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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Novas favourite show is The Simpsons. He's been an avid watcher since 9 weeks
  2. My boy had tape worm when he was little, even though I had been up to date with puppy Drontal. Vet said that often tapeworm needs a higher dose, so we had to double up and then continue with a wormer with Prazequantal from the vet every two weeks for about 3 treatments, then back to monthly until 6 months. Even though there was zero signs of fleas on him, I also had to treat for all stages of fleas incase he had eaten one from somewhere.
  3. Agree with Staffyluv, whatever the dog does well on. I also don't like Science diet, the prescriptions ones are good, but I think the normal stuff is overpriced crap. I raised a labrador 12 years ago on Proplan Large Breed Puppy and raised my current pup on it until about 6months of age when he started becoming intolerant to certain ingredients. I would of preferred to stick to the Proplan, both breeders recommended it too. Now he is currently on Holistic Select Grain Free, but is being picky and has gone off the taste, so I've just bought a bag of Earthborn Holistic Coastal Catch (grainfree) to trial. Oh and like staffylluv I also give raw meaty bones, mostly turkey necks and wings, but have given lamb, and a few times a week add either some egg(with shell), yogurt or whole sardines (Sometimes in a frozen icebock)
  4. Sorry a bit off topic but do Border Collies ears rose often and are they accepted? It might just be because I've been paying more attention but I've recently seen a lot of borders around town with rosed ears. I doubt most around here are well bred.
  5. Parent and progeny class would be great! I think Nova will overcome it, but I definitely don't want to flood him. He's just wary when another dog comes up to him now, (not that I want them coming up to us in an on leash area), he is fine if he is the one to approach though, but like you with Cleo I prefer not to have him run free with unknown dogs as I like him to value me higher, which goes up and down depending on his stage of naughtiness! How are Cleo and Nala getting along now?
  6. "Haha the Aussie Special is the same day as the Dally and the same location!" Well I will definitely be going if I can get the funds and time! If only the Labs were on at the same time then It would be perfect I don't think we will be doing any showing for a while though (thats if he has even grown right to do anymore), I was looking at entering one near by thats in 3 weeks but Nova is still a bit wary after being attacked. Getting much better, but I think he's hitting his second fear period as well, so I don't want to overload him.
  7. I'm about 4-5 hours from Sydney, almost half way between there and Melbourne. But depending on the dates I may be on holidays and around Sydney anyway! I was thinking if I have the time/money I might go check out the Royal Easter Show. How great! Might be a tie between that and the Aussie speciality though "They are so focused and well behaved" Hahahhahaha, not all the time! But you should definitely add one to your spotty household! The same thing happens in store here :) It opened the week before I picked Nova up so everyone there has watched him grow up and they all come rushing over to us every time we come in (which is way too often). I've even become friends with one of the workers and Nova adores her! Nova was good Today it's not consistent yet :)
  8. LisaCC


    that's a good point. Though I watch them like a hawk.... not sure any rats around ... but a lot of birds definitely and they do poo on the grass a lot. Dogs loves to eat the poo. Oh no I meant my puppy is being a ratbag and picking peaches off the tree to eat
  9. Very proud of Nova today. Took him down the street today to pick up some dog food from Petstock (I like to do some heeling in distractions there and practicing calmly meeting the shop keepers), then stopped at a coffee shop before we went for a swim. While we were waiting for coffee two ladies and their around 8 year old sons started asking about Nova. Nova paid zero attention to them! He was looking at me for instruction the whole time!!! When they asked if they could pat him I actually had to make him get up to walk towards them and then he was so gentle! They were still sitting at the table so Nova just sat down next to one of the boys and put his head on the boys lap while wiggling his stumpy butt It was adorable! Even the women proclaimed how well behaved he was for an 8month old pup!! This was before we even went for the swim so he hadn't even been exercised yet except from walking from car to store, around the store, back to car then car to coffee shop!! I THINK I might be seeing a bit of adult Novas temperament starting to pop up Also bonus was these people were really nice and didn't once ask me why I chopped off his tail or tell me my dog was a mutt Polite people regarding my dog are getting harder to find!
  10. It looks nice and sturdy (and drooly)! Is the store near you or did it just ship out super fast?! I always try and look for the one liver Dalmatian in the 101 Dalmatians movie (not the cartoon), it's plays one of the puppies in a few scenes and you can spot it if you are quick!
  11. LisaCC


    Have you got any fruiting trees in the back yard? My rat bag recently discovered the peach tree. Sloppy poops everywhere until I fenced it off.
  12. Do you travel much for shows? I'd love to meet you both! She does sway me, I've adored blacks for so long, but the only liver I knew was a lovely old girl who was deaf but very sweet, still nuts in her old age though! This was going back to when I was around 10! She cemented my love of Dallies (then Mum bought me a lab instead ).
  13. This sounds GREAT for training! Get a prey tug, that is the tougher dog version of a cat toy (like THIS ONE!) Build that drive, transition onto a normal tug and watch how awesome he'll be! Nova is very toy/tug driven and will give me so much focus because of it! Like you've noticed it can be so much more higher value than food!
  14. I love Cracked, hilarious, they often do dog articles too, there was a sarcastic one about the authors corgi being a typical "Gen Y" the other day, I'll try and find it. Here you go Remember don't take them too seriously. I found the agility bit really funny My dog is a lazy worthless millennial
  15. Attempting to teach Nova to beg. So far he just lifts one leg up while in a sit
  16. Go Hank and Hankodie! Maybe there's hope yet that he'll be able to go swimming with you one day!
  17. Thanks Aliwake!! I was looking at getting Nova the maze one of the Petlife puzzles. But he's in a "destroy everything" stage so might need something tougher! I like the look of the tennis ball one!
  18. Townsville has a Veterinary Science university, if it's anything like ours they may have a number of specialists at their teaching vet hospital.
  19. Aliwake he's getting his boofy lab head! He's looking nice and dark too! Tikira it's a bit of a curse having a velcro dog isn't it? It's great that they want to be with you, but they are a tripping hazard!
  20. Puppies are looking gorgeous! Nala is absolutely stunning! She's making me rethink my love of black Dallies. Dory I have to ask, what was the bum of naughtiness doing? My boys getting so big! He has an adults body now I just groomed him hence the poofiness!
  21. Nova is going well health wise on the Holistic Select but now he's going off the taste of it. I'm buying a bag of the Costal Catch Earthborn Holistic Grain Free this week. I'll will update on how that one goes.
  22. For chews I just use deer antlers or frozen meaty bones Before I put my boy on a grain free diet I had used Wellness Bars as a crate treat.
  23. Send her a stacked and free stacked shot of him. Don't worry she doesn't bite ;) It's the doing another show again that's nerve racking
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