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Everything posted by Jamesmc

  1. We have just got back from a weeks holiday. Nero our toy poodle stayed that week at grandparents. We have noticed quite a change in him. He has become very clingy [ jumping on laps all the time ], barks when outside and when walking down the beach he stays close to me most of the time. Where as before he would go crazy at the beach running around like a madman going up to all the other dogs etc. He was never a real barker before. Is it a coincidence with the timing of a holiday or suffering from a bit of separation anxiety? In any case is there something we can do to get his old self back. P.S Nero is 13 months old and he does enjoy being with the grandparents.
  2. What are good things to do, other than walks and playing fetch?
  3. Thanks raineth, sounds like good advice
  4. Our dog of 13mths has suddenly become scared of crossing at a particular crossing on a main road. He used to have absolutely no problems until last week end we got to that crossing and there was a tri athlon going on, with hundreds of bikes and people rushing past. He was petrified and the next few times we have gone near that crossing he freaks out. It is the only nearest safe crossing so we don't really want to try some where else. Any suggestions.
  5. Have just become a member, but have been viewing posts for some time. We have a gorgeous, much loved Toy poodle who has just turned 13 months. The last couple of weeks he has found his barking voice, after being relatively quiet for the first year. Could this be because he hasn't had alot of exercise lately as i have just had a knee operation. Or is it common at this age to find your bark. If so would love some ideas on how to curtail his barking.
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