Hi everyone. I am a small time (registered) pug breeder with 5 lovelly pug children, and a few human ones. I have fostered in the past with a great organisation but since moving to the central coast from sydney was not quite so useful to them. I am increasingly interested in pug rescue. Not only do i of course love the breed, but feel i would be better placed to help this breed, with my knowledge of the breed and existing pack- pugs know pugs.
I would love to start a pug rescue group, and with gods help, perhaps broaden it. However, it would certainly be simpler to help and existing group. Whilst doing my research on quarantine areas, 16d's and etc I am hoping for any advice anyone with experience in rescue organisations has- I am also wondering if there is an existant pug rescue group in nsw- all research i have done indicates that previous groups have not been active for a couple of years.
I was very impressed with the amount of goodwill and energy towards rescue on this site, and would love your opinions,
Thanks in advance,