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Everything posted by schnauzer

  1. Nic Thank you for being there for Ray in his twilight years. I lost my beautiful rescue GSD boy 15 years ago and have never been able to get another. He was truly a special gift - just like Ray. :p A wonderful tribute, thank you so much for sharing it. ;) Ray
  2. I love having two (or three) and wouldn't hesitate to get another if I had one dog. The only downside IMO is double the vet bills. Chewing slippers etc is normal puppy behaviour/game -take them off him and give him a chew toy and put them somewhere he can't find them.
  3. Hi Giraffez As long as your current dog is getting plenty of mental stimulation, being exercised on a daily basis with long walks/play time. he should not be attention seeking. As Showdog and Megan have both stated they are very people/family focused dogs and a true "companion" dog. Not sure what you mean about "trouble" when you are at home? If this is just that he wants your focus on him after you have been gone for a long period, to me that would be a normal reaction, to greet you with excitement etc. He is still only a young dog and will settle more as he ages and your training progresses. Two minis are double the fun and pleasure, but can also be double trouble if bored.
  4. Shaking and panting can also be pain related. Is he getting overheated with the heating on during the winter? I would definitely be checking his vision as anxiety can be the first sign of deterioration of sight. I would do a full blood panel, and see what turns up. Good luck and I hope he is ok.
  5. I don't really see the relevance of this statement of yours here? This forum's primary function is to promote PUREBRED dogs. While many of us have crossbreds and/or purebreds, the purpose here is to educate members and guests about purebred dogs. A crossbred which is deliberately bred by someone solely to make money is NOT ethical. Think about the parent animals who are locked in tiny cages in puppy mills just so they can be bred dry then discarded like rubbish once their breeding days are over. Now contrast this with the vast majority of registered, ethical breeders whose purpose in breeding is to firstly improve their chosen breed and secondly to excel in the show-ring or other dog exhibiting and dog sport fields. Next time you see that cute ball of fluff in the pet shop window, ask yourself what kind of life the parent animals should be experiencing and then think about them being confined to cages their entire lives. Pretty horrific, isn't it? Go ahead and buy such a pup and support that filthy puppy mill. Just don't expect anyone here to be happy that you've done so. BTW - I have a pedigree greyhound (rescue), a MUTT (rescue) and a Mini Foxy x (rescue). I would never for a moment consider purchasing any of the poodle crosses which have been deliberately bred by someone solely to make money BUT if one came up in rescue and I wanted such a dog then I would consider giving her a home. Why don't you call it what it is: a poodle cross. Then educate yourself as to where these pups really come from, and begin to understand why making such a choice is cruel and irresponsible. If you have any doubts whatsoever about puppy mills, I'd suggest you look at Cesar Millan's special episode or check out the RSPCA's campaign pics (not that I really support the RSPCA but those pics were all taken in Australia from places which "specialise" in over-breeding poodles with a thousand different breeds in order to make huge profits). Then once you've done all of that, look up "Leo's Story" about a former puppy mill dog which was rescued by a DOLer a few years ago. Dogs are not merchandise and they're not farm animals...yet puppy mills treat them as both. Great post Lillysmum We rescue puppy farm dogs - the big picture often eludes the majority of people - they can't see past the cute fluffy puppy They don't give consideration or care about the poor bitch who produces that pup. No-one is being hypocritical on this forum. We are here because we believe in and own purebred dogs - purposely bred with great care for type, conformation and temperament.
  6. Hi Labsrule Let's hope if she is genuine that she now knows that schnauzers need to be inside dogs with their family, and that she has learnt enough from the forum to care for a baby puppy adequately and keep him/her inside and not locked in a shed. Let's also hope that she doesn't support puppy farmers and buy a poodle x schnauzer.
  7. So you took the baby puppy that Laila locked in the shed? And now she wants another puppy?
  8. I think if a farmer with any kind of livestock had them in that condition it would be grounds to shut them down. Providing animals with enough food, for example, is one of the bare basics of animal care regardless of the species. Intensively farmed animals might slip through the cracks, but the fact is those industries are very production driven, so in a way they are self-regulated. No one wants a bunch of their chickens compromised in any way. It's a waste of money. I doubt my view will be remotely popular, but the way I see it there's not a lot in the literature on welfare and socialisation that would be much help. Until we have higher standards of welfare for livestock, dogs are in a relatively good position. I say the best way to tackle it is to improve welfare for livestock through legislation. As long as there are battery hens, pigs housed in tiny cages in the dark, and broilers with spongy bones, and mulesing, I think we are going to have trouble changing things for dogs. Hi Corvus These were seized dogs and the owner was successfully prosecuted.
