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Everything posted by beezneez

  1. My Collie is currently enrolled in k9-5 in Ossie Park. I have never had a problem with them there, they are always welcoming and friendly, and open to all dogs, My dog was starting to show agression towards dogs as a puppy, and i had her doing puppy school since i got her, recommended day care. She has come out of her shell after a few weeks she is much much better. Awesome way to teach them acceptable dog communication too :) Highly recommended. But there was about a month wait to fit her in. Well worth it. :-)
  2. They have contained the dog. The fences have been put higher and it is inside when they aren't home now. It hsn't escaped in months. Thankyou everyone for your advice. I will pass all onto the owner :-)
  3. My friend has the dog. The offense they are claiming is that when the dog escapes and the rangers try to catch it that he growls and lunges at them. Obviously he is highly stressed and reacting. He is very friendly to all people on walks and in the house. He has never harmed a person or animal. I don't know the full story. But RSPCA are trying to take the dog and put him down claiming he is aggressive.
  4. Hey, I've had all bad experiences with RSPCA. And I need your opinion firstly my puppy was out in puppy class there. Placed in a small area and forced to play with an overexcited puppy when she was very nervous to start with. This has caused her to freak out anytime a dog is heading towards her or is over excited. Secondly. I have a friend who has a very friendly cross, whom jumped the fence and got out of their yard a few times. He has always returned or been caught n returned. All fines for this have been paid. The neighbors are now complaining and saying he is aggressive. This dog has been well brought up. Around 6 young children and a lovely family. He is very dog friendly and people friendly. I have met him many times. All he wants is pats n cuddles. RSPCA are now threatening to put him down because they claim he is aggressive. They are now wanting to rehome him for a chance of him living. But due to RSPCA claiming he is aggressive they have been told rescue groups will refuse to take him. What options are there for them? RSPCA are refusing to listen and threatening putting him down. He needs a second chance. He is an amazing dog. And if I could take him. I would. But I already have 2 dogs. All advice appreciated.
  5. Anybody know of any quiet lakes or beaches i can take my sometimes reactive dog too?? Northern suburbs of perth with minimal or no snakes!!??? Big ask i know !!!
  6. So my BC x Kelpie pup is coming up to her 1st Birthday....and i want to celebrate....with a cake!! Does anybody have any good dog friendly cake recipes? Meat ones would be preferred...she is a huge fan of raw meet and any cooked meat. :-) Thanks in advance for any recipes!!
  7. Hi All, I am just wondering if anybody knows any nice spots for me to take my 10 month old border collie for a good run around. I'm looking for somewhere very quiet (as she does she some fear aggression towards dog). A lake, or natural land open area? I have my regular spot, but was wondering if there were any others around. I am in the Northern Suburbs. Thanks
  8. This is my two. Brocky the Amstaff x English Staffy and my lovely baby Layla the Border Collie x Kelpie. They are the best of friends and are inseperable!!!!
  9. The day care my dog is currently enrolled in has specific days for different sized dogs and different levels of excitement. She is a medium sized border collie, and there are a few smaller dogs, but not that many, most of them are larger breeds, similar breeds. I find that they are grouped very appropriately. I have also visited on a different day where the smaller breed dogs are in. Which i thought was good, there wasn't any larger dogs or more intimidating dogs and they all seemed happy and playing. Strongly reccommend K9to5 in ozzie park. I have also heard good things about Billys day care..i think theres one in belmont and one in wangara. :-)
  10. Do any of you Perth Dog Lovers meet up for dog play dates and socialization? I'd love to meet up with some new people for my Puppy Layla, I'd like an on lead place for her to meet and smell aroundn as she is still a little fearful around dogs off lead!! And her recall is horrific :p
  11. STRONGLY recommend Doggy day care called K9to5 in Osbourne Park. The owners are lovely and the workers are awesome too ( i am friends with one of the current workers there outside of the day care) My dog has regained her confidence around other dogs after a bad experience at doggy training. Strongly recommend it, dogs are highly supervised and lots of activities for them to do during the day!!! Love it there. Originally joined to help her confidence and was aiming on doing it for a month. 3 Months later and i never intend to take her out as long as i can afford it. Not sure how pricey it is, as i didnt look around. I pay $38 for a day a week. Dogs are put in on days with suitably sized dogs which helps heaps!!!
  12. Thanks for the link and help Weasel. Yeah it might be more expensive but i am more than willing to pay it if it helps my Layla out. She has done Puppy School at rspca, and now is enrolled in obedience at Northern Suburbs Dog Club. So i am a member of a club. But we cant do agility there til she is 18 Months. Which is an extremely long wait. She excels in her obedience there, just not off lead or with many distractions. She is really good while there! just not at home! hahahahha or out and about! BUt yeah she has had a couple months off now due to summer. Her first week back will be next week so *fingers crossed* she does well. I have been keeping an eye out for some DOLevents. But they seem to all be other states. Wasn't sure if many people in Perth do it. which would suck!!! Thansk so much. I have emailed Paw Prints and am now waiting on a reply :)
  13. Thanks, I did have a look at the website and the images and they look amazing. It is a pity they are so far away. I am north of the river and they are south. It will be a last resort!!! I am hoping to find one closer to home though!
