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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Thanks, he's one of those dogs, that I just look at and think: Wow! I'm so lucky to have gotten such a beautiful boy with such a great (for me) personality. I say "for me" because I think a lot of people couldn't handle it
  2. Beautiful! Thanks I'm not sure if I posted it but a few weeks ago I snapped this really nice photo (even though we have wonky ears going on) at the local Botanical Gardens of Nova in a down stay. I love it! I've just started a sketch of it, but turns out Merle fur is really hard to do! So far the small amount I've done looks good though, we'll see if I have the patience to finish it!
  3. I've only had one dog at a time and I like that, but I think I would like to have 2 dogs. I will only stick to one for quite a while though as my boy is still an adolescent and Even though my rental is long term and fairly secure, when I graduate uni I will probably need to move away, so I think just having one dog when that happens will be easier to find accommodation. It will take me forever to decide which breed I want too, another Aussie or one of the others I have in the back of my mind...
  4. I'll always see Sam as my first dog, even though I was 11 when we got him. He was my dog, I took him to obedience school, walked him twice a day and fed him, spent my spare time with him and the first to notice when he started getting sick. But first dog as an adult is Nova.
  5. Oh she's grown up! Good luck with your shows! I bought Nova inside in the last half an hour because theres been a bit of hail and last time the back veranda flooded and I came home to the poor thing sitting under a tree soaked to the bone (he didn't care in the least though). You know when everything is just TOO QUIET, I walk out of my office to find Nova sitting on his matt near the front door, and we had just been doing some matt training so I go to walk over and give him a BIG cuddle and praise for being a good boy. Suddenly he gets up and runs away. Little shit had stolen some paper he was munching on.
  6. Thanks for the replies everyone. It is interesting. I hope the girl's seasons don't change your show plans Dory and DDD. I hope Hanks feeling better and his "big boy pants" aren't on anymore.
  7. My Aussie isn't very foody, but loves to play! I have videos of him tugging like a mad man at 8 weeks You could try using a toy as a reward. Puppy sits, she gets to play with a favourite toy that only comes out for training. My boy caught on to everything much quicker when I realised what he really wanted (to play). I would also stop before she gets bored and lays down. Keep everything really short and fun. Agree with Teekay, come over to the Aussie Thread. We love photos
  8. Oh good stuff! Question about how everyones boys are developing (regardless of desexing), has anyone started marking, leg cocking, or gone through a "voice break" yet? Nova is 9 months now, voice currently changing to man barks (still getting some high pitched puppy barks when excited), but no marking at all, no leg cocking. My lab started doing this at 7 Months AFTER he was desexed, but I've heard some boys just never get around to it. He's still a serial humper of his toys and bed though.
  9. Oh Steph! I would of been freaking over that text as well, glad he is safe and sounds though. What little shits, hope they catch them. Appart from stressing about the lack of swimming how is Gus? Does he need a cone of shame?
  10. I'm sure the waitress has gone straight back in to wash her hands, as she's wearing an apron there are probably heaps out the back she could change into. When it's quiet even the baristas come out from behind their bench to come and pat Nova. They go wash their hands straight away. If they have dogs themselves they probably give them a pat before they walk out the door, I know I do, but that's why soap and hand disinfected was invented. I'd be more worried about what you catch on a trolley handle.
  11. Thanks Yonjuro :) I really want to go on a road trip just to take Nova to the beach, I always regretting never having the chance to take my lab, he would of adored it. I want to do the Great Ocean Road next year, and I've heard theres no paralysis tick down there so we might get the chance this time
  12. I noticed the Earthborn kibble itself quite shiny and oily to look at and touch. I'm guessing it's because it's so high in fish? But perhaps that will go well for your dogs dry skin? My last boy had dry skin because of medication but did quite well on Wellness (the normal one not grainfree) so I would look at them too :)
  13. Steph, I might be just cynical but from what I witness around here, those dickheads with dogs that seem to walk so nicely kick their dogs pretty hard when they don't. I agree it's so frustrating when we're trying so hard to do it right. Oh and then if your dog breaks from a heel the ones around here don't hold back on the "that dog needs a good smack over the head".
  14. How horrible, I hope your little girl recovers quickly and the attack doesn't leave any lasting issues.
  15. Thank you :) I'll be taking my little car with me, but you never know when you might need a train Need to find out the exact dates first and then start seeing if it's possible to take the dog.
  16. Does anyone know where I can find some info on what trains in Vic/Melbourne take dogs? Depending on circumstances I might be taking Nova down with me for a few weeks this time next year. Could be handy information.
  17. Only a year old! Thats even more impressive how gentle he is then! He looks a lot like my cousins childhood Stumpy. He was a great dog too.
  18. Thanks Dotdashdot! Nova gets the runs from chicken but was going well on the fish which is the reason why we stuck with it. I will have a look at the other new ones. I was thinking of trying the lamb? version too, but now that he's eating it I don't want to switch yet! Oh and I saw a small bag of Applaws in coles once last year!
  19. As awful as it is, that is what happened to a friend of mine, the body was dumped back in the yard. See the cruelty thread I started a few months ago.
  20. He certainly is ready for work :) We went to the lake today, watched the speed boat races and strolled around some markets. Harness is a miracle worker, people respected him, gave him space, only one child rushed over screaming but before he got too close his parent told him off, Nova didn't even blink. Received compliments on how well behaved he is for an adolescent! So so happy He got some cuddles by some people too! The nearby fenced in agility park was completely empty for once too so we finished the day by having a bit of a run around in there. I'm so sorry Di. I hope you and Wayne are doing ok. Great that Jingo is enjoying himself though. Barney looks like a beautiful soul, is he an ACD or a tailed stumpy?
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