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Everything posted by Archerus

  1. Hi Guys, Just a quick question regarding worm tablets and how they work. I'm going bush with my dog for a week or so and am wondering whether to worm him when he's due (now) or wait till we get back (about 2 weeks). I'll be doing some desensitization training with livestock so think sheep & cattle and a few horses. As far as I know worm tablets kill the parasites in the dog and offer no protection therefore I should worm him after we get back. If so, how long do I wait? do i need to alow enough time for the worm eggs to hatch before i worm him? Alternatively, if the tablets offer protection, it would obviously be fine to worm him beforehand. I'm hoping someone more knowledgeable than me chimes in with more than my surmising cheers *I couldn't find the spell checker button so please ignore my 'creative writing'.
  2. For the past 10 years i have used a second hand olive barrel. see http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/250-liter-water-drums-containers-plastic-tanks-wine-barrels-/261016242518?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item3cc5c7c956&clk_rvr_id=348649418192 for an example. Theyre cheap and tough as old goats. I think mine is a 100litre one and it fits a 15kg bag of dry food plus a 3kg with maybe space for a second 3kg so around 21kg max. Get a free scooper from a pet shop and youre good to go. There are a few places that sell them new (100litre) and i cant see they would be very expensive.
  3. My sister did the same thing a few weeks ago. It makes me feel like banging my head against a wall. The purebred smooth JRT that was 6 weeks at date of purchase (lord knows at what age it was taken from its mother two states over) appears to be mysteriously morphing into a broken coat Fox terrier JRT cross. $650 with a free dodgy vet check,thanks for coming. sigh.I'll have to look but I think this little guy came with some sort of 'papers' too. I have no issue with crosses, but I do have an issue with Petshop puppies and the age they take them for shipping & sale as well as the source of the puppies.
  4. Edit: didnt check the date before posting. Post removed.
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