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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Agree, I've ordered one of these harnesses, and just waiting for it to arrive. Mostly because people think it's perfectly OK to run up and touch, or let their children grab the "pretty fluffy dog". Our training club has a special "town walk" training tonight, and my pup is in a "I want to play with every dog" mood, and some people haven't been keeping their distance as I move away to practice LAT, so I'm going to get a yellow sash for him to wear tonight as there is another dog that wears one too. I was hoping the harness would be here by now, but the yellow ribbon/sash is a good back up plan
  2. Thanks Dotdashdot If you look in the 2nd picture behind his front legs from his ribs to half way across his back legs is just short (comparatively) hair. It had only just began to grow nicely before it fell out too! His butt hair kept growing though Dallies shed all year round don't they? It looked like a snow storm here but at least it's not all year! I'd be so worried about trimming the tip of a tail wrong! Steph they look completely innocent!
  3. I didn't expect such a big drop this summer as his adult coat is still growing, we've had about 3 separate weeks of 40+ weather and it didn't drop during the December week of that, but definitely did this month, but I guess it's just a glimmer of what next summer will be Where is the fluff on a rottie tail? Is it feathering under the tail or a twirl on the end like a labbies? Would Willow stay still enough? I need to trim Novas tail again, but I want to try and find some Aussie people in person to see how short they go, photos can be a bit deceiving.
  4. Not intruding! The puppy thread welcomes puppies! Very cute! I love how lanky puppies get Nova is naked, he's dropped so much fur on his sides! A friend I haven't seen for a few months asked if I took him to get a cut from the groomer He's still growing his lovely mane but his sides are so short! Before, growing so so lovely (and only about a month ago): After: His side looks like puppy fluff again!
  5. Nova is having a dream next to me, lots of heavy breathing but the only things moving are his back toes! It looks like when you make you fingers do a mexican wave. I didn't think doggy toes could be so cute
  6. Nala is HUGE!! Dory, Willow is looking very nice and muscular. Love the before and after shots, looking through the door Sares
  7. Gosh some of those collars you'd wanna hope your dog has a strong neck!
  8. Milo&codus, I didn't do puppy preschool and then went to beginners obedience at 16 weeks. I think if you know how to train and socialise a puppy correctly then a puppy preschool isn't worth it unless there is an outstanding one available. Unfortunately all the ones around me probably do more harm then good.
  9. I want the patch bunny too! I wish it came in Blue! The duck we have is finally destuffed, and the Moose is missing a leg from a rogue game of tug. I really want the dragons though.
  10. For stuffed toys you can't go past Knotties! We were posting photos of them on this thread a few months back!
  11. Does Nixon like Retrieving in water? I got Nova a ChuckIt Amphibious Bumper. He loves it. It's pretty tough too, he stole it out of the swimming bag the other day and tried to have a chew but their wasn't a mark on it when I stole it back. I wouldn't leave it around to chew on though,
  12. Unfortunately those ones are all to hot for my fluff ball. If anyone ever sees these ones on special let me know! Weatherbeeta Rain Stop
  13. Aww cutie! He does look much more manly in navy
  14. I can't find a picture of the new dual cab in the dark teal-ish colour. But this is the colour. I want this one! I can just imagine what people will say when I have the dog in the back seat rather than the tray though
  15. I'd love a Jeep, but the horror stories I've heard about when you need to get anything fixed or replaced scared me off! I have looked at the Mazda BT-50 too Aliwake :) I just went down town and saw a brand new teal Colorado though... so purty I know I know, I have to think function!
  16. Whats a buh dog? All I can think is when they just get so frustrating you just go "buh" and walk away Yea my little Kia Rio isn't very good for space. I used to have the worlds most awesome car, '86 4x4 Subaru Brumby! My labby loved the back of it!
  17. See I can't stand the look of the Nissans, hate the fronts! And I refuse to buy a Ford after my old car, it's a matter of principal! I have heard very good things about Amaroks, they are on my list. I think you should find a car that looks good, no point spending money on a new car and you hate the way it looks. Obviously make sure it's mechanically sound!
  18. Yea I've heard bad reviews since they made the change from Rodeos to Colorados. But they look so much better than some other dual cabs Hopefully in the few years it takes for me to save up they will improve! Everyone I know that has a Mazda loves them, if thats the type of car I was looking at I would go with them or possibly Volkswagen, heard lots of good things about them lately. Unfortunately my current seats don't fold flat My hatch back is that same that the back window slopes a lot so Nova has to sit on the back seat, but it fits his current crate perfectly folded in the back.
  19. I can't afford it at the moment, but I already know what type of car I want when I can. I need a ute again and preferably 4wd for work (involving lots of back roads and animal equipment) but because of the puppy I'm going to have to get a dual cab so he is comfortable Loving the look of the Holden Colorado, in red
  20. It's a bit weird when they grow so much without the weight isn't it Dory. I know Aliwake! And the next size up is huge so will be harder to lug around to training and eventually trials too. Not sure if it will fit flat in my hatch back either.
  21. Oh wow, I didn't realise how much Nova has grown recently! Nova has been sleeping outside of his crate the last month as it's been a bit hot and the coolest parts are where the crate can't get to. I decided to play some crate games with him tonight, Run into your crate, drop, shut the door, open the door, stay until I release you and then get a big tug. He only just fits now! He was sleeping in it fine over Christmas at Mum's place and was even curling up across the shorter side of the crate. Now when he drops he takes up the WHOLE CRATE! Weight wise he's only put on about a kilo if that, so he's just grown in length (Although he's probably lost a kilos worth of hair in the last month too) Time for an upgrade, so much for 36" will be fine for an adult!
  22. It makes you like me. We can be freaks together I own the DVDs of that show. It's amazing.
  23. And watch them be cut up? I'm not sure what the issue is with cutting them up. I realize you don't support cutting up any animal, being a vegan, but animals are being dissected in vet class, biology and a bunch of other situations every day. If it is ok for those animals, why is it not ok for this giraffe? Cats and dogs who are put down in shelters and pounds are the ones being dissected in vet class most of the time as far as I know, so they are already doing that. Nobody is forced to watch it. I doubt any one of those people watching that giraffe cut up was held there against their will. Yes they do use shelter animals in anatomy classes, well in ours anyway. I use to have to skin chicken carcasses to remove the feathers before cutting them up for the crocs at work so that they didn't 'look like chickens' because people get all squeamish if there is the suggestion that a piece of chicken meat may once have been a real, live chicken I'm pretty sure some people do think meat grows in plastic trays with cling wrap over it! I remember preparing rabbits for lions, they had to be skinned, cut in half and head removed so they didn't look like cute fluffy bunnies.
  24. If you talk to people behind the scenes in the carnivore units, you'll find a lot want to feed full carcasses, but they don't do it because of what the reaction from the public would be like in Australia.
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