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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. You know what? This isn't "just a dog show" Crufts is live streamed internationally. It's shown on TV in England, and the reaction this has gotten in the general public is going to have backlash on not just german shepherds but all pedigree dogs. This isn't just having a bitch about an exhibit. This is going to have quite an affect. Just look at the Kennel Club actually speaking out against the dog and saying there's a possibility of not having the breed in future shows.
  2. I don't know how anyone can defend what has happened to these dogs.
  3. Happy Birthday Kokoda! And Deniki for the other week!
  4. The reminder wouldn't annoy me much as I know they are generally automated, the persistence at vet appointments would annoy me and I would take my business elsewhere if I was constantly scoffed at for my choice.
  5. Have you given Rally O a try? You don't need to listen to judges instructions, you can read the signs, plus you get to walk the course before hand so you can look at the signs so you aren't seeing them for the first time when you first walk in with your dog (like how in agility you walk to course first). Perhaps you can find a club that has Rally O classes?
  6. It's absolutely disgusting. Raineth obviously you know with Del, she's a fairly moderate dane, she's a rescue so you don't know her breeding, but she's rather small, she's not over done at all, but even she's had issues with her lips. These dogs would have so many issues
  7. We aren't allowed to describe them as seal, they'll have to be called Black. I'm pretty sure the girl I'm calling Mystery is a dilute but I dont know if she's really blue, she might be a dilute of seal, but if that is the case she will still just have to be called Blue. These are the only options we have to write on their pedigrees. "Black, blue, cream, fawn, red, white, or any of these colours broken with white. White dogs may be broken with one of these colours." so we cannot call them seal or sable or so many other colours they come in. I've seen so many different shades of fawns, and dilute versions of them as well. I've seen IGs that are almost siamese cat marked with light bodies and darker legs. I've seen bronze coloured IGs, I've seen heavily sabled fawns that are so dark they look almost black, but you'd either have to call them black, which they are not, or fawn, which they dont look like. It's pretty confusing and the standard is very restrictive. Anyone researching colour in IGs would find it impossible. I know of a lady who imported an IG and she had to change the colour on the pedigree because Australia wouldn't allow the correct colour to be recorded. Look back at Arkey when he was born, he looked like a sable fawn to me, at birth but he changed so much to a rich reddish gold. I'm not actually sure what Marcus eventually registered him as, it would have been either red, or fawn. Thats kind of disappointing really. Is there any movements on trying to get the standard less restrictive on colours? Especially if other countries allow them, and the colours aren't harmful in any way? But I suppose that opens a whole can of worms.
  8. They are so precious! So are Black and Seal the only two dark colours that are registrable?
  9. You didn't know!! You must have been under a rock!! :laugh: I just went and got myself updated on Nekos thread! I've been doing exams and then moved house during her pregnancy and didn't realise how much it had affected my reading of DOL They are the most gorgeous puppies!! But I swear she was only just one herself!
  10. Wait wait wait... NEKO HAS PUPPIES??? Where the hell have I been?
  11. I've always been given copies of my dogs parents pedigrees by their breeders Actual pedigree was received later, although not as late as the OP.
  12. If you like the idea of an older dog who might be in need of a second home, but prefer a purebred with the health tests done (although remember even all health tests cannot guarantee everything in life) look at mature dogs being rehomed by registered breeders. Sometimes they are exshow dogs, or dogs that were homed out as puppies and then given back to the breeder when circumstances changed (just like rescue dogs), but instead of given to a pound/rescue, they took them back to the breeder, now the breeder is rehoming.
  13. Don't forget Lapphunds. For a while it was like every second dog suggested was a Lappie. "I'm after a small, short haired house dog.... "get a Lapphund!" Yes! I knew there was another that was it!
