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Everything posted by rachiie

  1. I was under the impression that you don't use a check chain to pull the dog back to you. What i was taught is that you use a check chain to give a quick 'check' which catches the dog's attention to make it wonder what is going on. Thereby giving the handler its attention so that it can be given a command on what to do next. Of course, praise should be aplied liberally when it is doing what is' meant to. Situation - you are walking your dog, it starts to lose interest and wander off to the side, before it gets too far, you give a quick 'check' and it looks at you as if to say 'what's happening!' and you show it that you actually want to walk straight, giving praise and cuddles when it comes to your side. But as i said, that was just the impression i got - any experienced handlers that can please let me know the right way?
  2. Make sure you are supervising when the dog is playing with your friend's dog. If you notice your dog starting to get over-protective of something, REALLY get mad. Don't physically hurt it or anything, just growl at it. Get close to it's ear and say "NO!" in a really growly voice, like an older dog reprimanding it for doing something it didn't like. If he does it again, "NO!". If he keeps doing it, grab his snout (carefully) and force him to look at you, then growl "NO!". You have to teach him that being protective of things is NOT ON, and neither is hurting other dogs. ETA: You have to be dilligent. Make sure you tell him everytime he tries that it's NOT ON, if you don't do it once, he will that that's it's okay to do it. You have to show him what the rules of your pack are, and they are: share.
  3. Hi Cindy's Mum, welcome to the forum! I think you'll find that a lot of people on here don't agree with the way a halti works. I have never used one, but from what i understand, they work by putting pressure on the sensitive bones that are located in the dog's snout. So, i would suggest trying another type of restraint for your dog. I have a 7 month old german shepherd, and we walk him on a check chain. We have had great success with this. However, you must know how to use it correctly - instead of just keeping it tight when he is pulling, you give him a quick 'check' (ie: pull the chain tight, then release in one smooth motion). But in order for the chain to release properly, you have have it over the dog's head correctly - pictures here Note that the handler is on the left hand side of the dog - if you put it on like that and stand on the right side, it won't release. They teach you all of this at obedience, is there somewhere close that you could attend? These classes are GREAT for socializing and learning how to work with your dog. Also, as weimlover said make sure you PRAISE your dog like CRAZY whenever they are walking nicely without pulling. And if they look up at you, give them a pat as well. That teaches them to be aware of YOU, that YOU are in control and YOU are setting the pace for the walk. They are free to sniff and smell, so long as they keep up with YOU. I hope i have helped you a bit... if you have any questions, let me know
  4. Axle will go during walks. But something strange - he won't drink unless he's at home, or unless i take one of his water buckets and he's REALLY thirsty. Anyone had any experiences like that?
  5. Growling definitely works! Sometimes i just "grr" at him now, and he knows that he's bad. Of course, he rolls over onto his back for chest rubs and i have to walk away before i give into temptation.. :D I think also that he has learnt to read my body language? If i come charging out of the door having caught him chewing something that he's not meant to be, before i say anything, he has dropped it and the tail is between the legs. Do you think that is body language, or him knowing he's doing bad?
  6. I guess that is what happened with the rotty. Wow. What an eye opener. This one really made me think.
  7. Well reading this thread has certainly given me something to think about. I had always been told to use that 'alpha roll' if Axle was biting out of control. I did it once and he cried so badly without cease that i let him up. Haven't done it since. He hasn't needed it - he just grew out of biting and chasing my pants leg. But i noticed that at training the instructors do it. Our instructor at PPS did it once to a particularly badly behaved puppy. And i must say i thought it worked really well.. the pup was so good the next week, and was still keen as heck to play when it was allowed. Also there is a lady that comes to training that breeds Rotties. I think she's on her 9th. She loves them. One of the first nights we were there, the rotty got cranky at another dog, so the lady grabbed it and said NO! and it had a go at her, so she did the alpha roll, and it actually bit her i think, becuase the next i knew, one of the male instructors was sitting on it. But i didn't even think that it could be detrimental. What do you think, is it okay to use on particularly naughty dogs, or do you think it should not be used at all?... Perhaps that is something for another thread..