  9. CH EW, We have rescued puppy farm bitches/dogs. Bitches can be rehabilitated if they are in correct care. It is definitely not a job for the faint hearted, it is incredibly slow, repetitive training, and some dogs/bitches take a long time to become somewhat of a "normal" dog. But it can be done. The dogs we have rescued were overbred, severely underweight, unsocialised, little/no vet care, unvaccinated, matted to the skin with chronic skin and ear infections, mouth infections, hernias and the list goes on.
  10. + 1 I wouldn't take my 2 anywhere else I have been travelling from the eastern subs to Gladesville Vets for many years. IMO the best vet practice in Sydney. Also wouldn't take my dogs anywhere else.
  11. Dogmad My heart breaks for you and your beloved Sally. I am sure my Oscar will welcome her at the bridge. RIP gorgeous girl. You will be missed.
  12. Do you lock your dog in the bathroom all day whilst at work?
  13. Winterpaws I am so sorry that you have lost your beloved Tina. RIP angel
  14. Jed, Wonderful to see you back. I hope your recovery is swift. "Heart dogs walk forever beside us." :rolleyes:
  15. schnauzer


    I am so sorry Greytmate. A stunning boy. Forever in your heart.
  16. Hi TT, My breeder did glue my older boy's ears down - I would never do it again though. You may find that the ear settles once she finishes teething. Either way, she is still adorable.
  17. Hi Tara Taylor My old boy had bat ears and after the initial disappointment, I like them - he looked like the easter bunny . Monty's ears have gone up since he turned 10 years old, I have had his ears look at under anaesthesia (whilst having a dental) and my vets can't give me a real reason why as he always had a beautiful ear set.
  18. Hi Tramissa Welcome back. My old boy went blind at 10 years. I used essential oils for the stairs outside and did a lot of training work with my younger dog getting him to always go outside when my old boy went. He tended to follow the smell of the other dogs. He did cope very well for three years until I had to pts last August due to his quality of life diminishing. He would still walk on lead with the others and I was glad I had put so much time into obedience training, because he was happy to trot along on the lead. Their sense of smell is very important when they are blind. I never moved anything in the house so that he coped well - it makes you very tidy. I would give your dog some weeks to adjust and then reassess. It was daunting for me to see him struggle initially in the first few weeks, but then as he improved around the house/garden he seemed to cope very well. Good luck with your girl.
  19. Another day closer to recovery, surrounded by prayers and good wishes from DOL.
  20. Ditto. ;) Well, I have just googled Lab x poodles and they don't quite look like Chelsea. Seems that the lab x poodles have a slightly more profuse coat. I can't imagine a lab x poodle turning out black and white either but then I am no geneticist. My lab x poodle boy He has a very sparse very shaggy coat! He is a rescue thou so no idea if he really is a lab x poodle. From what I know of his history he was taken out of a puppy farm at 6 weeks that was closed down, then he was at the pound, then he went to a foster carer who ended up being very dodgey apparently and my boy didnt come out of a tiny kennel (cell) till he was around 12months when he was rescued by a REAL rescuer and came to us not long after that. He was a very broken dog still is really but I love him...well most the time! Hi Sammy Ballerina Poor boy - glad you have him now. Looks quite Schnauzer'ish to me. Possibly Standard Schnauzer x poodle? He is very cute. Its funny you should say that most people guess that is what he is, even had a lady once do a double take then say to me sorry I breed standard schnuzers and I thought he was one, I explained him to her and she said she would bet any money he has schnauzer in him either that or the poodle lab cross had just thrown a dog that look freakishly like a schnauzer I would put money on it that he is schnauzer x. He is seriously gorgeous. What puppy farm did he come from?
  21. Ditto. Well, I have just googled Lab x poodles and they don't quite look like Chelsea. Seems that the lab x poodles have a slightly more profuse coat. I can't imagine a lab x poodle turning out black and white either but then I am no geneticist. My lab x poodle boy He has a very sparse very shaggy coat! He is a rescue thou so no idea if he really is a lab x poodle. From what I know of his history he was taken out of a puppy farm at 6 weeks that was closed down, then he was at the pound, then he went to a foster carer who ended up being very dodgey apparently and my boy didnt come out of a tiny kennel (cell) till he was around 12months when he was rescued by a REAL rescuer and came to us not long after that. He was a very broken dog still is really but I love him...well most the time! Hi Sammy Ballerina Poor boy - glad you have him now. Looks quite Schnauzer'ish to me. Possibly Standard Schnauzer x poodle? He is very cute.
  22. Great to give credit where it is due Steve in a time of immense tragedy. Also to all of Jeds friends and MDBA who are helping out, thankyou.
  23. Thanks Poodlefan. Every candle in my house was lit for Jed and her dogs last night. :rolleyes:
  24. OMG - I am hoping Sway's tears are for the angels at the bridge. All our DOL prayers are with you Jed.
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