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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. OK I know I said in my post above each to their own, which still applies, but along the lines of your cliched dislikes, I'm a bit over people calling their chocolate labs chocolate related names. Milo, Cadbury, Rolo, Coco, Bournville, etc etc. Yes! I don't think I personally know a chocolate lab not named after chocolate! Although as a kid I wanted all three colours called, Choco, Liquorice and Honey Comb (Yea I thought I was cool ). I'm a big fan of Human names for dogs, and all animals really. Had a guinea pig called Cindy :)
  2. Hate to be picky but these people aren't about welfare, and neither will their drones be. Yes as already mentioned, Animal Welfare would not risk the welfare of animals to do this. Animal Rights is very different.
  3. Perhaps it might help to write/call an animal WELFARE representative and talk to them about your concerns regarding spooked animals. These people will actually understand that and may be able to help in some way? Those who work in Animal Welfare are generally against the methods used by Animal Rights organisations.
  4. Fantastic news, congratulations Guy Spagnolo, he is a beautiful boy and has done so well. Can he go one further :) Love the Driftway lines, just beautiful examples of our beloved breed :) Ohhh I think my lab had Driftway in his pedigree! :D
  5. Not a minor issue in my eyes. You are dead right.
  6. My brothers dog in sydney came down with similar thing just over a week ago. Specialist at Bondi has diagnosed the same thing as Coonhound Paralysis (idiopathic polyradiculoneurit) This is a totally new thing for me..... they were about to put her down as local vet couldn't work it out and she was having trouble breathing and seemed extremely distressed. Generally more from racoons and skunks - but there is a questionmark over whether it could be from eating chicken or even if a side effect of vaccination.... unfortunately not enough research to know more. Alpha bet, I hope that your brothers dog makes a recovery as quick as Ruby has. The major improvements were close to the 2 week mark. The specialists have actually written her and the other dog up as a Death Adder bite and reported it to authorities (as they shouldn't be here). They can't be completely sure but the fast improvement may indicate it. Coonhound Paralysis can apparently last for a lot longer, but it does vary. Perhaps something to mention to the vets? According to our specialist as neither dog had access to rotting meat if it is Coonhound Paralysis they might not ever know what caused it. Ruby has only ever had her puppy Vacs.
  7. Yes it is sad, I feel sad for the breeder. I've been offered a pup from her next litter, but I think I'll look around again first and see about timing as well. I've got my partners girl Ruby here for two days and just having her here makes me want my own dog even more. But I think I need some time now to mourn Sam.
  8. I can't help with your question but if this isn't too far from me I have a ball crazy ACD laying next to me that would love to have a go once she has recovered!
  9. Thank you BC Crazy :) Yes she is a beauty, but boy does she know it! Takes full advantage of her cuteness by starting into her Daddy's eyes and getting whatever she wants. I have turned up to his place in the early mornings to find her snuggling IN the bed (This is with a "dogs should sleep outside" person ) I'm so happy she has improved and so quickly! Only a few days ago she only started moving her front legs!
  10. GUESS WHOS WALKING NOW??? Still clumsy and takes a bit to get up but amazing to see
  11. Ducking out of this thread for a while. Was just informed that the pups never made it. After just loosing my lab perhaps it all for the best
  12. My uncle bought one for his Australian Bulldog (over 35kg of muscle!) and when I told him that he could easily snap the cord he said it's the only lead that "helps" with the pulling. Oh.. yea it snapped.
  13. Ruby can now hold herself up! Not standing, not sitting, but can prop herself up onto her forearms when laying down. Great improvement and also means a lot less effort required on our part to keep her propped up. Can also hold on to go to the toilet for as long as she could before she got sick, can urinate on command as before but defecation is still a little hard for her to do.
  14. LisaCC