  14. Thanks Weasel. You are an awesome help on everything!! You are a champ. I have emailed them as i couldnt find them on facebook. Any chance you could send me there link? Are your dogs friendly? I'm looking for some new dog friends for my puppy to learn that dogs are happy and good things to be around. And to help her gain her confidence. Thanks
  15. Does anybody know of anywhere NOR in Perth that I can take my 6 Month old Border Collie to beginning agility. She is slightly fear agressive and has lack of focus. I can only find one place in Perth that will take puppies for beginners puppy agility. And that is in Leeming (way too far from me). Thanks
  16. Oh Really? I thought they weren't allowed to start practicing til then? But that's interesting. I dont want her to compete or show or anything. I just want to do it for the Fun and Focus gain from it. I will definately look into this :) She can't COMPETE until she's 18 months old, but there are many clubs, and I'm sure some in WA (which produces some of the very best agility dogs in Australia IMHO!), that have foundation classes for puppies from a very early age...that's the time you teach focus and all that basic, and very important, stuff :)
  17. Layla is only 6 Months old at the moment, so she is still too young to do agility. I think they have to be 18months to start it??? Not 100% sure. But i defeinately will be enrolling us in to do it. She is a focussed dog when she wants to be. And she would have an absolute blast!! I will definately have a look at that link thanks Weasel. She tends to listen to me more when i have her on a long lead or if i drop the lead rather than remove it from her. Today i took her to the enclosed park and she had an excellent recall for the first 15 Minutes then after that, she had enough. I tried playing a catch me game. She would chase me and all that but then when i stopped. She would run off. So not sure about that one. Haahahah I even had treats (her fav polony) and her favourite toy. I think i may need to find a new fav treat. Not sure what though. Thanks so much for your help BC Crazy and Weasel!!!
  18. Yeah i've been focusing a lot on her recall. I have started doing it a lot more around the house, in the lounge and in my back and front yard(on a long line) and i have changed training words and using a clicker. So far she has responded really well. And in fact 95% of the time has came straight to me and sat. Which is making me extremely positive. I also have that problem, Layla picks up on all my stress (i sometimes get my partner to hold the lead when we take her to high dog populated areas as he is confident and doesnt stress like i do. And she is pretty good int his case. I am not stressing because i dont want her to fight with dogs. but it is more that i dont want her to hurt other dogs and their owners get mad at me. I am not so worried about her getting hurt, but rather her hurting other dogs. sad i know. But i need to learn how to be confident and how to help her in that way. Layla would thrive in agility and obedience. But at the moment, it doesn't look promising as her off lead isn't good at all. My aim is to be able to have her offlead around other dogs to have her focus on me. So she can do agility!!!
  19. I have just purchased a clicker. I haven't started using it yet. I was thinking of starting to retrain her with it. To show her that the clicker=treat. Do you think i should try it? or will it just confuse her introducing the clicker at 6 months of age? Thanks for your help :)
  20. She is very food orientated in learning new things, but she is also ball craazy. Sometimes she just chooses not to listen though. I dont really know why. I am not a professional at undersstanding dogs obviously but am trying my best. She knows many tricks (sit,down,stay, high ten, sit pretty) I have never been able to get her to do roll over, as much as i try! (still trying) but even with those tricks she sometimes wont do it when i ask. Her recall is pretty lousy. She is okay if i have treats and a ball she will usually come back if there is no distracctions. Weasel i am in NOR (near Joondalup). Layla shows some fear agression, which i think hinders some of my training as i am very nervous and worried if i take her off lead places (which is rare) Our other dog puts up with everything, which hinders her a lot too. She will jump all over him and even growl and try n nip (playfully) with our other dog and he will do nothing. I am not sure where to go from here. I think i might start with retraining her recall with a new word
  21. I am having trouble with my Border Collie Puppy not always listening to me when i give her commands. She knows a fair few tricks and sometimes recalls. But i was thinking of retraining her recall with a clicker as she isn't doing very well with it. Any suggestions? Who thinks clickers works? Who is against the clicker? Thanks
  22. It's good to see that i am not the only one who is having problems with their border collie. Layla's recall isn't good at all. especially if there are lots of distractions. I am going to try and retrain her recall using a different method. Would you suggest the clicker for training? or a training whistle? You can use any word you want. Because I have 5 dogs here, I tend to say "here" followed by their name.I also have a recall whistle which they all respond to & is handy when I want them all to come at once or when we are somewhere noisy. A couple of thoughts. BC's like things to happen FAST! :) throw the ball & as soon as she picks it up, run the other way. This should inspire her to run after you, hopefully with the ball still in her mouth. As soon as she catches up, stop, as soon as she drops the ball, say Yes, and pick it up as fast as you can and throw it again. What you are trying to show her is that the quicker she brings it back, the quicker you will throw it. - If she doesnt come all the way to you, thats ok, you may need to work up to that. So long as she is moving towards you with the ball, I would still pick it up & throw it for her. Each time, expect her to bring it a little closer. - If she runs off with it, too bad for her. She's the one who should want the game, not you. Just walk away, go inside & try again next time. She will soon get the message. - If she will not drop the ball, have another ball in your hand. As soon as she chases after you with the first ball, say yes and throw the 2nd. You can fade the 2nd ball out when she starts to understand the game. Once she really understands the game, you can ask her to do things to earn the ball, like sit, drop etc. :) you're very welcome. Let us know how you go. She loves playing fetch and she will play it for a while with me, but sometimes she will run towards me with it, straight past me and run off. That's part of her recall problems. Did you train your dogs with a clicker? or just with the whistle? ia mn starting to think of retraining her recall with either a clicker or whistle. But am not sure how successful they are or if people recommend them. She is ball crazy, unless there are distractions then she gets all nervous and edgy. Especially if their are other dogs around or at a park. thanks so much!!
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