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Everything posted by Jed

  1. Writes books? Articles? Seminars? Helps define the standard? Very few people like that, the public would wait 20 years for a pup. Not at all realistic in Aust. Probably not too realistic in USA either.
  2. Thanks Garloch, I understand now. Problem is that dog wants to be with her owner (as cockers do); and she probably realises that her owner is not well, and so particularly wants to be with her. It seems that she is not a problem any other time. They were bred for generations to be "velcro" dogs, and stick by their owners. I imagine if their owner shot something and the dog was off doing his own thing - or was wanted to flush some game, and was off somewhere else, his genes would not have been perpetuated, so the wanting to be with the owner is strongly bred into them. I also would suggest a DECENT behaviourist. One recommended by someone else, or a couple of people. Other option would be to crate her in a very safe crate when this is liable to happen. Leave her in the middle of the action. She may howl and whine.
  3. Permoxin works immediately, so you would get instant kill. Lots of vets use it on tick dogs. Not sure how it washes out. Google, perhaps? Keep an eye on Josie too, in case she is affected
  4. So very sorry DD. They take a piece of us with them over the bridge. Being quite sudden makes it worse for you.
  5. Maddy Wayne is a champ. On time, every time; no dramas, no hissy fits; no problems and I suspect the rate is a little better too. Experience counts.
  6. Is there any reason why the cocker can't be in the room where her owner is ill?
  7. Cretinous morons, obviously unfit for duties involving the public. should be censured/dismissed. And why the hell is the RSPCA not prosecuting for animal cruelty? They have the tape. The main offender could be charged, and the other 2 non-humans charged as accessories. Might go and see if they have a fb page. The article is rather confusing - at the beginning, it appears that the police are ACT state police. Then towards the end, it states "AFP" - which is Australian Federal Police, so which is it? And the person who owns the dog should be suing the police for damage to the dogs. Some of these official drones get off on hurting animals. Some idiot policeman some time ago shot a dog dead in his own yard while the police were interviewing the owner as a witness. Nothing happened to him either, despite a lot of feather fluffing by the police in the papers.
  8. How sad. In Aus. if you run into the back of another car, it's your fault. Obviously different laws there.
  9. Just read this. Sending healing vibes to Myrtie, and blessings to you, DD. Not a nice thing to have happen. Am thinking of you both
  10. Murray Breweries Raspberry Vinegar Cordial.
  11. Jed

    Four Years

    Thanks indigirl. :)
  12. WIW I love it. I wouldn't have thought you would be that naive!!
  13. It's an American Bulldog (southern). There are thousands of them here. They have been here for years. Some are registered with the registry in US, some are byb. Whatever it was, that wasn't the problem. The problem was that it was wandering around without a lead and without anyone in control. If the shire doesn't have lead laws, they should have. And the owner of this dog should be fined.
  14. Natures Gift - the semi moist one, or Earthborn Holistic (take out a mortgage on your house). My extra fussy ones eat that. Or give her a trial on larger pieces of meat, or necks, or wings. I have a couple who do not have all their teeth and do that - once they pick it up, they can gum it to death.
  15. so what is it about the hocks that needs to improve in your opinion to correct all of these GSD's that can't walk properly ? First it was their back legs, now it's their hocks. I don't know I'm not into anatomy. Maybe you should speak to a vet who specialises in GSDs if you're concerned. I have seen enough to know there is a problem but if people choose to ignore the obvious then i can't do anything about it. What i can do is acknowledge that the judges are (in Australia at least) rewarding the correct dogs so hopefully breeders will see this and adjust accordingly. That's all i will say. I'll leave the thread now as with all DOL conversations people have their own opinions and are immovable and I truly appreciate all differing opinions/standpoints and I have stated mine. Enjoy your chat :) Seeya Like a lot of others, I wish to know what you think is wrong with GSD's back legs - and hocks - and why you think they can't walk. Lots have asked you, but there is no reply. If you aren't into anatomy, maybe keep silent and be thought a fool, rather than open your mouth --- and well, you know. But, please, do educate me. I am waiting Or are you just another purebred dog rubbisher, without any facts or basis for remarks? Hmmm?
  16. Jed

