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Everything posted by Debk67

  1. Thanks when I get money I'll contact the person, in the meantime I don't want to stop his outings as I have a very small yard and he enjoys playing with all other breeds except for staffy's. I found it weird that he can recognize staffy's and only is aggressive towards that breed and fine with all others. It must be really etched on his memory as before he got attacked he was fine with all breeds.
  2. Hi I have a 7 yr old jrt, he is a social dog and I take him to puppy parks. Trouble is in 2010 he got attacked by a staff and was severely wounded with wounds deep they couldn't stitch. Good news he made a full recovery. Bad news every time he sees a staffy's he becomes aggressive and tries to attack, so I have to either put him on the lead or leave puppy park every time a staff arrives. What can I do to resolve this issue.
  3. I just started taking my jrt to lure racing at kuraby, looking forward to the next one on Sunday the 5th feb :)
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