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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. RSPCA here never supported it. RSPCA nationally don't support it now. Neither do the AVA. Neither do the ANKC. Seems to me that the best way forward is to start mustering opposition from the key organisations, rather than scaring the shite out of individual pet owners. We also need intel as to what breeds might be being "considered". Who wants to bet their knickers that the Bull Mastiff is on top of their list, closely followed by anything "Bull" in the title. Perhaps some of the breeds previously affected ?GSD, Dobe and such. What non KC breeds do people believe might be in question here? German Coolies? Don't be ridiculous, of course they are talking KC breeds. And since the Italian BSL has already been mentioned, poodles were in it as well. So much for your adorable cutie pie breeds not being affected. Dachshunde, too. Bull Arabs were my first thought.
  2. Thanks Goldenluv, I would like to try Canidae, but I would prefer something I don't have to rely on online ordering and I can't get it in town here. My last boy with IBD could eat the Senior Wellness, so I don't have an issue trying Wellness Core if this doesn't work. The proteins are very high, that does worry me a bit, but grain free is the only things stopping him from itching. I'm hoping that as he's 9 months now it won't effect his growth rate too much.
  3. I'd take Nix for a consult with the Eye specialist you mentioned, confirm ectropion or something else and get him to do the surgery. Optivizors look awesome too! Poor Nix, he's had so many issues!
  4. Naww Nixon you don't fit!! Move to the big boy bed
  5. Yup I just bought a cheap little round one for $10 from big W. He grew out of it fast and then decided to eat it. I'd buy cheap ones until you can trust the pup enough that you could buy an adult sized good one and he own't destroy it :) They don't last long! Or if it's anything like Nova, you get around to buying an expensive good bed and he decides the door matt is better
  6. Snap, this is what we did, more for cooling my boy, but the added bonus was that he has never pawed his drink bowl since Nova will still paw in is bowl on occasion, but because he has the pool I know he'll never go without water if he does happen to do it.
  7. A friends little grey fluffy terrier cross died when we were both 19. His parent got the dog the year before he was born (so at least 20) from a shelter and it was already a young adult of unknown age. He was a happy little thing, just a bit senile in his old age and half blind.
  8. I've been stalking too! Congratulations, I hope the pups thrive and develop well.
  9. Thank Kanae, I'm really enjoying training him Glad your obedience classes are going well too! Good luck Steph, Gus and Rosie! We suddenly have another wonky ear day with lots of chewing going on, maybe some molars coming through? Nova has "guilty puppy eyes" down to a fine art. "Nova did you destuff ANOTHER toy?" "Come on you know you can't stay mad at me"
  10. I think there is someone in Orange that makes custom dog runs. I swear I've seen a flyer or business cards up somewhere. Molong Rd Vets or Mullion Produce perhaps?
  11. 2nd day on just Earthborn Holistic Costal Catch. Nova loves it, is eating it all in one go without any yogurt or anything on top! Hopefully it will continue. If he gets itchy on this (nothing yet) or goes off it, I will look at trying Wellness Core as they also have a Fish based grain free.
  12. I just wanted to add to this, as told by my neurologist and many pharmacists, certain anti-epiletpic medications (I'm not sure which ones, i've had a variety) are being used as date rape drugs apparently, and I'm warned to always keep them in a non obvious place, especially when out or travelling incase they are stolen.
  13. Session 2 of teaching Nova 2x2 weaves. He is loving it, I'm so excited that he's excited! Now he's pooped out on the floor!
  14. Oh Aliwake, what a douch (I have a worse name in my mind). I probably would of frozen too, but definitely would of felt like punching the living crap out of that guy!! Glad Nixon just took it in his stride! Steph your trip sounds AMAZING! When I get some money I really want to go on a big camping trip, just me and the dog. Maybe meet all the DOLers along the way that have wanted to meet up I'm thinking give me two years or so, I'll buy a Holden Colorado and pack the tray and just go!
  15. Saw this for the 3rd time just now on TV, still cried. Damn you Budweiser!
  16. LOL at Willow! Nova does the straight "superman" legs too, mostly when he is chewing on something.
  17. I find him very easy to train, he has a huge toy drive and will do anything for a tug. Multiple times he has preferred to work for tiny bits of food than eat out of his bowl filled with the same stuff even though he has permission to go eat from it. He comes back and offers behaviours instead if he feels like working In saying that, I watched my housemate try and get him to do a trick yesterday for a bit of carrot (which he loves and will do tricks for) but he basically gave her the finger and walked away I did point out to her all the mistakes she made. She watches me train him and tried to do the same, but with weak hand signals, tone of voice was off, repeated the command, even just basic body language. So I think he is easy to train IF you know how to
  18. Nova is too smart for his own good. He watches people and other things very carefully and figures out problems he encounters very quickly. He knows how to manipulate people that don't know how to control him properly too, such as my mother or housemate. He also has a very high drive to work, so learns things very quickly and remembers them well. He was taking himself to the back door to toilet the day I got him at 8 weeks. I started teaching 2x2 weaves this morning and he realised he should run through the set almost straight away to earn the reward. My lab on the other hand was like Hank, bit of a dope, wasn't a real independent thinker, but he still had intelligence when it came to learning tricks. Even at 10 years old I could teach him a new trick in one or two sessions. Food is always a good motivator for a labby!
  19. Yes don't play tug, you can loosen the teeth prematurely and cause some problems for the new ones coming through. Once they are all through you can play again. Nova loves tug so he was a bit upset that I wouldn't play but I did manage to teach him a great retrieve during that time
  20. Nova has only seen the uni sheep from a large distance before, but then there was a sheep drenching ad on TV and he did the same thing! Phew, glad it is not just my fools then. What interested me about it though (when I stopped laughing) is how she just knew what they were and that other animals did not get the same response. I do herd with both of them and both were exposed to sheep prior to first seeing them on TV but I would not have expected them to recognise them like that on a TV screen. They obviously really like sheep! I do think they recognise familiar things, but often there will be dogs barking on the TV and Nova goes and stares out the window instead! I really need to find a place around here that will let this "city dog" have a go at herding
  21. Nova has only seen the uni sheep from a large distance before, but then there was a sheep drenching ad on TV and he did the same thing!
  22. Congratulations! I checked out the show thread, you both look great!
  23. Sumo is beautiful! Still so very huggable! I hope Dotdashdot pops back in here to tell us how she went with Nalas first show! I've lost all hope of not being a crazy dog lady. Just did some washing and ALL of my jeans/shorts had treats in the pockets!
  24. Happy belated Birthday Odie! She's is very lucky to have you and you her
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