My goodness, I honestly don't know how some people live with themselves. Oh, all you 'good' trainers out there funding a perfectly acceptable gambling industry (gambling is good right?). Its fine to be mass breeding dogs and forcing them to race (yes, not all of them want to be SHOVED into the cages and run for their lives- I say shoved because I have seen the videos). Yes it's fine for you to treat you dogs like kings and queens whilst you know you helping those that don't. Who cares about that batch of puppies that are too slow and don't have the instinct to chase, that are then killed either by the vet, shot, starved etc. Who cares the pounds and rescue groups are so full that they have greyhounds coming out of their ears which are then forced to be put down. Tell me, why do you think that racing is good. Explain to me the 'good' in racing. Greyhounds are DYING at a rate far higher than any other breed of dog. So please, tell me why you think it's ok.