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Posts posted by Roxanne

  1. The ortho vet said, No Calcium Tablets, Science Diet Puppy Food for Large Dogs and Large Bones for chewing to develop good strong jaws.

    It sends shivers down my spine to think that I was contemplating the fist vet's advice.

    Also, I am upset that I distressed the Breeder because the first vet told me to ring him and tell him she was unhappy with the condition of the pup and that it should be PTS. Fortunately, he seems fine about it all, but I feel terrible. :rolleyes:



  2. Hi there everyone,

    I took my ACD pup to a good orthpaedic vet in Canberra this morning. After her giving him the once over, her diagnosis was :


    So thank you to everyone for your advice and encouragement. Heartfelt thanks to Trifecta for emailing me the vet's details.

    I have rang the breeder and told him. He was VERY decent about it all and was not surprised with the second opinion after referring to his vet.

    I am surprised he didn't ring me and urge me to get a second opinion himself :mad

    Oh well, I am just so pleased that pup will be okay.



  3. Cordelia,

    The pup is from a very well known breeder of 20 years experience who resides in Sydney. His dogs have been very successful in show ring and have been purchased by many other ACD breeders overseas and here in Australia. So his dog's bloodlines are all over the place.

    This is the ONLY reason I purchased this pup sight unseen. Other puppies were availabe from other states in Australia. However, I thought this breeder was my best bet.

    When I told him about what my vet recommended,PTS, for the pup, he immediately suggested providing me with another pup. He did not question for one moment the vet's diagnosis. Which is highly suspect. One would have thought he would have been shocked and suggested a second opinion about pup.

    Also, he advertise that his dog's are canine council registered. I did not purchase the papers with my pup as I only required a pet dog.

  4. Thank you everyone for all your kind advice.

    I was unable to get Arnie, puppy, to the vet today. However I have majorly restricted his movement, as I mentioned earlier, I thought he NEEDED excerise

    :laugh: and was doing my upmost to give it to him. This evening, I can see an improvement already, as he not using his little legs so much.

    Holly, I was able to get the "Advance Growth" and he has had some for dinner :laugh: .

    The first pics of the German Shepherd pup is just how Arnie looks on the side. So very pleasing to see that the pup has recovered so well :)

    I really feel my Arnie will be okay now we are heading down the right track with treating his condition.

    I will let you know what the second vet says after I visit him.

    Cheers and very best wishes to you all,


  5. Yes, I have completely changed his diet. He now has chicken wings, necks and mince plus puppy milk and cereal.

    I have seen some improvement in the way he walks since he arrived. He reminded me of a battery chicken when I first saw his walking style.

    I have also been giving him plently of excerise thinking this would help strength his little legs.

    Perhaps this has now been incorrect ??

    Will definately be getting a second opinion.

  6. Thanks Kit. Will get the pics asap. The pup is a cattle dog.

    I have a feeling the vet was just trying, maybe in vain, to do something for the pup, to give it some chance, I suppose. She was very negative about it all. I have dealt with this vet for many years and normally she is so positive about things, but not this time :laugh:. She was VERY surprised that a breeder of 20 years would sell a pup with such as obvious problem.

    The breeder said the pup was okay when he had it checked at 8 weeks by his vet. He offer me another pup as replacement. However, I declined.


  7. I purchased a puppy sight unseen from a breeder, yes silly I know, and picked him up from the airport on Friday. As soon as I saw him I knew there was a problem.

    I took him to the vet this morning and she said he should be put down as he will more than likely develop arthritis before the age of two and his quality of life will be very poor. He obviously has a calcium or heredity defiecency. The joints in his legs are huge and his lower legs bend backwards :laugh: His rather big feet flop out in front of him when he walks, etc.

    The vet sold me calcium tablets and advised that he should have a high calcium diet with very little excerise except swimming.

    She wants me to take him back to her in two weeks for review and her parting words were "don't get too attached to him".

    Can anyone offer any advice? Naturally, I don't want to put down a darling little puppy. So heart-breaking especially since I just put down my old dog.

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