  14. I've noticed there are trends of dogs to recommend on DOL whether they are fully suited or not. The ones I remember; labs, rotties, aussies and greys. I think people know 'best of' dogs and recommend off that, which I don't ever believe is wise. I know a brilliant grey, who will let strange kittens crawl all over him, even has a pretty decent recall. Do I base all greyhounds off him though? No. When I look for a dog I would like to know I can live with or better yet enjoy, the 'worst' things about them, rather than idolise the ideal model dog and be disappointed.
  15. I don't think you are really going to get a breed characteristic that will fulfil this, perhaps some more suited than others yes, but not guaranteed. More of an individual trait, along with training and enough exercise/mental stimulation. I know pretty chill greyhounds that have had days they've decided to destroy something when left alone, they weren't quite house trained properly.
  16. Of the breeders that replied positively could you ask them for recommendations?
  17. It's frozen yogurt, somewhere between ice-cream and yogurt. Much less healthy than yogurt
  18. Love how they bounce back!! You know what else is delicious? The end of my FROGURT!
  19. ...I'm not 'turning this thread into an argument' ...I'm just raising my concerns over comments about a 'perfect dog' and a 'shitty dog owner'...such a combination hardly goes together.... and I agree, everyone is entitled to raise (and should raise) concerns about potential animal cruelty, but calling someone 'human' trash' and accusing him of animal cruelty without evidence seems to be at least unfair. And no, while I might not be a perfect dog lover, I didn't stuffed up our recall; our dog has a nearly perfect recall and comes happily with the tail wagging as she knows there is always a treat (no ice-cream so) for her. However, during the obedience and agility training sessions I can recognize from the behaviour of a few other dogs that there might be some 'behaviour issues' that could be possibly linked to 'inappropriate' trainings measures employed when not on the trainings ground...but some are also rescue dogs or rehomed dogs and the real cause for their behaviour might not be the fault of the current owner. Nevertheless, in most cases where a dog is treated badly there are signs in the dog's behaviour that don't just disappear when the owner is not around. Yes, from all your posts and constant arguments with actual professionals we have gained many insights on your knowledge of canine behaviour.
  20. Katdogs: I've been feeding the High Performance Meals for Mutts for about 5 months now. Nova is going fantastically on it. He was on Canidae before that and Earthborn before then. My only gripe is that I can only buy it online so need to think ahead and make sure I don't run out. He's always been hard to keep weight on he's finally keeping it on on this and with LESS food! The last two weeks Nova has had the itchies, I don't think it has to do with his food as again he's been on it for 5 months now and it's only just came up, but I'm moving house in a week, so if it continues up there, I might move him onto the fish one and see if that helps, he's always done well on fish based food and unfortunately the HP formula is turkey based. The High Performance formula is a high protein formula + other goodies, so doesn't count to what Ivy Badger says. It's probably about the same richness as the others.
  21. http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/illegal-steel-claw-animal-traps-found-near-altona-laverton-bike-path-20160126-gme67a.html Here's the link. I'm on my phone, if someone else could copy the full article that'd be great!
  22. I've just booked into Valley View Motel Murrurundi, little town on the New England Highway, between Muswellbrook and Tamworth. The owner was very friendly on the phone, she said they often welcome dogs all the time in show/ working dog set ups in their vans etc, but they have a pet friendly room now (that I've booked), where the dogs (of all sizes) can come inside, just bring their bedding. I'm just passing through for the night but will update on the place in a few weeks.
  23. I'd love one of those for a kennel! Great idea.
  24. Nothing Australian in the dogs but they were used to work Australian sheep, we exported many merinos to US in late 19th, early 20th centuries...............dogs are from Europe, Basque shepherds went to US amongst other nationalities.....knowledgeable Aussie person says they can see Koolie traits in Aussies working, makes sense, Koolies came from Europe too...idea of breeds as such is pretty recent, dogs just came in "types" depending on their jobs in life, and their names usually derived from their locality or their job I've heard the basque sheep dogs may have been dogs of a similar type to pyrenean shepherds. If you look at the smooth faced you can see similarities. Both NBT and merle there too.
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