    Thank you everyone for your kind words. I'm glad its not just my eyes that think he was beautiful. I travelled back to uni yesterday so unfortunately I wasn't back home when Sam's ashes were returned this afternoon. My Mum received a beautiful hand crafted outdoor urn. It looks like a slate prism shaped stone with a gold plate engraved on it, his ashes are sealed inside it so he can be placed in the garden. From a family friend we also received a lovely yellow rose for my yellow boy, the rose is called Golden Son. It will be planted next to the urn. Two-three weeks time I will be back home and be able to see it, I hope it will give me some proper closure.
  15. If you don't want to buy an e-reader you can download a free e-reader program for your computer. I use Calibre, not sure if it will read the kindle version (i think it does) but it will definitely read the EPUB format.
  16. There is no way to tell if it was the death adder as it was more than 24 hrs from when the supposed bite would of happened to when the specialist saw her. But from the other similiar case and then Ruby's added symptom of having no facial reflexs (now improved a little) they are leaning more towards Coonhound Paralysis. But the only way to actually diagnose that by doing a very very expensive spinal tap. Either way treatment is the same so there is really no point doing the spinal tap.
  17. LisaCC


    Thank you Tikira, it means a lot. "Normal" people don't seem to understand how much you can grieve for a pet.
  18. Ruby is home with my Partner today (and now I'm the one away). Still in need of intensive nursing but slightly improving every day.
  19. LisaCC


    Sam 20-12-2001 - 19-03-2013. On Tuesday night I had to say goodbye to my friend Sam, after 5 years in recovery he finally lost his battle with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. He was put to sleep with his tail still wagging. At 11years and 3 months he's been my dog for more than half my life. I miss him dearly. There's no illness at the Rainbow Bridge. This is my favourite photo of him. This is after I had had an operation in spring 2011 and could not do much at all, I spent all day on the swinging chair reading and he only moved to eat/drink or when I threw his ball for him. Then he came straight back up and "hugged" my leg.
  20. The specialist vets and students are doing an amazing job. They have been taking ruby outside to roll in the grass just because she likes it . Today she has started to put a tiny bit of weight on her legs when they "walk" her with a sling.
  21. Thank you everyone Flyntahn: Fibrocartilaginous Embolism had definitely been ruled out along with anything along those lines (from impact etc), there is no pain along the spine. The two option I spoke of earlier have been narrowed down after 3 hrs of a very thorough Neuro-consult with a Senior Neurologist and 2 Graduating year students. Update this morning: Not much improvement but progressing as expected. No problems with self urination/defecation last night. The extra hydration of the drip probably helped with that. I was told that the other dog in with the same symptoms has started gaining his strength back, this is after just over a week of care. They hope Ruby progresses in the same way. We are lucky enough to have a canine rehabilitation centre here with Hydro so she will probably need a lot of that when she is getting better.
  22. Thanks you Perse. I am tired, right at that emotional breakdown tired point . But yes she's getting the best possible care there which I'm grateful for. As costly as a specialist is they do tend to have higher quality in care.
  23. Sounds familiar. "You are so Beautiful" "Thank y--" "I was talking to the dog, she's so pretty"
  24. I think it would be possible for some Perse, but with my own medical needs, not possible by myself. I wish I could do it, as she gets very stressed at the vets (more than the average dog), but I need to put my health first.
  25. Just got back from the specialist, been there for about 3 hrs. Ruby is staying there for a minimum for 3 days for intensive care. I had the option of taking her home but what they would need me to do is out of my physical limit. Interestingly the specialists have another dog in their care with the exact same symptoms! What we now know: Not a Brown snake bite. A muscular-neurological disorder that I can't remember the name of was ruled out with a small test as well. One option is a Death Adder bite, which should not be anywhere near this area, but apparently there has been possible sightings and the symptoms fit. Other option is Coonhound Paralysis (Acute canine idiopathic polyradiculoneuritis), if its this they don't know how either dog could have contracted it, but there is generally a few cases seen each year. Both involve nursing slowly back to health. She needs to be made kept upright and made sure she is not falling over every 15 mins, needs to be lifted completely and 'walked' around every 2 hours including moving her at night. They want to put her on a drip as she became dehydrated while at the centre. Also a little worried about her getting a urinary tract infection so they will be able to make sure that doesn't happen.
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