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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. I agree with dog guardian being from AR, but "Companion animal" is used to describe "pet animals" in science. In my Animal Science degree, in subjects ranging from Animal Welfare and Behaviour, to Anatomy and Physiology, and Genetics, the term is used. We sometimes have a choice between text books that focus on either Livestock or Companion Animals.
  2. Love that photo of Collie Leah We haven't had much of a winter, it has been a bit chilly which has mostly involved Nova making pillow fortes. We did have a lovely Autumn though.
  3. Here is a basic diagram, patellas are only on the back legs, so perhaps some confusion between you and your vet? I hope you can get it sorted.
  4. Oh wait, I just remembered Nova did do something bad! I actually have no idea how it happened, because a few months ago I opened my glasses case (intact) and found the arm of my $700 GUESS reading glasses chewed. The bad thing is I had been slack and not wearing my glasses and strangely they were still in the case, so I have no idea when or how he got to them
  5. Nova comes for snuggles with me and loves a good head scratch, but does not like other people touching his head and I don't think he would appreciate cuddles from other people. He would much prefer them to scratch that amazing spot above the butt Agreed this is good, especially for children.
  6. In that picture he was only 9 months I think and only around 21 kgs, so he's filled out a lot more since if that gives you an idea on fit We could have gotten a size 1, but the girth would of been right on the largest size and as I'm not sure how much more filling out he has to do we took the bigger option and as I wrote it fitted perfectly on the smallest adjustment so plenty of room to fit into.
  7. My Aussie is in a K9 size 2, even though the weight would put him as a size 1. Go off his chest measurement :) Samoyeds being bigger I would definitely be going a size 2.
  8. She's growing well! I can't believe she ate stuff she shouldn't... Look at that innocent face!
  9. My current boy was a surprisingly good puppy. My lab however ate through the foundation posts of our veranda at around that age.
  10. Oh that looks awesome, I'm going to try that! How about "Dance"? I use "Paws up" for the sit pretty Discodobe that's a great idea! I'll have to set up a video, but we now have leg weaving
  11. Silentchild! Breeze looks upset you stole her hair!
  12. With my Aussie, both. I vacuum every day and brush him every day, do a proper line combing weekly to keep it in check, if I miss it a few days there is hair everywhere. I don't have to brush him that much to keep his fur nice, but it keeps my house less fluffy! I also rub him down with a rubber brush that gets a lot of loose hair out. He had his first coat drop in Autumn and I was washing him weekly (warm water helps get the hair out) and the hair coming out was just amazing. He will have a much thicker coat after winter, so I'm expecting a lot worse for his first spring coat drop. I can't wear dark clothes without using up at least one sheet of the lint roller
  13. Of course, just looking at the Aussie thread there is an one adult male at under 20kgs and another at 30-31kgs. The point of my post is that they range greatly, but I don't think that hoping you get a small one, with less drive, and less coat is the best way to go about things. The cruisiest puppy in terms of drive may end up being the biggest dog with a massive coat.
  14. I was just elaborating for you now Just to expand on why I don't think an Aussie would be suitable. Obviously there are individual dogs and some lines are more energetic than others, but I wouldn't put my boy in the top range and this is my experience. "We are looking for a small to medium sized dog." - An Aussie is on the larger side of Medium, they range in size greatly and males can go into the weight and size range of a "large" breed, indeed I was recommended to feed large breed food. "My wish list is - happy with a 30 minute walk most days (plus play time/training)" - My 14mth old dog would not be content with this, 30minute jog/run, but walking would be 1hr+ and daily. Plus training and play. "Reasonable grooming (eg weekly brush), reasonable shedding (we can cope with some shedding but would prefer a low to medium shedder outside of cat blows)"- My boy hasn't even grown a full adult coat yet and you should see the hair I got off him yesterday during a brush. He is not currently blowing coat either. His puppy coat tangled easily and needed daily combing especially behind ears and the pants. "Watch dog but not a nuisance barker (I realise this involves training - it's more about finding a breed open to being trained this way!)" My boy is not a nuisance barker, but he is vocal, unfortunately I know multiple aussies with barking problems. "Happy to be alone at home and outside during school hours (but inside the rest of the time)," This they would pass. "Not going to completely destroy my yard and everything we own (I do realise that all dogs dig a bit and will chew/destroy as puppies)." Without enough exercise and mental stimulation this may be a problem. "good with kids, good with other dogs (we may get another one down the track)" I think some may be fine, some won't.
  15. Agree with others about NBTs, homozygous NBTs do not survive pregnancies. I believe the major concerns are testable diseases and the results of double merles. But either way I would not recommend an Aussie for what you want.
  16. I like those comments more than the "Beautiful/pretty dog" comments I often get them about my boy being well behaved in public or if someone sees us doing flat work in a park. Don't be embarrassed be proud!
  17. Puppy food can be super different to the adult version. If he's not going well, use it as an excuse to change :) There are lots of chicken based grain frees out there if you want to try them. I know there is a lot because I need to avoid chicken!
  18. Unfortunately in some humans and non humans even these new generation drugs do not control seizures
  19. What protein was the puppy food based on? Perhaps try and find an adult food with the same protein.
  20. Could you maybe show her some photos of good breeders set ups with their bitches and pups in the house and out running around? I've seen photos like that on some breeders websites Maybe take her to a good one if you know of any in the area. Otherwise I agree with Perse, try a rescue. I unfortunately came across a similar situation when looking for a puppy. I kept looking.
  21. Psyllium husk aids in digestion, bulking up poops. That might be the reason if the new food doesn't have it and he's always had it previously in the puppy food.
  22. Even google gets confused at that! Just typing in "Black Tri Border Collie" into google images with give you results with Aussies in there, even ones showing a complete bob tailed butt
  23. You might not get this one because you have a red merle, but Nova is also a Dalmatian. Didn't ya know Australian Shepherds don't exist? Aussie, some lady got really angry at me because her "Sister breeds those dogs and they are NEVER born without a tail, you chopped it off!!!". Sometimes you just have to smile and nod then walk away! Alibi, I can just imagine the comments with a griffon! Especially because how many pug x's there are around now.
  24. Yes, there's many people who think that... & say so. Which is nice. Trouble is when you own a less common breed, lots of people assume it's a deliberate mixed breed. Like our Tibetan Spaniels. People make guesses like 'an interesting mix?', 'pekinese crossed with something else small?'. I get a rare thrill.... when someone in the street or wherever, says, 'Tibbie!'. It always turns out that a relative or friend of that person owns one. My "koolie x" and I know how you feel! I met a lady a few weeks a go who got very excited that I knew her dog was a Murray River Curly. She thanked me for not calling him a labradoodle
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