  8. And for my part, George, you are assuming that i was trying to persuade you to use a check chain. I /really/ don't care what method of training you use on your dog. I was responding to KitKat's comment. But i do agree with Poodlefan's comment that you should have an open mind. It is as if you've been there, tried that with all these things that you are dismissing. But I was under the impression that this is your first dog, and it's only 5 months old. Pls correct me if i'm wrong. I think that you can only know how certain things are going to work if you try them first. Please try and listen to our advice. You do not have to use it, but a lot of the people on here have been breeding dogs for years and they really HAVE seen hands on what methods work with various types of behavior. We are only trying to help you, you asked us for our opinions, and we are letting you know, that's all!
  9. Mine too, KitKat. Our instructors at PPS sat down and showed us all how to make the check chain into a "b" loop so that it DID release as soon as the pull was over. And showed us how to use them as a smooth fluid pull instead of a tugging and choking motion, and they get quite upset when they see someone using one incorrectly. They aren't hurtful, not when ppl are shown how to use them in the correct manner. But as with everything, there are ppl who just don't know, and until they are educated, problems will continue. But that's life, hey!
  10. We're not trying to debate the pros and cons of a check chain. I'm sure that's a topic that's been done to death already on this forum. We're trying to help you understand your dog's behavior. Is your dog a pure cattle dog, or a cross? If so, what with? Whilst i grew up with cattle dogs and my family has owned 5 or so over the years, i never saw one that was entire, so i don't know when they reach sexual maturity. Although i do find it strange that he's going through this stage before his testicles have dropped. We got a handout in PPS about different stages in puppies lives. Here is part of it: And it goes on say that there may be a couple of these type of periods and that you should just ignore the dog's tests and be aware of it and ride it through. I believe this is just a stage your pup is going through. Just love him for who he is, and if you're concerned, look in book stores for books on your breed to find information about their individual developmental stages, or search online.
  11. In regards to humping - my parents have a blue stumpy tailed cattle dog. She didn't hump anything before she was desexed. After my sister got a puppy, she started humping any dog that came near her. She tries to hump our pup Axle, and he's bigger than her. And boy, if the dog she is trying to hump manages to escape, there is TROUBLE. She goes nuts growling and snapping, but never inflicts any damage. I definitely agree that humping is a dominance thing. Axle is still entire at 7 mths and he hasn't humped anything, even after being humped (touch wood). He just looks at Nisha curiously going 'what on earth is that strange behaviour?'
  12. I don't think that getting your dog desexed will help much at all at this stage. When dogs start going through the stages of sexual maturity, they often test the boundaries of your leadership. It's like a teenager testing their parents out. All you can do is remain firm, if the dog doesn't do what you tell it the first time, go over there and MAKE it obey you, to show it that it can't get away with ignoring you. And if you can't enforce a command (such as a 'come' in a large area), then don't ask the dog to do it. Only give it commands that you know you can enforce, that way you're showing it that you are the pack leader, and it cannot ignore you. We got a lot of documentation on this stage of a puppy's life at puppy preschool. They may go through it a couple of times, but i don't think it lasts too long. Just make sure you don't change what you're doing, and don't let it see any holes in your 'pack' boundaries. Our 7 mth old GSD pup has had a bit of a 'poke' at our boundaries this week. He wasn't 'come'ing when we called, and tried to run the opposite direction, so we went and got him and made him come. He hasn't tried any other disobedient tricks lately.. but time will tell.. lol
  13. I would like to know more about this bi-carb brush in/ out thing. I think i would like to try it, but i can see myself not being able to brush it out and then ending up having to wash the bugger anyhow. Also it would be useful for the old girl, she gets smelly so often, but i don't think washing her as quickly as she gets smelly is good for her..
  14. I would reckon that Axle's been shedding for about 2 weeks now. Another question - will it be the same period of time during consequent sheddings?
