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Everything posted by schnauzer

  1. Isavis, Does your dog have lumps under the skin. If so, I urge you to get vet treatment immediately. Eight years ago, one of my schnauzers had an allergic reaction to Frontline and became very, very ill. After being at the vet and specialist centre for five days he died.
  2. Hi Karen, family and Wags, My thoughts are with you at this very difficult time. Don't worry about the wonderful staff at Gladesville, they are very sympathetic, caring people - they have seen me blubbering over my dogs many times in the past, and have always been wonderful. Between Max and Tony Moore, you have two of the best vets in Australia. I will pray for a full recovery for Wags.
  3. Karen, I am thinking of you, your family and Wags at this difficult time. I pray that everything will be all right for him and that he will recover well.
  4. Miranda Grooming is a great job if you have good regular clients, who actually look after their dogs. I have done a few shockers in my time, some are flea riddled and matted to the skin. Usually this is only due to a naive client, and you must be prepared to give advice on regular flea control, teach them how to brush and care for their dog correctly. I have also been badly bitten on a couple of occasions. My advice would be to start out in a grooming parlour and learn the ropes there before buying into a franchise. Good luck. Roxiekda, Your poms are absolutely gorgeous.
  5. Hi Karen and Wags, Well defined sounds good. My dogs was not - and it was very hard to define where it actually began and ended - hence the chemo to shrink it. I will pray for Wags' recovery - he is definitely in the very best of hands.
  6. Hi Karen, I am hoping all this will bring you some good news. Max also had Oscar's organs ultrasounded, because if there had been other tumours, we both would have had second thoughts regarding his surgery. Luckily, for us, there were no other tumours present and therefore we went ahead. Wags will be in my thoughts and I pray for a good outcome for you all.
  7. Hi Karen, I am so sorry for Wags. If you are going to Max Zuber, you are in the very best of hands. I cannot recommend Max and his team highly enough. Max has treated my dogs for many years and has done major surgery on a few of them over the years. My 9 year old schnauzer had Grade 2 mast cell tumour near his thigh muscle last year. Max put him on chemo prior to surgery and a few weeks later operated. He has recovered remarkably well and is back to walking kilometres each day. Best wishes with Wags. Let us know how you get on.
  8. Hi Pampa, After reading this thread in its entirety, I just thought I would mention that seven years ago after using Frontline spray on my dog, he suffered a severe allergic reaction which resulted in Vasculitis and other complications which killed him. My very best wishes for your dog.
  9. Apart from the obvious allergies, make sure you are grooming your dogs feet properly. Most terriers will chew at their feet if they have any knots between/above the toes. Cut/brush them out. Best of luck.
  10. Nicestman has recently been fixing all my blades for me and he is the absolute BEST. One blade that had been back three times for sharpening and still didn't work now works perfectly. He is fantastic. I'm so happy to have found someone who actually knows exactly how clippers/blades/groomers work.
  11. I use Roseline thinning shears, Jaguar long scissors and shorter Nova scissors - all have been fantastic.
  12. Jintanut, Sometimes Angels are taken from us. I am so sorry for your heartbreak. RIP little Jazza.
  13. Hi BMP, Spray/oil your blade again and make sure it is sitting firmly on the clipper. They seem to look ok. Sometimes when a dog is just washed and has some electricity in the coat, they do not travel through the hair properly and hair gets caught in the clipper teeth. Take blade off again, slide apart and make sure no hair is underneath. Best to brush out with blade brush. Put back on when clipper is running and make sure it is sitting firmly on the clippers. I doubt if they are blunt, as you do not clip that often. Good luck. pm me if you need any more help.
  14. Hi Gillbear, OMG she is just gorgeous. How I would love another shepherd................ I used to have to hand feed my rescue shepherd initially. Bar b que chook was a fav., also tuna, or salmon mixed with kibble. He was always a fussy eater, (maybe from being starved) If all else failed he certainly liked ice cream.
  15. We used to vacuum our german shepherd and he just loved it. It was a great way to get the coat out when shedding.
  16. Hi Jodie, My schnauzer had chemo for about five-six weeks prior to and post his mast cell tumour (also Grade 2). It did NOT make him sick at all, the only difference was that he was a little more thirsty. He was bright and very happy as per normal. If it had made him very ill I would have reconsidered this option. My dogs organs were ultrasounded to ensure there was no other cancer in his body. Is your vet an oncologist? I have known many dogs that have survived a long time after mast cell tumours, my shepherd lived for four years after surgery and died at 14. I am thinking of you - love to Olllie.
  17. I believe it is time when your dog cannot get up without pain, cannot walk comfortably to his water bowl, and cannot toilet without straining and pain and the quality of his life is gone. But you know in your heart, when the time is right. If you cannot make this decision, ask your trusted vet to tell you.
  18. Hi Jodie,. Don't give up. My 9 year old schnauzer had a very large Grade 2 mast cell tumour removed in September, and he had subsequent chemo for a couple of weeks after surgery. My vet also recommended ultrasounding all organs before surgery, to ensure there was no cancer elsewhere. All went well, the chemo did not affect him at all and he is doing very well. He is completely back to normal and running in the park etc. Best of luck for Olliedog.
  19. I would never use Frontline. Some years ago I had a dog that had an allergic reaction to Frontline and after much medical treatment at a specialist centre, died of subsequent complications.
  20. David, I know this is a very difficult time, but I would also urge you to get a second opinion from an oncologist. Jodie Dog owner, I really feel for you at this time - having been through it. You are doing all the right things - giving your dog quality time until he goes to the bridge. I am thinking of you.
  21. Hi David, Has your dog seen an oncologist? I would await the pathology and then get referred to the best oncologist I could find. I have had several dogs with cancer (one currently - which has had surgery and chemo and now has the "all clear") and have had them all very successfully treated and they have lived years after treatment. Do not disassociate yourself from your dog. This is when your dog will need you the most - You will know if she is suffering. Best of luck
  22. I am so, so sorry Jemappelle. Bless her gorgeous heart - RIP JoJo
  23. One of my dogs has had a reaction to the vaccination with large swelling around the site. He now goes to hospital for the day and is monitored all day. He is given a C3 and a nasal as a combination and this works fine for him and has not had a reaction since. I recommend your friend changes vets.
  24. So sorry.................. RIP beautiful boy.
  25. Your dog may have an ear infection/mites. You should NOT pluck the ears when there is an infection present. Best to get to the vet and have his ears checked. ;)
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