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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Don't worry PuddleDuck, apparently as a young child I was convinced I was a dog. I'm turning out fine
  2. I wanted an "In Training" one but they didn't have any so they sent us a "Working Dog" one. But next pay I'm going to get a custom one that says SUPER NOVA!
  3. The Earthborn Holistic Costal Catch has been great. 6 kilos down and he still gobbles it up Previously I've had to sit and make him eat his food, but now he wants it! I thought by now he would get sick of it and I would have to switch to something else but it's still going great! His poops are very small now too!
  4. We have harness signage!! (not on in the picture, but we do have it )
  5. I take Nova to a particular cafe, I have been since he was a baby pup. They only opened a few months before I got him and now have a dog bowl The owners and staff have loved watching him grow up. It's the only cafe here that you can pay through a window outside so a few other people bring dogs there too. I've never seen an ill behaved dog there. Nova will go to sleep under my feet while I have a coffee. I also take him to the uni bar in the afternoon that has a whole quad of outdoor seating. Lots of students bring their dogs, they are all well behaved, bar staff bring out buckets of water for them. The end of last year someone had this awesome border collie that was doing tricks for everyone If dogs are well behaved, aren't disturbing anyone and the business allows it, I don't see the problem. It's been amazing socialisation for my boy, he is great in crowds and will happily lay under/next to me and ignore people walking by. This is him yesterday at the uni bar while I was getting a coffee, people were walking in and out past us the whole time. (I live a 5 minute walk away).
  6. I think that is really sweet and shows her love. I think so She asked me yesterday for more pictures of the growing grandpuppy too! She misses our Sam, and I got Nova a few months after he passed and she was staying with me the week I got him, he definitely helped both of us with our grief
  7. Please tell me you sing to him "Hankiedoodle went to town, riding on a pony..."
  8. I don't mind the term, so long as the person using it doesn't actually treat their dog like a child. It's probably only used as a term of affection most of the time. My Mother calls my boy her "Grandpuppy", but he is definitely treated as a dog. "Furbabies" does remind me of that disgusting documentary that was on SBS the other week about people who have baby Capuchin monkeys and dress them in diapers and put them in high chairs and cary them around.
  9. Apparently nothing beats duck crap, not even steak
  10. I don't remember, I watched one for uni a few years ago, it was just focused on that experiment. But I can't find it
  11. Laci looks hilarious! Poor Nix and Gus, hope all operations, now and future go well. I can't think of what they are called but there is a thread somewhere on it, I think it was Teekay that had bought some kind of soft cone for her boy. It looked really good!
  12. Have a google on the Farm Fox Experiment. It's been going on for over 50 years, trying to replicate the domestication process of wolves into domestic dogs. Lots of information out there, there was one particular documentary I thought was quite good, I'll try and find it.
  13. Oh she's looking great and very interested in that shiny object What are you hoping to trial her in? Obedience? I'm hoping Nova and I can get to that stage this year too... hopefully...
  14. Ezio looks so much more mature! More pictures are a must! Go Willow, how is she going with training?
  15. Phew, it's just taken 2 hours to wash, towel dry, fully brush out, trim Nova's feet, ears and tail, and clip claws. Result is a nice clean fluffy pup for town training adventure tonight, but now he's even more nekkid!
  16. Last month I'm pretty sure Nova went through his 2nd fear stage, he was getting a bit on edge around normal things, one night he flipped out over a game of Snakes and Ladders. He had been asleep while we set it up and played, but then he got up and wandered over and jumped backwards, then barked at the board when we moved a piece He stayed away and made sooking noises for a while after. He's over his irrational fear now!
  17. I love watching labs swim, they always look like they are having the time of their lives! Some dogs always stay "your puppy"
  18. I don't get many children on their own doing that, I get parents encouraging children to grab a strange dog on the butt. Thankfully I mostly hear it before the child rushes over. I can't fathom how someone can think thats a good idea.
  19. It should be, but after acquiring my current dog I've discovered there are a lot of idiots in the world.
  20. A reminder email was sent out this morning Raineth Nova would probably eat a ribbon on a leash so I'm going to put a bandana on him. I can cut some extra material for you if you like and bring it out?
  21. Thanks Aliwake, yes you can see the little spots more when it's shorter, I just noticed all those pictures are of his "spotty side", the other side of him has bigger splodges so they are easy to see when he coat is long too. Happy Birthday Nixon for the weekend! I can't believe he's a year old already! Sounds like you had a good day, that photo is very cute too! Did the new lab friend teach him how to dive into water? Those little spikey balls are great! We have a blue one that smells like blueberries! But don't leave them out in the sun, it will melt into a misshapen football shape. PS: Ok it took AGES to find a photo of Novas splodgy side, he obviously very very much favours laying on it. But this one is his splodgy side while he coat was growing (not quite as long as that first photo)
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