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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Oh I didn't realise that one didn't have flaps that folded down! Yes I will definitely keep his current solid crate, it's big enough for him generally, but he likes to stretch out to sleep at night and it doesn't allow that anymore! I think one he can do it in would be better for overnight trips. Thanks for the tips! If you have any recommendations for a crate that would be great :)
  2. I just got an email advertising this crate on Cleanrun, I gather one like this would be great as it's got so much ventilation? Stay N Play Soft Crate
  3. I've been told by lots of people that a good quality soft crate is the way to go as I plan on trialing in obedience and agility when Nova and I are ready. But when do you make the switch from normal wire crate to soft? I need to get him a new one either way as he's looking a bit squished in his 36" crate currently. He has always been great in a crate, he calms down immediately in them, even at training, where he can be a bit over stimulated, he will lay down in it and not push on the sides or anything like that. He's 10 months old now, would you get another wire crate and wait out adolescence first incase he decides to test it's boundaries a bit, or would you trust him in a soft crate?
  4. Wow he is MASSIVE then! You pull the material bit that says "ezydog" on the chest, back like your pulling off a stocking and you should see velcro straps, you adjust them to make it bigger then pull the sleeve bit back over it. I'm so glad he is what you wanted!
  5. OMGOODNESS!! He is so big and beautiful!! What size is that harness esky? I have a L in black if you need it that you can have for price of postage.
  6. I'm not sure of how her surgery was performed but I know a cattle dog who recently had the surgery and now that ear is floppy instead of straight up. She has apparently healed quite well.
  7. I think a labrador would be a perfect fit. Black for looks. If you were in Australia I would recommend Tapua as she breeds amazing labs for all kinds of work and I'm sure could pick out the perfect temperament for you. I'm sure some lab people would be able to recommend a similar breeder in New Zealand.
  8. Agreed Juice. I still think A black lab or rottie too. Look and size wise a doberman could work too, but I don't know much about their temperaments at all, so maybe someone else could help there
  9. My aussie was a very nippy pup, they are a herding dog remember Redirecting only helped a little, thumb under tongue and time outs worked for us. If you can catch the pup BEFORE it goes to bite and time out I found it sped up understanding, if you watch closely you can tell when they get to that overexcited stage. Nova got time outs in his crate which he was trained from day one to see as a nice place to chill out and relax, so instead of getting overexcited and bitey he would be placed in crate to time out. Chew toys are in there! If he nipped it was consistently thumb under tongue and press down, then crate. Be consistent and make sure everyone who comes in contact with pup knows the routine. When calm I would open the door, give a release word and he would be allowed to come back out, but often he would remain in there on his own.
  10. Just wondering for the breeders on here. Would you home a male pup if the puppy owner agreed to vasectomy but not full castration?
  11. I've found people aren't wary of Aussies. They are too "pretty", they lure people to get a closer look instead. I wouldn't recommend one for a few other reasons either. I too would go with Black Lab or Rottie. My yellow lab would scare the crap out of people if he barked, until they saw him with his wiggly tail.
  12. LisaCC


    Thank you Griff, canNrott and VizslaMomma. He was never the most photogenic dog, he looked so much better in real life, he was such a beautiful boy. It actually kind of frustrates me that not many of his photos look "normal". The one of him and me is probably the closest but his eyes are closed He did have a "normal" looking head when he was younger too, but when he was very sick at 7 (I wrote a whole thread on him somewhere if anyone wants to know the details) the muscles on his head almost completely wasted away. I miss his bony head, but I also miss his healthy boofhead. I'll try to remember to find some old non-didgital photos of him when I go back to Mums at Easter. Might even find some puppy photos
  13. Lamb has failed the taste test. He's only just eaten his dinner now after refusing breakfast and both of yesterdays meals. Going back to trade for the fish tomorrow. I've been told the bag that made him have runny poops was the old packaging and everything they have in stock now is the bags we normally buy, so hopefully it will be fine.
  14. I think a great idea for anyone looking into breeds is to attend a dog show and meet all the different breeds in person. Talk to their owners/breeders about those dog's traits and what you are looking for. Bonus is you might make a good impression with some local breeders
  15. LisaCC


    Thanks Tikira, lovely sentiments, and yes, it really doesn't seem like that long. Nova was overly snuggly and quite calm that night too.
  16. My GSD's coped with less then 30 minutes a day exercise. It's what they were used to. They were also outside a lot and mostly slept outside. I had one barker out of 5 over the years, never at night, only if I was out during the day. Most were trained to competition level and competed in trials, both obedience and agility. I think they were pretty happy. You're training your dogs too though. A lot of people never train their dogs past basic manners, those dogs I would think would need more exercise as they aren't getting the same mental stimulation. Thats why I asked about training.
  17. So now the "golden haired" ones are getting top price. Red heads been knocked down! When the red one was sold a few years ago the reporters said they bought it at 3 years old so they didn't have to have a dog going through it's "ugly development stage". I have a friend with a black boy. Stunning dog.
  18. If the dog has access to the yard and shelter while you are at work and can be inside with you when you are home I think a lot of breeds would cope with that. 30mins/day is not a lot of exercise though for an adult dog. How much experience do you have with dog training? Do you plan on doing any regular training with the dog?
  19. LisaCC


    Thanks Aliwake and Hankodie
  20. LisaCC


    One year on, it doesn't seem like it, I still think of you all the time. I recently saw part of your silly antics in your litter brother that you never got to meet. You adored puppies and were always so gentle with them, you guys would of had fun. I miss your big paws, velvet ears and the slow thump of your tail. I realised I never put your pedigree name on here. Sam: Sinvale Music Man It suited well, as you loved it when I played piano. This is him zooming around the same afternoon he was diagnosed with Degenerative Myelopathy. He never stopped.
  21. Oh gawd, I know America is big with Mini Aussies. So stupidly I thought I would google something absurd like Mini Labrador. Seriously, people are idiots. I don't know why these things keep shocking me, especially after discovering the "flandoodle" the other day
  22. TSD obviously Em is just getting her luxurious Mud Bath so she can enter looking her best That is some impressively thick mud!
  23. This came up as a sponsored ad on Facebook, It was part of a competition for something but I thought it was pretty cute! I'm in awe of the effort poodle people put in to full cuts like that!
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