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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. New bed is too comfy to even move my head. So I'll just let the wild birds walk all over me and steal my fur for their nests.
  2. I know of a family that have these paddles installed on their fences. Cats apparently can't get over them if it is installed correctly. Australian invention too. http://www.oscillot.com.au
  3. BlackJaq I hope that ends up being true, and I also hope she doesn't breed from him before she comes to that realisation. Love.is.a.pet. That is what worries me, that she and more people will end up doing that to their clients.
  4. Im so very frustrated by some people at the moment. I study Animal Science at uni, I have other friends who study the same as well as Vet (and a number of other animal related degrees). This last year there have been many instances of people who (should) know better doing wrong things, like a group of Conservation science girls going to a primate tourist attraction in Thailand (involving monkeys being chained and trained cruelly etc) for fun. But this one hit closer to home today. One particular friend who will actually be fully qualified Vet in a few short months was having a problem with her BYB red Border Collie pup. She has been needing to lock him up in the laundry when she is not home as he is climbing fences and trying to escape when ever possible, the yard is actually very secure he is just an amazing climber. He is around 8mths now so I suggested possible getting him desexed as it might stop him from wondering (I know its not the fix all, just thought it may help in this particular case). The response I got.. "I don't want to get him desexed because he should have puppies, he is just too pretty not to. Oh and he would get fat". This I can understand from general public.. every one knows there is a lot of people with views like this. But this woman will be a vet very soon! She knows all the problems that can happen, she just obviously doesn't care because he is "pretty". I can't imagine her giving out good advise to people about dog breeding when she is actually out in the industry. I was planning on showing her the 'Sick border collier pup thread' but of course anything I say will not taken seriously as she is a Vet student and I just study animal... I hope its not a common thing and that it's restricted more to students, but are there many people in the Industry that do actually know better... but just don't care? Writing this has actually made me more sad than frustrated
  5. I'm interested if anyone has any knowledge of this as well and whether its possible for your own dog to be accredited as a Medical Alert assistance dog. I know it is in other countries, but when I looked into it a few years ago I found nothing in Australia. Would be great if you can now.
  6. My ute was second hand and already had an anchor mount on the floor (still close to the cab) and then one higher up. Used both, settled on the floor. Seemed safer, allowed the dog to lay down with as short a length as possible and still be able to sit. If your dog/s prefer to stand to steady themselves rather than lie it might be different though.
  7. Yes some horrible things can happen if the dog is not restrained properly. My neighbour ran over his Rottweiler a few years ago after it fell off his ute I was very carefully with chain (length, position and checking for loosening) when had my ute. I don't think I would have a dog just tethered if the ute didn't have side panels. If it is just the plain tray I would definitely install a cage. I also had some rubber matting fitted.
  8. I think this would be great for dogs with special needs, my dog already has a collar that states he has severe food allergies and also requires medication. But being able to look up any extra details if he was to get lost, need medical attention and I couldn't be contacted, would be great!
  9. Very short chain attached to the middle but as close to the cab end as possible. If you are going to use a harness attach a back up with a collar, I've seen dogs escape from harnesses at red lights! I'm also currently without ute at the moment
  10. Oh ok thanks but I don't need one of those.
  11. Kyliedelonge, Thanks for the info, I had a look but the only ones I could find on their website was the 42" crate, and if that is their Jumbo these are still cheaper :)
  12. I KNOW!!! I'm trying to stay away from the Aussie thread as there are new puppy pictures posted everywhere!! Keep reminding myself to be patient...
  13. Patiently waiting for my puppy to hurry up so I can come join the Wagga fun.
  14. Raineth they have 'Giant' size as well, but will need to order that in if the extra large isn't big enough, so you could always go down and ask them to. I know the Large is a 38" crate if that helps.
  15. I enquired on wire crates at Riverina Co-op on Moorong street, and apparently was the first to ever do so. But the prices they will sell them for are so cheap! I don't know the prices for all of them, but around $200 less than Pet barn and at around $100 less than the other pet shops in town. Also cheaper than ordering over the internet and getting them freighted out here. I explained what they were used for and the lady in charge of pet stock is actually going to order in 2 of medium, large and extra large sizes. So in a few weeks they should be there to have a look at and they will have more sizes and more stock to order in if people want them. Talk to Carolyn if you are interested.
  16. Not sure how true this is but I just found this on the internet " Heartworm larvae cannot develop to the stage needed to infect dogs until temperatures have been over 57 degrees Fahrenheit (14 degrees Centigrade), day and night, for at least one to two weeks."
  17. I'm not sure, I don't even know if where I am now is in it or not, hence why I'll be asking the vet. But I would love to see one too.
  18. For my lab, all wormer from the vet every 3 months, never heartworm as he is in a cold climate (advised from vets), never treated for fleas as we have never had a problem and don't live in a tick area so no need for that either. Will probably need to do Heartworm when I get a new pup as I am in a warmer area now but I'll check with the vet first.
  19. I wouldn't be surprised if they where German Shepherd x's. I was looking for an Aussie shepherd book in the library the other day, and I got 'Oh are they Australian bred German shepherds?' I've heard that multiple times actually.
  20. Poochmad I think it's amazing how they can read your emotions and body language. Also I taught my boy how to bow by getting him to stand and then drop but I would keep my hand up under his belly, Luring with food if he felt uncomfortable to drop with my hand there, he learnt this way in just a few repetitions.
  21. I remember this from when I was around 12. When my uncle moved he took his beautifully natured Malamute girl to the pound and told them some lie about her being uncontrollable and vicious because he would rather her be put down than another family have her and couldn't find a vet that would put down a perfectly healthy dog. This dog was lovely, when ever I would visit them I would sit outside for hours brushing her because they obviously never did, if a 12 year old knows that you need to care for a dog I can't see how two adults don't. But then again they also had her chained up for a year because their fence fell down and they didn't fix it Their ragdoll cat was locked in the Laundry at all times because they had just had a child, that cat ended up getting stuck behind the washing machine and dying. 2 months after moving, they bought an Aussie bulldog pup, was dumped a few years later because they couldn't handle it. They also bought two new cats, they then moved again and 'accidentally' left the door open the week before and the adult blue russian and little mixed kitten where still gone on the day they went out of state, not that they tried looking for them. Luckily I actually went pass the house a week later and found the blue boy laying in the drive way (no one else had moved in yet) took him home and found a new home for him myself, would of kept him if i wasn't allergic. I went back to the area every day but never saw the kitten. I haven't seen them for a few years but thank god they haven't bought another animal yet. Just had more children.
  22. Your dog sounds very clever :) The most amazing thing my lab does, is how he reacts to emotion or illness. I'm sure plenty of other dogs do this too, instead of being his normal boisterous self he will come and rest his head and paw on me if I'm upset or sick. But he has gone further, I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 17, he was 7, so he didn't grow up around this experience. I had a seizure while out walking him off leash, he had actually never seen this happen, and from what people told me he rushed over to me, stayed calm, licked me a few times then stood over me and stopped people from coming near me, until my mother had came. Once I woke he just laid next to me while I recovered and then lead the way back home. This is coming from a dog, when if you lay on the ground he will normally jump on you and try to play, I've also only ever seen him guard a bone before. I could be just imagining it as I have heard its very rare to get a dog that naturally can do this, but I swear he would change his behaviour before I even had the 'aura' that comes before a seizure. Before I had the seizures controlled I always felt much more comfortable with him around. I don't live at home or with him anymore and he is getting quite old, I'm sure I'll never have a dog quite like him again.
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