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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. Hey, hey, hey. You take that back. I don't want it
  2. LisaCC

    Puppy Diet

    I think the Proplan Breeders Formula may be the same as ProPlan Performance?? ProPlan Performance comes in really big "Breeders Bags" sizes and it says it is for all ages from pups to adults :)
  3. Nice hair cut Nixon! So glad he's home and feeling better!
  4. So glad things are looking up!!
  5. The week I picked up Nova at 8 weeks. Born 6/5/13 Checking out the Kennel he has never ever slept in, instead laying next to it until he was big enough to sleep on top. (Don't fret, spoilt pup has at all time of his life had access to the house and indeed my own bed ) Cuddles with mummy Growing up, at approx 4 months, "Wonky ear" teething stage. Complimentary "Embarrassing" photo, first full body swim in the river
  6. Glad he's doing well Aliwake. Don't beat yourself up, we used to give our dogs a grape every now and then and even a corn cob after the rabbits were done with it until we were told they could all cause serious issues. You won't know unless someone tells you. You recognised signs, asked, and acted. Thats being a good dog owner!
  7. I shared this to my training club too :) I clicked the link to try to get to the eBook for the 'Show Me' game but it's a dead link.
  8. Same goes. They should know better. Anyone who beats up on their dog should be charged with animal cruelty. Poor dog Well the alternative view on that one is that there was no punching or beating up at all, just someone trying to restrain an unleashed and excited dog in a busy carpark and get a slip lead on it before it got hit by a vehicle. And it was several years ago. Looking at the photos I can believe it, but with so many made up stories being 'reported' I wouldn't presume anything. Either way . The only article I saw on this looked like a guy holding back a lunging dog. There will always be two sides of the story, the truth is normally somewhere in between.
  9. I have a Kathmandu jacket and generally just some skins. Water proof beanie if it's cold. Nova has a Hurtta raincoat but he normally only wears it if it's pouring or we are going to walk into town for a coffee where soaking wet dog isn't the nicest. Eau de wet Labradore is very strong.
  10. I know there are a few registration organisations and I urge you to do a lot of research if you go for one. I know of plenty of people that bought extremely expensive 'Aussie bulldogs' and ended up still needing to do all the nose and throat surgeries that British Bulldogs often need, and lots that needed entropian surgery too. Behavioural problems galour, one was PTS for aggression. Would he be open to a boxer?
  11. I had the same thoughts. It's happened before by some AR nutters hasn't it? Who ever it was its disgusting. That poor dog and its owners
  12. Love it! Gorgeous flattering style too :)
  13. We had the RSPCA called on us once because when my last dog was extremely ill with IBD, he had lost a staggering amount of weight. He loved his short walks though. Someone saw him, thought we were starving him. RSPCA quickly went away when they were shown the evidence of multi week vet visits. When he survived that and lived another 5 years and started getting old and frail with some nerve issues we then had people comment "why don't you just put him down and get a new one?" This whole time he had his pain managed (he had DM which thankfully is pain free in the early stages), was happy and relatively healthy. But he was old amd greying and moved stifly. Quickly learnt to ignore people like that and relish in the true dog lover who would comment on how good he looked for his age, and what a handsome lab he was, and of course his gentle nature.
  14. How exciting! Is he coming from in Australia or being imported?
  15. Sick as a dog Sick as a dog: 41 cases of deadly parvovirus reported in Orange By TANYA MARSCHKE March 6, 2015, 4:30 a.m.PET PROJECT: Dog owners are being warned about an outbreak of parvovirus. ORANGE has been listed as a hot spot for the deadly dog disease, parvovirus (parvo), with 41 reported cases in the last three months. The figure was released by the Australian Veterinary Association this week with the number of Orange cases significantly higher than other NSW hot spots Duri (12 cases), Goulburn (10 cases), Tamworth (10 cases), Walgett (nine cases) and Ambarvale (seven cases). There were 315 reported cases across Australia including 170 cases in NSW during the period. According to the association Queensland division president Dr Michael O’Donoghue death occurred in 80 per cent of untreated cases and in 53 per cent of treated cases the dog or puppy died or had to be euthanised. Canobolas Family Pet Hospital vet Dr Angela Warrian said most cases were puppies or young dogs that had not had follow up shots. “It’s now quietened off in the last couple of weeks but in the last couple of months there was quite a few cases,” Dr Warrian said. “It’s mainly the people that think they’ve had their dogs fully vaccinated, they’ve had one puppy vaccination but not the follow up. “In addition the ones that we see are puppies that don’t get their puppy needles or their booster at 15 months of age, it’s really vital to have that one a year later, that’s why we have 12 to 15 month old dogs come in.” Dr Warrian said the first vaccination was usually made when a puppy was between six and eight weeks and there was a follow up vaccination at 12 weeks although some puppies needed a shot in between. Particular breeds such as Rottweilers may also require a different schedule due to a difference in the mother’s immunity.“For animals that are in high risk areas, if they have just moved into a property and don’t know the history or if they know they’ve ever had parvo in their yard of if they take their puppies to parks or other social areas, for those animals we do suggest shortening the vaccination schedule so there’s a more minute gap,” Dr Warrian said. Although there has been a socioeconomic link with some people not getting their animals vaccinated due to the cost Dr Warrian said the parvo cases came from across Orange. She said people should factor in the cost of vaccinations before getting a pet and at less than $200 for two shots it was much cheaper to vaccinate than spend between $700 and $3000 on parvo treatment, which had no guarantee of success. [email protected]
  16. I've done a PDF File up on how to train the Lap Turn but you would need to PM me your email address, so I could send it to you. But basically, as the dog is coming out of the tunnel, you are behind the jump & left of the wing closest to the tunnel facing your dog. You cue him to come to your right hand as if holding a treat bringing him around the wing, then you flip your hand over & that puts him over the jump. All the time you are facing forward ready to race to the next jump. It does require a bit of training, but if you can do Lap Turns, then you don't have to run so far :laugh: Can I get that too please? I'll PM you :)
  17. Ahhh thanks guys! I read those on my laptop while looking at the course on my iPad We are still working on weaves and contacts so planning on attempting Novice jumping at my clubs trial coming up. My instructor hates blind crosses with a passion, thinking of heading to the next town to get some privates by someone else.
  18. Sheena, can I ask a question as a complete newb heading towards our first trial? What would be the best way to approach 4-7?
  19. See "outside only" doesn't scream 'pet friendly' to me. There is a hotel here that advertises as "pet friendly", which means they have some kennels out the back that your dog is allowed in.
  20. My dog is allowed on furniture at my house, but knows only when invited and never on the spare bed. I would never allow my dog to jump on someone else's furniture without permission. I think that's pretty rude. Then again I also always check whether any house is a "shoes off" house and always presume yes. This was the rule at my mothers house until I came back one day and found her curled up on the "no dogs allowed" couch with Nova I would be happy enough with being able to have my dog inside at all at any accommodation, not enough places allow it! I hope you can get the cottage sorted out Sheena, sounds wonderful!
  21. What breeds are in smoke Perse? I know you said you have long haired coolies?
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