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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. That shouldn't happen, my dog had the black one as a puppy and it was fine. My old labrador wore a red one and swam in it everyday, the colour never leaked. I would definitely be contacting the company for a faulty product.
  2. Yonjuro where did you buy yours from? Ronin looks marvellous in it, and looks much more comfortable than a cone!
  3. Nova has a high quality, polished wood pin brush... it does wonders on my hair
  4. My dog is currently asleep on my bed, next to me, with his head on my stomach.
  5. Love the backpack! She looks pleased with herself too! Have you tested it out yet on deliveries? I think it will look amazing with the boots when you get them too. I hope you don't mind but you inspired me to hurry up and order some saddle bags for my boy, which arrived today
  6. Oh and if he doesn't already have a thick padded bed, I suggest making or buying one. As thick and cushioning as you can get.
  7. I'm very sorry about your dogs diagnosis. It's a hard thing to watch, I can't answer your question about raw, as my lab also had IBD so was on a strict diet, but I 100% agree with White Shepherd Mom. You need to do rehabilitation exercises with him, there are simple things like walking up hills and in sand but there are lots you can do strengthen his hind end. Caveletti jumps are a good exercise, which are small jumps placed at just the right distance apart that the dog trots through them (not jumps) and picks up his feet. It might be a good idea to talk to a vet and see if they can write up an exercise program for you or refer you to a specialist who can
  8. Never interbred in the purebred world, but there are crap loads of Stafford and and amstaff mixes around.
  9. The news report I saw about the dog that bit the finger off was described as a "Staffordshire Terrier" No mention of "bull" or "American".
  10. Unless it's the same breeder from the other thread?? Is it the registered breeder selling unregistered puppies? If yes then you can report to the states Canine Council.
  11. Do you know the breeders Prefix? Report them for selling unregistered puppies to DogsQLD. Keep the emails as proof.
  12. I don't think there is any thing wrong with being wary of certain breeds. I am because my dog has been attacked by a type of breed twice in 8 months, I don't automatically think they are all bad, I'm just more watchful. But I also find myself more watchful when it comes to breeds with naturally upright stances like huskies.
  13. Why add to the space junk already up there? It's becoming a serious problem that needs fixing as it is.
  14. Hate to put a downer on this but $5000 is nothing if your dog needs major surgery. That plus four years at $80 per month = $3840 (not $5000). You need to have at least $10,000 in the account if you want to cover your dog for a major surgery. Are you assuming your dog will have no accidents or health concerns at all in the four years it takes you to accumulate $3840 in the account and that you won't need to draw from this account to pay for, say, $500 or so in vet fees? The $500 would cover two or three consults plus medication and tests. If xrays are needed it will cost more. Also if any 'minor' surgery is required you're looking at around $3000+ depending on the kind of surgery required e.g dog swallowed something indigestible that caused an obstruction. Though a dental is not covered by most pet insurers, if your dog needs dental in the first 5 years of life, there goes another few hundred $$ which you may need to draw from your pet savings account. One of my dogs had never had a sick day in his life and at 5 years of age he suffered a ruptured disk in his spine. The cost of imaging (myelogram) and the subsequent surgery was around $7500 and this was 5 years ago. You can bet the cost of the surgery has increased considerably since then. The only way I would do this is if I had $7000-8000 to deposit in the pet account right now and then deposit $100 each month to the account until the account balance reached $15000. At this point I would cease contributions and let the interest the account attracts increase the balance. Do your vets allow your insurers to pay direct to them? Because all the vets here make you pay upfront, so you need the money saved up either way. With insurance you do get it back, but yea... you need to have it saved up anyway.
  15. Twice a day, 7-8am, and around 5:30pm. From everything I've been told (with my last breed being susceptible) multiple smaller feeds a day reduce the risk of bloat.
  16. Look at Green Lipped Muscle Protein, I did a report on it for uni last year, lots of interesting studies out there
  17. With my old labrador we needed a new bed for the same reason, what we found was the best and cheapest was one of those egg shell foam mattress toppers. We got a single bed one and cut it in half, put the two flat sides together and then put it inside a single bed doona cover, folded the excess over and sewed that up. You could put another doona over it and not sew it up for a removable washable cover. When he started having accidents at night we then just put a double sided picnic blanket on top, so it was still soft on top but the bottom was water proof. It lasted the last 12 months of his life and he just loved it It was very big for him to stretch out comfortably and cushioning for his joints. As well as Cartrophen shots he was also on pernaease powder which is the generic cheaper version of Sashas Blend. It has Green Lipped Muscle Protein in it which is proven to help arthritis, we found it made a big difference especially in the earlier years.
  18. Would love to see the Corgis sitting up Cleo! Sheena, I started by getting him to sit, I would sit in from of him and put my arm horizontally in front of him and got him to put his paws on my arm, slowly moved to paws on my legs, and after many months of building up those muscles and rewarding for less pressure on my legs he was able to do it by himself. Now it's his go to trick if he wants something Between going from paws on my arms to my legs, it helped to have a wall right behind him.
  19. I got a new (in that cardboard thingy), Kong Wobbler off Ebay for $24, free shipping Might be a good option.
  20. I finally got a video of our Sit Pretty. Realised Nova has a "derp" concentration face
  21. Great explanation Cosmolo! Aussie my aussie will poke back too . I've met a few ACDs, some have been horrible dogs, but they weren't very well looked after. I know two amazing blues though, fiercely loyal and smart.
  22. Oh Cassie, I'm so sorry this happened to Sumo. I'm glad you've got him back and you and your OH knew the signs, I hope he recovers well. A sad but great warning for everyone.
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