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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Finally getting that cool change here. Only 35 tomorrow! We didn't get it this arvo, instead it was still 40 when the dry thunderstorm hit and winds started. Now closely watching the fires which have sprung up around the area. One on Tumbarumba road (heading towards the Snowy Mountains) being evacuated. I was supposed to have a days work on a sheep stud up there come Monday, the way it's going I think that won't be happening, I hope their property is alright.
  2. When do entries close? We've only done the one baby puppy show but he'll be 9 months then so I might talk to his breeder first and see what she thinks of him now Gosh even that's nerve racking
  3. I was reading something the other day that was talking about licking at paws indicating a yeast problem? Unfortunately I can't for the life of me remember where I read it but it must have been a link from amthread on here. It also mentioned rust coloured fur on the paws. Does Nova have that at all? He was checked for yeast when I mentioned it to the vet and there wasn't any. It was all the time before I switched foods, and not just his feet, but now it's rarely, I saw him with his entire back foot in his mouth yesterday!
  4. Would this work on itchy paws? My boy has improves a lot since I switched to grain free food but every now and then he still goes crazy on his feet.
  5. Thats quick Esky! Nova's been through 3 flat collars and two martingales, and I'll be ordering him a nice leather Karma Collar when he is over 9 months as his neck wont grow that much more :) We do need to update his harness though, we'll be going onto our 5th Harness!
  6. 8 months, He's getting big now.
  7. I'd love another lab one day that didn't smell Sandgrubber! The only ones I've met that didn't have that distinct lab smell have been freshly bathed labbies. It only bothers me when they are wet, but I can definitely notice it otherwise. We used to dab a bit of lavender oil on my boy where you would put a flea treatment, it's a natural flea repellent too :)
  8. "Broken" dogs are funny to live with though How exciting about Nalas show debut! I'm sure she'll be a little star! Hope to see photos :) And no puppy breath does not last long now you'll start to get stinky teething breath. Hopefully she wont be like Nova and loose all her canines in 2 days while molars are coming through, poor boy was in a lot of pain and it was for our first (and only) show, drooling everywhere!
  9. Thats odd, Nova only smells when he's been in something gross, if he's due for a bath it's only slight. I've heard most Aussies don't have a strong smell
  10. LOL Steph! At least she is enthusiastic! Gus is a natural, I keep comparing Nova to my lab who naturally was also an amazing swimmer and was diving off banks into deep water at 3months! I'll have to get some photos of me and Nova out swimming if I take someone else with me
  11. At least Treble will drink out of it! Nova downright REFUSES to drink out of anything other than a dog bowl with fresh clean water in it! I'm at the river and I have to bring a bowl with bottled water because he would rather go thirsty than drink river water. Silly dog.
  12. Yea, definitely a lab thing. It's so much worse when they are wet!
  13. BCF :) less than $30 for his size, and I don't think they went up in price much. They had some HUGE ones too!
  14. It's in the Murrumbidgee river :) There is normally a nice sandy beach there but the river has been quite high lately. Nova sinks in the water, but he was getting frustrated so... Today I bought him a life jacket! He followed me out into the deeper water straight away! I think he must of just needed that extra little support :)
  15. I bet you're looking forward to that final shot! I was so happy when I could take Nova out without carrying him! I already posted these in the Aussie thread but thought Nova was looking very grown up in this first photo, so will share here too :) (Excuse the fuzziness from the wet camera) He really looks like one of his relative I've met in this first one He still does drowned rat well!
  16. Not sure how correct it is but my weather app is telling me it's still 40 outside. I went out to put the bins out and urgh, horrible. Went swimming in the river this morning before it got too hot and then Nova has spent the rest of the day inside in the Air-conditioning, and on his cool mat. Yesterday I tried leaving him outside for a bit with some frozen bottles. He just ate them instead!! Sardine iceblocks were a much better idea!
  17. I would imagine they would be awesome for races! Strong and fast! Keep us updated
  18. HomeArt, I don't put anything in it or on it at all. It's quite handy
  19. I think it must be slightly different Tara and Sam, you can't open these ones up, they have a similar substance in them as those camping Hand warmers, but it acts the other way around! You literally just get it out of the box and lay it down and as soon as your touch it you can feel it getting cool.
  20. Agree with Simply Grand. Especially if you plan on doing any high physical sports with your boy I would wait until 18 months. 6 months is still very young.
  21. I picked up a cooling mat from HomeArt today, only $25, it came with this one plus one 1/3rd the size which I'll put in part of his crate if he wants to use it. He's been laying on it for the last half an hour, went off it then came back to it a bit later I love that you don't have to wet it down or anything. I originally had it on the wooden floors but it slipped every time he stepped on it.
  22. It said couldn't get it as my device was registered as Australian?
  23. My pup can't tolerate chicken but eats turkey daily and copes with it fine. Could be an option?
  24. What a cutie!! So late yesterday arvo we went swimming in the river, I held Nova only about a meter out where he's feet can't touch the bottom. He's a ridiculous swimmer. What kind of dog sinks? Think I'll need a life jacket He much prefers to paddle around in the shallows.
  25. How did I miss those photos Yonjuro! He is so cute! How are you going with the new addition?
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