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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Plenty of countries already allow that.
  2. Not only did you take his nuts but you put him in pink pants He does look less upset in that photo!
  3. could be wrong, but would it be something in the ZAA (formerly ARAZPA) guidelines? Thats where I originally found it for an assignment two years ago, but now the website has changed and I can only find their "public stances", not their actual guidelines. Stuffed if I can find the assignment either.
  4. It's probably not just the cone, he'll still be feeling quite sedated and the surgery site would be a little sore. Hopefully he will be feeling a lot better in the morning
  5. Have you seen the Kong Cloud collars? I've heard they are really good. Might be harder to take off unsupervised if you can get one in the morning. I think Petbarn sells them.
  6. For those few people that are interested, (I won't post the link), but look up "Inside Natures Giants" on Youtube, there is a giraffe dissection on one episode, done very tastefully. Cannibalgoldfish, I'm trying to find the guidelines now, but it's proving more difficult to when I actually needed them, but only fairly recently you are not allowed to breed white tigers, tigons/ligers in Australia anymore. I don't remember if it includes White Lions. I will keep trying to find them and post when I have.
  7. I bought a full sized crate, but made it nice and cozy inside. 5 hours is a long time for a puppy to be in a laundry or crate. Some don't agree, but I think puppies are fine outside when you aren't home as long as your yard is safe and secure, with adequate shelter. Lots of fresh air, smells, sights and space to run around and play. My boy was spending small amounts of time from 8 weeks alone outside, he is now a well adjusted adolescent that is more than happy to spend the working day outside, sometimes he even prefers to go outside than stay inside.
  8. Yes, I think they were understanding quite quickly, not one of those that ask for advice and then not take it. People repeating the same thing doesn't really help. If you're still reading OP, best of luck with finding a pup. If you need to wait it's worth it for that perfect pup.
  9. Glutton :laugh: every inch of my house is already covered in golden retriever fur, what difference would a few more goldies make? Also, you would never be sad with all of those happy faces around every day. Yes... yes, I think I have a winning argument here. Surely I can convince the SO. Wish me luck DD Completely off topic but OMG Hankodie your signature is gorgeous! Back on topic, I feel like the OP may of been scared off
  10. *Cough* white lions/tigers.. inbred, churned out to zoos everywhere at the expense of normal coloured lions/tigers. While a natural genetic mutation does have it's place, and I can understand people wanting to preserve it, Sadly everything Big Cat White is now bred for "pretty" zoo pics and money... can't forget money! those things are big fundraisers! The white tigers in particular are a genetic mess yet they still take up money and room in places where actual threatened species of tiger could be held As for lions? Do you see many Asiatic lions in zoo? (you would if they're white...) Yes, I already know at least one person who is going to jump in here like a White *natch* Knight to defend them.... Outlawed in Australia now Still a long way to go elsewhere though...
  11. Me too Hockz, I haven't seen any reports of how it was done though, but I've watched a giraffe dissection on a documentary and I would watch one in real life. I don't agree in killing it in the first place but like KC I know why they did it and understand that. Grizabella, yes they do cull excess animals in zoos in Australia, Kangaroos are a big one.
  12. It's almost the only time I ever cry in movies. Good website!
  13. I've heard getting one of those elevated car seats so that they can see out the window helps.
  14. He's a puppy, first thing in the morning he is ready to go! I would have my morning coffee while baby pup is outside having his breakfast.
  15. You can always give a harness ago. My pup walked on a harness and still does sometimes. They are adjustable, but he will still grow out of them quickly and are more expensive to be replaced than collars. I would recommend you leave the collar on him during the walk too, just so he gets used to it. If he is really bad at chewing on the lead you could go get a light weight chain leash, they don't like chewing on those so you could use that until he stops. When you are walking (he's only 11 weeks, so 15 minutes MAX a day), get a training bag or bum bag and fill it with lots of nice soft treats like tiny pieces of chopped cooked chicken. To begin with feed him right next to your leg every single step, keep the leash loose, extend it to every 2nd step sometimes, then mix it up a bit. When he pulls stop dead in your tracks, wait for him to stop, continue walking and reward again when he is next to you with a loose leash. You won't get very far on your walks for a while, but he will soon learn being nice on leash next to you gets rewarded and pulling gets him nowhere. It will get frustrating but if you stick to it is worth it.
  16. Oh poor Gus! Very similar to what Aliwake is going through with Nixon. I agree, I would inform the breeder.
  17. Did you tell them to buy a stuffed toy next time? I can just imagine the sunburn
  18. I've only ever seen one vet who was aware of the dangers of ivermectin in Australian Shepherds. It's not very comforting! I go to the only vet in town that even knows what an Australian Shepherd is! Uni recommended him to me
  19. OUCH! Nova regularly bashes his head on stuff and doesn't seem to care, but get a prickle in his paw and the sook whines and presents his "hurty paw" for you to take it out
  20. Generally 3 puppy vacs, yearly booster, then it's when people get confused as like Aliwake says it's a contentious issue. You can do yearly or three yearly vacs (see what your vet recommends), or titre test instead and only vaccinate when immunity levels have dropped.
  21. I'm sorry but all I'm imagining is a lady doing push ups and a dog looking at her strangely and then copying!!
  22. Yes these were exactly my thoughts on Bull Arabs, it's not going to matter about all the people that have them as lovely house pets that never see a pig in their life. I can name a few dolers that will be in that position
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