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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Oh awesome stuff! I watched an amazing video of a Newfoundland doing a water rescue trial. Was very cool!
  2. My boy was always on Mains, I showed him once at 5 months, and now we are trying again in just a few short weeks at 16months! Umm, I'll let you know how hard it is
  3. 1: Yes 2: Yes, but if the stud was not available to see (like if it was out of state etc) I would go off recommendations. 3: Yes.
  4. Seregil, You could ask for a sample? Also most petshops will refund or replace super premium food even if it's half eaten . We went through a lot to find the right one! Nova went ok on the Lamb, but he went off the taste. I was happy with this condition on the Holistic Select grain free too (Fish again), but again he went off it and would refuse to eat for days. We got the poop explosions and vomits with chicken!
  5. That's good she's come around to your side. I don't think non dog people really understand the commitment levels that we can get. You should've heard some of the comments from family friends when Mum told them I'm entering shows and training for trials... Apparently that's a horrible hobby and will repel men! Groan! Because finding a man should be the soul objective in your life, and you mustn't do anything to compromise it! Of course Raineth, can't waste time with trivial nonsense, I'll be an old maid before I know it
  6. My boy once cocked his leg, peed and pooped all at the same time. Pee got everywhere but it was a sight to behold
  7. That's good she's come around to your side. I don't think non dog people really understand the commitment levels that we can get. You should've heard some of the comments from family friends when Mum told them I'm entering shows and training for trials... Apparently that's a horrible hobby and will repel men! Haha to the bolded bit! My husband is a surfing/playstation type of man, hard enough to get his attention during a game but he's there ringside cheering me on, setting up my gazebo and giving me tips on handling (!) He knew nothing of showing 4 years ago! Partly how I knew he was the right one :laugh: Has he got any like minded friends/brothers/cousins? The comment is hilarious looking back, but it's also upsetting that you know... I'm 23 and apparently all my hobbies need to involve whether or not men find it an attractive attribute. *Grumbles*
  8. That's good she's come around to your side. I don't think non dog people really understand the commitment levels that we can get. You should've heard some of the comments from family friends when Mum told them I'm entering shows and training for trials... Apparently that's a horrible hobby and will repel men!
  9. I know how you feel. Living in a rural area, even when Nova was 2-6 months I was getting comments that dogs shouldn't be inside, on beds, on the couch, etc etc. Even got bullshit because I would carry him before he got his final shots as parvo was having a serious outbreak "Why are you babying that dog like that, it can walk!" I know it can walk you douchenugget but unlike half the pups around here mine won't get parvo! Oh and the lovely comments made by my old lawn mower guy when I first got him to "The best way to raise a dog is to keep in on a chain, and if it ever plays up give it a boot, none of this positive crap". Arghhh! No where near as bad as the above but even comments from family about the simple fact that I feed him food that cost more than $20 and brush him daily is apparently babying... No no, it's just to stop my house from looking like a giant hair ball. Like you said, our dogs are well adjusted, well behaved, and well looked after. So stuff what they say and vent away
  10. That's our problem. My boy is doing really well on Earth Born Coastal Catch. It's fish based and grain free, they also have a lamb version
  11. My boy didn't start cocking his leg until over 12 months, but even now at 15 months he only cocks his leg to mark, he will still squat to have a normal wee. My last boy did the same thing his entire life. Cock leg to mark, but squat to do a normal wee.
  12. My last dog was on kibble and raw at different stages of his life for medical reasons, even on a lower quality kibble his teeth were much better than when he needed to be on a purely raw diet. Current dog gets a mixture of kibble and RMBs and if I see he's getting a bit of dirty teeth he'll get some extra bones with lots of ligaments (for flossing), and that cleans it up. Vet said the other day he had impeccably clean teeth. I think it's just one of those things that is different for every dog. I would give the recommended kibble a go, if it works for your dog, then it works
  13. My dog is sensitive to chicken that's why it's a no for us.
  14. Bugger, could of been a good option for us if it didn't have the chicken fat
  15. Wooo Congratulations! Can't wait to see baby lab pics
  16. Nova can't eat chicken but I've fed turkey drumsticks.
  17. There is a lovely older lady in her 80s who comes into my work with the most well behaved mini poodle I've ever seen! It's sticks to her walking frame, completely off leash and does absolutely anything she asks of it. It's very well groomed and feel and looks very fit and healthy. I think as long as you can see to the dogs needs and make sure you have a plan for the dog incase the worst happens to you then keep having dogs :) It's better for your mental health too!
  18. So many things! But if I have to pick one, his bond with me. I was terrified that for some reason I would end up with a pup that wouldn't bond with me, especially after having such an amazing bond with my lab. Fortunately we definitely have a good one
  19. Urgh, I had another related dog page pop up on Facebook as a "suggested page". It again is full of blue "bully?" type am staffs. I found the admin from the original page, arguing for these dogs, which explains a lot... "The standard does not mean the dog has to look like it . Its just a standard"
  20. Not that price matters in the long run but if that is what you are worried about, $2000 seems like a high price for a pet puppy with undesirable traits (again, perhaps someone in the breed could jump in). But just by looking at some puppy ads, I would think that perhaps you could find a puppy from a better breeder for a lower cost even if you do give up your deposit.
  21. Not just do they all seem to be blue, but they all look huge and weird looking, almost like bulldog crosses. Even the ones that say Amstaff.
  22. I 100% agree with this. Cut your loses and run. Also this is what the ANKC breed standard for Dachshund says "Pied, tricolour and the dilute colours isabella and blue are highly undesirable" So I would be questioning why this breeder has bred them at all. I suggest familiarising yourself with the standard linked, and finding a breeder that breeds to it. Hopefully someone in Dachshunds reads this and can point you to a reputable breeder.
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