about healthy dogs, but my last boy with IBD could not digest rice, so on exclusion diets needed potato. Perhaps it's generally easier to digest? My current pup gets itchy on grains and his grain free food I think has sweet potato.
  13. I study full time (not by distance) and work, have recently raised a pup from 8 weeks to 8 months. He gets more attention and training than most peoples dogs. My family dog was also raised by people who worked full time. He was perfectly adjusted, no way in hell we would of been able to pay for his medical issues if we weren't working either.
  14. No problem. Knowing now that I've told people it's working I'll meet you somehow and he'll stand there barking at you!
  15. I didn't want to take up to much space but sure I'll just copy what I sent to Steph I don't know if Gus is doing it for the same reason but for Nova it was a working dog mentality of "make me work", attention wasn't enough. It was always worse after training, because he wanted to keep going, he would still work all day if I let him.< As silly as it sounds I had to teach him how to do nothing, this is all with help from our trainer. Main thing was to completely ignore him when he was barking. Removing him for time out was enough attention to make it keep going so if it continued everyone knew to walk out of the room and leave him there. At training I just walk him far away, don't talk to him, don't look at him, just walk away while he's on lead, he has to follow. I don't let people even look at him down the street if he is carrying on. If he doesn't stop I excuse my self and walk him away. He soon learnt that barking and carrying on gets him no where. I also always reward him for being calm, even if he is just laying around in the house, calm is good! He doesn't get to meet other people/dogs unless he is calm. Oh and crate training is of course very very good for this! When he gets too hyped up at training he can go in his crate and doesn't bark at all. He relaxes in there.
  16. He definitely is Tikira Steph, Nova did that attention barking very young, it pops back up again when he gets in a mood but it's mostly eliminated at the moment. I'll PM you what we did with help from our trainer :)
  17. I can't "hear" the difference between between Care-n and Can. This may be my rural accent that I apparently have. Bogan 4 life
  18. Yep I'm with this. I have all respect for shelters and those who do rescue, there are many reasons but one of the most important things to me is knowing the health behind the breeding of my dog.
  19. He looks very puppy like in those photos :) I like his harness too!
  20. Nala and Lacy are looking divine! What great little show dogs! I'm still tossing up whether I should enter more next year. We only did the one baby puppy show, so I feel like we would be diving into the deep end with him currently 7 months. I think Nova wanted to remind me that he is the only gift I need He's also good at pretending he has no ears.
  21. Oh no Esky hope it doesn't take you too long to find a place! Teething for us was around 4 months, worst at 5months. How was all the puppies first Christmases??
  22. Can you imagine that happening with the person Kirislin mentioned. A physical impossibility! :laugh: Riiiight. Now I get this! I just thought you were calling some poor person a fatty not that their dog was tiny. I can see a lot of problems having certain assistant dogs being too small, especially a seizure response dog. Surely going to all that effort and money to raise, train and accredit the dog you would want one physically able to do everything possible.
  23. She's so cute! Is it just my phone or are all these photos upside down?
  24. Would love to :) Nova's only a month older than Hank! Still quite a bit of growing to do, he's still so skinny under all that hair! It was above 40 for the last week. Nova has been inside almost all day asleep under the aircon. Even in the shade outside it was high 30s. He's very calm inside now and because of the heat just sleeps about 20hrs a day. We do a nice walk in the early hours and then when we can a swim at the river. I've also been wetting and freezing towels for him to lay on when I put him outside, plus I've been making some stinky sardine ice blocks! Plus he gets his pool and I put the sprinkler on for him sometimes in the evenings. I saw a great idea the other day that might entice Hank into his pool. Just fill it full of ice!
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