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Everything posted by schnauzer

  1. NicoleL, Such a beautiful boy. I am so sorry for your loss. RIP Josh.
  2. Hi Kelly Louise, Buy her a DoggieJama and that will keep her belly and all over warm as toast. They are polarfleece and fantastic. My old boy has an adrenal tumour so I know what you are going through. Dogs with Cushings do tend to get a thinner coat. Best wishes for Chloe.
  3. I don't clip neglected dogs any more. (unless they are rescue dogs) I get too upset and stressed. Why do people buy a high maintenance breed and not care for it properly? Pictured is a bitch that was surrendered to my club this year and had not ever been clipped. Under that coat she was matted to the skin and had to be shaved off.
  4. I now only do regular clients. I refuse to do dogs that come once every six months or so. Two of the worst;- one I kept telling the owner to take the poor dog to the vet for a dental. I was dry wretching at the stench of its mouth. When she eventually did take her about a year later, the poor dog had to have most of its teeth out and she was surprised. :rolleyes: The other one was matted to the skin ALL OVER. I had to shave the dog bald and it ruined all my blades and took about three hours to clip. It was like clipping cement. Consequently, I will never do the dog again. I now tell my owners "if you don't brush your dog, I refuse to stand here and torture him/her, the matts will be shaved off. They soon learn to brush regularly. I must say, the majority of my clients are fantastic and really care for their dogs.
  5. Great advice Jed. DO NOT put Frontline spray onto a dog with a skin condition until the condition has been correctly diagnosed by a vet. I would also not vaccinate a dog until all medical issues are resolved.
  6. Hi Peibe, Gillbear is pretty handy with those clippers. Are you keeping Fatima? She is very cute.
  7. Hi Wizard 1, My schnauzer has renal failure and is also on 1x 5mg a day. I pay $72.40 for 28 tablets.
  8. Hi Staffyluv, Not fair at all for poor Ollie dog. One of my dogs had cruciate surgery (both hind legs one after the other :rolleyes: ) and unless it has changed in the past few years, the recovery was approx. 4-6 weeks rest per leg. Have you had an orthopaedic surgeon look at the cruciate? Clutching at straws here. Hope all goes well for Ollie.
  9. Also having a dog who has Mast Cell cancer, my prayers and thoughts are with you and Ollie at this time. I hope it is a only a small hurdle in Ollie's fight.
  10. Is it possible that your dog also has Vasculitis? It is rare in dogs, but from your description sounds very similar to when I lost one of my dogs from an extreme allergic reaction. We tried everything to save him, but he died after five days in intensive care. I hope your dog survives - best wishes for his recovery.
  11. What flea treatment are you using on your dog? Could he be allergic to it?
  12. Make sure you are clipping your dog on a grooming table. Reassure your dog when turning on the clippers and reward with a treat for the dog just standing. Start to clip slowly going with the hair (as Poodle wrangler said). Teaching the dog "Stand - Stay" is the best way to train your dog on the table and also handy for the vet. Be firm and reward the good behaviour. I use Andis AGC Professional - very quiet and great for any nervous dogs.
  13. Hi Dru, Fantastic news! Its a long drive to our vet, but so worth it.
  14. RIP Monty. Monty sounds like a very special dog and I am sure his family will miss him. Another angel in heaven.
  15. Hi Mooper, My older dog, now 11 1/2 has been living with mast cell cancer for quite a few years now. He has had two major surgeries removing a few lumps with clear margins, and no recurrence at this time. He also had chemotherapy to shrink the last large tumour before removal. My vet is also an oncologist and I have taken his advice at all times. He is a bright and happy dog and has suffered no ill effects from chemotherapy/surgery. The very best wishes for Jack's speedy recovery.
  16. Piximatosis, I am so sorry that you have lost Kaeleigh. RIP gorgeous girl.
  17. Three is triple the pleasure. ;) My triplets get on famously, two males and a bitch (all desexed). Go for it, who could resist a new schnauzer puppy?
  18. What a beautiful tribute to a very special dog - shepherds always seem to leave pawprints on your heart.... RIP
  19. Dogmad, I felt privileged to meet the gorgeous little Pippa and her life was truly blessed when you rescued her. RIP Little Pippa
  20. Wizard1, Another Angel in heaven. His bright star in the night sky will be shining down on you. RIP Merlin.
  21. Hi Peibe, Everything crossed and lots of prayers sent to you and Jewel for her speedy recovery.
  22. Bacchus, I have been following this thread today - hoping for some good news for you. I am so sorry that you lost your lovely boy. RIP Bacchus.
  23. Hi Peibe, Your dogs will more than likely pick up once rehydrated. I once fed a smoked bone from the pet shop (when I was naive in these matters) and my dog had severe gastro and was on a drip for days. Two more thoughts, rat poison or snail pellets? ETA Hope they are on the mend.
  24. Hi Peibe, With both dogs having it - seems it is either a contagious gastro bug or possibly some type of food poisoning? Have they eaten anything different or have you been to a new supplier?
  25. Hi Peibe, So sorry to hear that your Pei's are not well. A client of mine had a similar scenario and the dog was drinking from some stagnant water in a pot in the garden. Resolved with vet visit and antibiotics. Hope they are better soon.
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