  15. I think it's absolutely touching how much Amy was cared for. It is terrific that she got to visit her favourite places one last time. I'm sure she'll take those memories with her over the bridge. My thoughts are with you, Sidoney. I hope you remember her fondly.
  16. Sorry to bump this up again, but i just was curious approximately how long Axle will be shedding for? Does it vary with inidividual dogs and the amount of brushing/blow drying?
  17. I wouldn't use olive oil. At PPS, we were taught to get a bit of cotton wool, a drop or two and water, and just to go into the ear as far as a couple of fingers will fit. I don't think i'd bother with olive oil, because water does the trick for Axle, our GSD.
  18. TWO!? Thank god i don't have more than one. I can't imagine how much hair there would be. I could stop wearing clothes, and just wear all the fur! Oh god, the hours i would spend cleaning if there were more than one.... ETA: That's good news, Vehs. I will brush until my arm falls off. ;) He gives the cutest looks when i brush him
  19. It was just a home wash. There were 4 dogs at my parents place over Easter and my dad, my sis, and i lined them all up and washed them. I don't think i'll have to do much to his underside, all the hair seems to be coming from his back from his neck down to his tail. We have tried mobile hydro baths, but the woman that used to come was horrible. She just ran a hose with some sort of detergent over the dog, sprayed some perfume and off you go. We booked Summer in to get a clip, and first of all the woman wanted me to leave the garage unlocked while i was at work all day, so i took the day off so that she could come to clip Sum, then she didn't show up at all! I tried ringing her a number of times and she didn't answer my calls, then rang up the next weekend, no apology for missing our appointment, wondering if we wanted her to come and wash Summer? We told her no, and she hasn't come back since. Unfortunately i don't have $50 to spend getting him professionally groomed at the moment. It's been birthday and easter and anniversary all in the space of a month and i'm broke! Can i just use my blow dryer on him, or is there a special one that groomers use?
  20. Oh thank goodness! I didn't think it was anything to worry about, but (obviously) it's my first time and i was a bit worried. There is so much hair! Rubbish bin fulls! And i do usually groom him every couple of days, so i didn't think he could be loosing it at such a rapid rate. But obviously he can. Well it's been going on for about a week now, so i hope it will finish soon. How long does it usually take? I thought about bathing him again, but i wasn't sure whether frequent bathing would cause him to get itchy skin etc. He is a bit on the nose, and only had a bath last week - is this a result of the shedding as well? Nadia, do you know where i could see a picture of one of those brushes? I don't know what you're talking about. At the moment i just have a brush with the long metal pins on the cushion. But i've just been pulling the hair out with my hands. I figured i'd pull as much out as i can so that i can put it straight in the bin, rather than sweep it off my floor!!! Does anyone have any other tips for a fist time double-coated breed owner?
  21. The guard hairs. Like, the wirey top coat part. And it comes out in clumps. But only to a certain stage.. it's hard to describe. It's not like the thing on his ear where all the hair fell out and it was left bare. It's just seems to be a LOT, but the undercoat is fine, and there is still guard hair as well. That's why i'm asking on here, i'm not concerned enough to take him to the vet, but i am definitely curious...
  22. I have noticed that Axle is losing hair. Alot of hair. When i was with him just a second ago, i could pull out a handful. :D I spent a bit of time with him, and the amount of hair i could pull out seemed to lessen and seems to just be at normal rate now. My question is, why is he losing so much hair?? He's not itchy. His skin isn't red, or dry or anything. I brush him every couple of days. I don't know what else can explain it. Could it be stress? I don't know what would be stressing him... We recently had a 2hr trip to visit the family for Easter, and he was in the back of the landcruiser, but he's done that before without the resulting consequence of hair loss... Any ideas on what it could be? PS: For those who aren't familiar, Axle is a 6.5 month old pup.
  23. I feed supercoat, just wondering if any of you have any idea whether it contains soy? And how it stacked up against the others in Kez's spreadsheet? I guess i could just go and look at the packet ingredients.. hahahaha. Oh well, i'm here at the computer. I'll ask this now and read the packet when i feed the darling.
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