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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. He is so cute!!! Green is certainly his colour :D
  2. Here's a link to the collection of all peer reviewed research done on Bravecto (fluralaner) published in Parasites & Vectors
  3. I just saw an advertisement on Facebook by the Autstralian Pet Treat Company for this new Tick and Flea tablet, Bravecto. This link goes to the US site that I found on it. It says it works on paralysis tick for FOUR MONTHS! Anyone heard anything about it? I know some people here that work at pet shops had info on Nexguard before it was released.
  4. Considering pet sitting and dog walking requires no skills or experience I think any course can only be seen as a good thing! How sanguine you are :) Have a look at [**kirty**'s thread - I think it was **kirty**, I'll check]. She is an extremely experienced animal person and still had an event. In another person's hands, this could have been disastrous. I think Clyde means that anyone can do it. It's not like for example, teaching where you do actually need a degree to get the job. Us "dog people" on Dol might go looking for someone with credentials and proper training as we know what might happen, but it's not going to stop the 15 year old down the road wanting some pocket money walking dogs after school. For that person, the sheer basics is surely better than nothing.
  5. I have a DOOG walkie belt, and it only JUST fits my iPhone 5s with a basic silicone cover on it in the biggest pocket. I do use it all the time for running/jogging though as it does do it's job of not bouncing around. If I'm walking I will just use a bigger Black Dog bait bag if need be. I saw on their facebook page that DOOG did just bring out a shoulder bag, perhaps look into that?
  6. The worst! My backyard was about 1/3rd caltrop this summer What a good boy Don is!
  7. Great! Glad you got to meet some more at the trial! Goodluck in your search :D
  8. There are some good websites that list the bad qualities about Aussies. If you google 'Why not to get an Australian Shepherd' they should come up. When I read those websites I actually read those "bad" things and thought 'I actually LOVE those things!' I don't think people should get breeds just hoping to get 'the exception'. They do pop up, but again, they are working breeds. If you don't want to deal with working dog tendencies perhaps look elsewhere, or at least look at an adult dog with a temperament already set in. WreckitWhippets suggestion sounds good! My Aussie would not deal with that situation very well for example :)
  9. Check out the Aussie Thread if you haven't already. It's really long, but full of everyones ups and downs over the years, useful information on temperament, grooming, training etc. Oh and gorgeous photos
  10. The other thing to think about with Aussies and probably any working breed. Is can you deal with a dog that may be in all likely hood smarter than you? They are manipulative things and may end up training you instead! I'm currently dog sitting an adult bitch, and while she is "mature" and my boy is still an "adolescent". The difference in activity levels are pretty big. A huge difference is that she has no off switch. I mention this because a lot on websites mention this as a big bonus for Aussies over other working breeds, but you need to train it in. I'm not entirely sure this has anything to do with her breeding either. I think it's how she's been raised, she's very manipulative. You need to keep on top of them. They are smart dogs and will take advantage of you!
  11. There could be a select aussie for the situation. But I do see some issues. I know a few aussies with anxiety issues for one. If you wanted a hard bullet proof breed I'm not sure an aussie would ever be my first choice. Be very very careful with picking your lines if you go ahead. The other issue I see is the other working breeds this dog will play with, will the dog actually play with them or are they actually working working dogs? If they aren't true working dogs and are available to play, 1: will your dogs be compatable and WANT to play, 2: will they want to keep playing with enough intensity day after with constant access or end up just laying around like normal yard dogs. If any of the above scenarios happen will you still be able to give the dog enough exercise AND mental stimulation. There are different levels of drive in Aussies. I really don't like it when people think of them as the "easier" working dog. They are different to Border Collies in how they think and act, but they may not be "easier". I suggest you meet a few, and not only the ones at shows, as they are always nice, calm and seem to be on there best behaviour, Go to some agility comps or even better, a training club where they are still in training. Talk to the owners and breeders about what each individual dog is like at home. How much exercise, training etc each person has to do to keep each particular dog happy. Some are fairly lazy, some are a bit nutso.
  12. If i see those really paper thin minute steaks on special at the supermarket I buy those, cook them quickly and chop them up. They work great. TSD, how does boiled egg go? Do you only use the whites so the yolk doesn't smoosh all through your treat bag? I've thought about it heaps of times but it's always seemed like a bad idea? Or do you just over boil it?
  13. I have an entire dog inside here and there is no smell. In saying that I don't think Nova pees on himself. I'm actually thinking perhaps there is something else going on? UTI perhaps?
  14. Crazy Sales currently have Hurtta coats if you are looking
  15. I have no interest in allowing Nova to approach unknown dogs or letting unknown dogs approach him. The only time we go to off leash parks are when it's empty for free running or training or when we are going to meet a known dog or 2. Never packs of dogs either. When introducing unknown dogs I do it on leash first, take the dogs on a calm walk first and see how they interact.
  16. I'm not pointing my tongue out at you Steve. My exact point is if you got some funds together the MDBA would actually have a choice then in allocating those funds and how they are used to an extent. Is that not what you want?
  17. As I've said before, the ANKC actually gives grants to university students doing research on dogs. If you unhappy with what projects they are picking to fund perhaps you need to speak to them. Perhaps the MDBA could provide a grant.
  18. There are laid back individuals, but they are still a working breed. I agree with Nekhbet, set the dog up into a strict routine while it is remaining with you and be calmly open with your friend. As hard as a situation it is, She needs to know. Perhaps get some advice on a trainer in her area that you can recommend to her to help?
  19. Yes, Ernie may add more as he bulks up but a couple of kilos over this magical 30 dhoukdnt matter if it's the right temperament. Don't think females get that big. There is a breed standard. "Size does matter" to an extent, with breeding animals. Females can get in the low 30s (yes fit, not fat).
  20. You could go get a science degree and do your own study before you shit all over someone else's? "Pointless" to you, is not to others.
  21. My pup had free range of the backyard, backyard was safe and puppy proof. He had supervised free range of a few rooms of the house; dining, lounge and hall. When I was not home or not able to watch him he was placed safely outside. If it was shorter periods of time (shower, bathroom or cooking etc) or over night he was crated. This was so he wasn't getting into anything while I wasn't watching and so he wouldn't have the chance to toilet inside. With the above routine we had one accident inside in his entire puppy hood, a poop explosion on the night I bought him home as I was holding him and rushing him out! Never a shoe or anything chewed. By 4 months I stopped crating him for those short periods. By 8 months I left his crate open at night and by 9 months he was able to be trusted all day and all night unconfined, unsupervised in the house if I wanted him to be, or outside. He's content, calm and happy where ever I want him to be.
  22. I don't know much about the breed at all, but I just remember a recent thread about people saying Pointers are hidden gems. Would they suit?
  23. I was thinking the hound group too but the other side, scent hounds. Might be harder to get though, I think the larger (than beagle) scenthounds aren't as popular in Australia. I'm thinking along the lines of a foxhound or harrier. Maybe a Ridgeback? I think a Dally would fit too.
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