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Everything posted by LisaCC

  1. This thread bought to my attention that my favourite name for the future pup has the same first letter as mine... Now I'm paranoid.
  2. I'm really interested to know how the trainer is going to go about fixing this...
  3. What a beautiful property!
  4. That is fantasic news, LisaCC. You must be over the moon. And it is probably a good thing that Ruby waits to be put onto the bed, but more so, helped off. It is so nice to read of such a result. Yes she gets helped off, we don't want her doing any damage :)
  5. Thanks Perse, It is so great to see her running and doing zoomies :)
  6. Just thought I'd give another update, Ruby is pretty much normal now. Running around, playing fetch, can walk up and down the stairs. Last weekend she had to be carried but yesterday she ran up the full flight! Only thing is that she still can't jump onto the bed, but she will wait till she gets lifted up .
  7. People around here can't understand why I would spend $1000+ to buy a dog in the first place ("Why do that when you can have one of so and so's pig dog bitza pup for a carton?"). I had everyone around me telling me I should put Sam down at even the little things (such as needing some lipomas removes, having arthritis, simply being old). They thought we were crazy when we cared for him and spent thousands on his major problems. So I didn't expect any more from people when he eventually passed. How people can say those things to people I don't know, but thank dog for DOL.
  8. There's also a difference between a dog with excessive white and a double merle, double merle doesn't just cause general blindness, but can result in malformation of the eyes, generally smaller eyes with malformed pupils, on the extreme end there can be a complete absence of the eye.
  9. Looks great MUP. Drivers still remember :) Get a lot of cattle drovers on the Olympic hwy, Sometimes they haven't put out the signs but most people are sensible enough to give the stock distance.
  10. Oh Danes definitely have the same problems with double merles. A family friend rescued one a few years ago. Had some hearing but completely blind, with the tiny eyes. Not sure if it's allowed with the ANKC or not though. I know you are allowed to do m/m Matings with Aussies, and there sure are breeders that do it. Hence my wondering why it's allowed, but not in others :/ Sorry to go OT.
  11. Can anyone shed some light on why you are still allowed to do Merle/Merle matings with Australian Shepherds but not Collies or Borders? I don't know about other dogs like danes though...
  12. Congratulations Emma, you did great work here with WAR.
  13. Hmm the first Koolie breeder I found that had the "solids are not true Koolies" statement on their homepage is a member of the Koolie club.
  14. I just did a little searching because I realised I've only ever seen merle Koolies. I found breeders that state on their websites that they refuse to breed solids because they believe they are not "true koolies". If this happens so often there must be quite a lot of double merle koolies out there
  15. Yes I thought the same thing, possibly realised they were losing the court battle and dropped her off at the RSPCA.
  16. I've been following your story, I'm glad you got to go out and Roo wasn't too bad. I also hope that it wasn't one of the nights the comedian filmed for a dvd release
  17. http://aww.ninemsn.c...aspx?id=8637137 It's a tale familiar to millions of broken families around the world: one party walks away from the family home and moves in with someone else, leading to a bitter, time-consuming and costly court battle. But the star of this story is not a cheating husband or wife, but a small black and white cat called Brandy. Brandy was just one week old when she was given to UK woman Senka Besirevic as a gift. Two years later, Brandy disappeared from Senka's home. The teaching assistant searched for her feline companion for weeks, plastering her neighbourhood with missing posters, but to no avail. Senka assumed the worst but Brandy wasn't dead — she'd just relocated to another home 1.5km away. Karen and Carl Green found Brandy sleeping in the greenhouse of their new home when they moved in in 2007. They thought she was a stray and took her in, naming her "Smelly" because she was filthy when they found her. Karen and Carl adopted Brandy/Smelly and they lived happily together for five years until a fateful vet visit in 2012, where a routine microchip scan revealed Senka was the cat's real owner. The vet called Senka, who was overjoyed to hear her pet was alive. She called Karen and Carl to thank them for looking after her and to arrange to collect Brandy, but they refused to hand her over. "I was given the telephone number of the woman who had cared for her so I phoned her up and said I wanted my cat back and offered to pay her for her trouble," Senka told the UK's Daily Mail. "She said she was sorry but her husband didn't agree, they were going to look into their legal rights." Senka also looked into her legal rights and decided to take the couple to court. She launched a civil suit at Birmingham Country Court last year which went on for nine long months, only ending this January when Karen and Carl claimed the cat had gone missing again. One week later, it was anonymously handed in to an RSPCA centre and returned to Senka. "Luckily, I found a solicitor who had been through the same thing and took on my case," Senka said. "It was a huge battle, I felt like I had lost her for a second time." I know of too many people that have been abused by others for taking a stray animal to a shelter where it can be scanned and it's owners hopefully relocated when "they could of provided a better home for it". I hope stories like this make people aware that not everyone that loses a pet have dumped the animal and don't want it back.
  18. I can't help with the food but maybe just go into a store and take a sneaky photo of the packet :) Otherwise ring up your breeder if they advised the food. My lab was a huge pup and weighed 12kg at 9 weeks! He always "seemed" starving too
  19. Thats exciting lollipup, what are you getting? Tikira that is a nice way to think about it :)
  20. Except I can't whistle, I think I'm the only person on the planet that can't :laugh: I dunno, my mum whistles by sucking air in...it's the weirdest sound ever This interests me and I just made a poll in OT
  21. We have a cat called Fluffy. I think most kids have had a Fluffy. Our Fluffy is short haired and lives with our 3 Persians so I think it's funny, but the irony is lost on my daughter :laugh: My first ever pet was a duckling I named Fluffy, I was upset when she grew up to be white and not so fluffy
  22. Indie is Adorable! So I've replied to the breeder of the pup that never was, and said yes I would like to take up the offer of a pup from her next litter. Mating has already happened so looking at 6 weeks till birth if the mating was successful. I've got a bit of inner turmoil going on. I've been holding out 3 years for a pup, and I definitely want it! But part of me just feels like I'm betraying Sam, I know thats silly, but I can't shake it. I'm hoping that when I go back home in a few weeks and plant his rose and ashes it will help.
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