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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Everybody's making a blog, maybe mine should be about how to make gourmet dog ice blocks HOLY BEJESUS. I WOULD READ THAT. I WOULD. :laugh: I'll keep you posted on how bored I get!
  2. But sometimes people have to put there pets in kennels for other reasons then holidays. I did recently because of my daughter's wedding. Usually the dogs come with me to her place, but this one time she didn't want them there. I wasn't going to go against her wishes nor was I going to miss my only child's wedding. So into the kennels they went. Yes, I'm boarding Nova for the first time during fire season, for my brothers wedding. I'm not going to miss that. Am I worried, especially after all this? Yes. But I can't take him with me, and he's boarding with Alphabet who has emailed me an extensive fire plan. I'll probably be a stressed out dog owner anyway, but I trust him more boarding there than if I was to leave him in a kennel at Wagga, or even house sat for that matter.
  3. Everybody's making a blog, maybe mine should be about how to make gourmet dog ice blocks
  4. Ooooh, watching because that's a great idea, but yeah I don't know about coconuts and dogs, hope someone else does!
  5. Wellness core, fish one is average sized, pyramid shaped. Earthborn Holistic Coastal Catch has almost the exact same ingredients but the kibble is really tiny, flat squares They both have a fairy strong fishy smell, and are both slightly oily to the touch. My dog tolerates both, only difference is he eats the larger Wellness a bit slower, but he isn't a fast eater anyway. My dog gets supplimented with meaty bones like turkey necks which are great for teeth cleaning, so I can't really comment on teeth cleaning properties of the kibble.
  6. Seriously awesome service! Just got an email checking everything was ok, and informing me that they have plenty of stock, all because I used the checkout to double check shipping rate
  7. Thank you! I'll give them a call tomorrow and double check it's in stock (website says they notify you after you order ) Then I'll put the order in and hopefully it gets here
  8. Wow! The freight is only $5 for the big bag! Every other store I've looked at when I put in my postcode the 'flat rate' shipping gets overrided
  9. Thanks guys I'll check them out!
  10. My town has run out of ALL grain free non chicken based food for 3 weeks, we have about a weeks left, maybe two if I give him some more meat than usual. Nova gets itchy on grains and vomits/ poop explosions on chicken. What online stores stock Earthborn Holistic coastal catch or something very similar with high protein (we haven't tried canidae, but could give it a go), that; 1: would deliver to rural NSW within 2 weeks, 2: tell you if they are out of stock and not put it on back order. Thank you.
  11. Hi, your vet should give you a diet if IBD is found, which will need an internal biopsy to be sure. Kangaroo can work but only if your dog has never had it before. She needs a 'novel protein' meaning something she has never eaten. Talk to your vet about an exclusion diet and follow it to the exact. It normally starts with just a novel protein and either rice or potato, and you keep just that for weeks.
  12. I had one made for my old dog wih IBD. I got his normal collar and took in down to an engraver and they put a big name plate on it with. "SEVERE ALLERGIES, DO NOT FEED" and our number under it. It was more of a just in case he has ever gotten out or lost, but that never happened.
  13. Twice a day. I will always do twice a day now. 3 x as a pup. My first dog was originally once a day, it was changed as he was at high risk of bloat and vets suggest multiple small meals instead. There was an improvement in his energy levels too.
  14. I'm hoping to book Nova in to Alfoxton kennels for a week north of Melbourne soon. I can let you know how it goes after :)
  15. I agree with Steph, I have a savings account set up with a good sum in it. My current vet, my old vet, all the vets my friends work at (I know a lot of vets/ vet students and vet nurses in various cities), all will do payment plans if the customer has a deposit proportionate to the costs. Might be harsh to some people,but truth be told, if there is something that will cost $30,000 in medical bills with a small rate of success, I would be looking at that realistically.
  16. Did you ever do hydrotheraphy with him? Not available to us where I live unfortunately. But he swum evey day in a dam right until the end
  17. I agree with a back end harness like Jumabaar suggested. I think Ruffwear makes one too. I also suggest getting him some grippy boots to wear of his back feet. It will stop any damage from the scrapping and also help with traction. You can get some specifically for DM which have straps that attach to a harness and stop the feet from actually scrapping but I don't have experience in those ones. Do you have some exercises to do with him from your vet? I found some very useful with my boy, unfortunately (fortunately?) he passed from other reasons before his DM progressed and stopped him being mobile. Excercises we did included some hind end awareness, cavaletti and hill walking.
  18. Aww she's growing into a beauty Alvse! Merry first Christmas to all the puppies
  19. Wow Hazywal, Terrigal may be feral but your council has SO MANY off leash dog areas! "Council has designated 40 off-leash exercise areas in parks, and nine off-leash exercise areas on our beaches. " Our council has 6 and they are all but one crap. The biggest one is unusable during warmer months as it's in a bush area and is snakes galore. Even if you tripled our population and parks to meet Gosford councils area population, we still have dramatically less.
  20. Happy Gotcha Day Didi! She really has grown into a stunning dog, very majestic looking.
  21. Exact reason why mine gets locked inside until he's dry!
  22. I would still call a 10 month old a puppy. Just think, some breeds aren't even fully grown until 3! When people ask me how old Nova is and I say 18months, I actually get most people saying "Oh he's still a baby!" Most of the above come from obedience/agility people so not sure if it's something to do with that. But I use 'puppy' as a fond term as well. My labrador was always "my puppy", even when he passed at 11.
  23. Thanks :) I did that over this winter, but have had some vets tell me it's a waste of money over winter. I will keep on going throughout the year.
  24. I realise this should be the standard, but still it's very thoughtful of you. I think (hope) any polite person would do the same, especially if they've had shit neighbours in the past. I don't have any friends with children, and our neighbours don't have kids either, so I'm not really up to date on appropriate times... So while I hope I'd be considerate, it's not something I could 100% say I would have succeeded at. I always make sure any squeaky toys are removed from the yard before 8pm so that when we go out for the last wee of the night we don't get a squeaky Symphony. If we get any neighbours with young children though I'll be mindful of naps and earlier bed times! Oh yea I had no idea either but asked my mum who is a preschool teacher and then when I started to know the neighbours a bit better I asked the neighbours straight up because he was getting worse with the barking during play. I know how cranky I get when the other neighbour leaves it's dog outside at night when a storm has been forecasts for a long time even though it starts to freak out at 4am. I know they bring it inside at other times!! And I'm not a parent of young children, I just love my sleep If I had a dog that barked during the day or night I wouldn't hesitate to try various barking collars if more exercise and mental stimulation didn't work.
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