    Four Years

    Hugs, Bob and Erica. Good to see you here. He was a dag, that Best Cocker Spaniel in the World. More dogs come, and we love them too, but we still miss the old ones. That's life, they weren't meant to live too long, because each one has so much to show us. I half remember a poem I read in an English dog magazine, as a child "There's a new dog lies on the parlour rug, Where the old dog used to lie. A dog with a short white curly coat and a brown patch over his eye. Oh, the new dog is a faithful chap and earns his daily bread But sometimes I see the old dog, Silently asking me why"
  17. Sorry, HW I do have an issue with froggy faced WM ponies with eyes like saucers and tiny bone which couldn't carry a Welsh farmer up a hill. Like Dresden ornaments. But the farmers have motorbikes now. LOL I have an issue with Arabians with a jibbah so huge you wonder they can breathe, and herring gutted. I have an issue with qh which are tied in below the knee, with straight pasterns and overly long cannons. But ... this is a dog forum. Probably need a Bex and a nice silver Labrador.
  18. which one's and by more extreme what do you mean and is it to the detriment of the breed or the individual dog ? From what I've seen of past dogs in the lab breed and dogs in the breed today (talking showlines) the labs tend be much shorter, heavier and chunkier than the dogs of old. Hence they have become more extreme in the description of the standard. But that's just my opinion. you said " like a lot of breeds", do you care to explain which one's and what you feel is now extreme about them and if it's to the detriment of the breed or individual? GSDs and their back legs for example. That is to the detriment of the whole showline. What is wrong with their back legs? And how is it to the detriment of the whole showline? If you don't mind explaining, please. And what other breeds do you mean?
  19. Where oh where, was the responsible breeder when this pup was sold to such an unsuitable home? Why wasn't the breeder asking "how much time will you have to devote to the dog" and "what will you do with the pup when you are at work all day" .............and quite a lot of other questions to ascertain whether these people should have a pup. Until ALL breeders are responsible for what they sell, this scenario will continue. Sometimes, no matter how many questions you ask,you can still sell to a lemon, but not all that often. So, where was the breeder? Incidentally -- That's a gorgeous cocker spaniel. I hope he finds a home soon. Poor darling. I wonder if anyone has contacted the breeder?
  20. Ricey - I still care, as much as I did, but nothing which was effective/is effective ever originated from this forum. Once it was worth sharing an opinion....when BSL was first introduced. Now it hardly seems worth it, it is not opinions which are necessary now, it is action. There is action, but it is not discussed on this forum, and few, if any, on the forum have any part in it. It's a wrong law, and no matter who says what, nothing will change that fact. Killing dogs for no good reason except it negates your insurance liability, and you can, sucks big time. I will continue to oppose BSL, and to try to be of some use in that regard. I would also like to point out that the CCCQ facilitated the introduction of BSL in Queensland, hand in hand with the state government of the time. The CCs will do what they see as most expedient for them. This was a board decision, and it seems that the majority of members did not approve. Moosmum - KC membership is voluntary, breeding purebred dogs is voluntary, it is a hobby, a fancy, for those who are interested. As badminton clubs, or snooker clubs, or beer guzzling clubs are a hobby so is the KC. No big deal.
  21. What verification do you have to support that theory, (bolded) WIW?
  22. Jed

    Four Years

    Thanks everyone, I am sure Mags is getting those Smurfs. I understand that they don't run fast over the bridge. That photo with the rainbow was sent to me by a friend, from Nearmap. Nearmap's tech experts said it was the ONLY rainbow that had ever appeared in one of their photos. 11 May was a clear bright day without a cloud in the sky. I do believe that rainbow was waiting. I hope, when the time comes, it will be waiting for me too. :)
  23. Thanks for your reply and I respect your point of view. I guess this comes down to the 'form follows function' or 'function follows form' argument. The idea that a dog that has won a conformation show but hasn't actually worked is an ideal specimen over a dog actually doing the work is very foreign to me, so we will probably never see eye to eye in that regard. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle, as it always is. I actually would expect that dog to work. If you took him into the field (not a field trial - the great outdoors and game), he would be able to do the work. If he couldn't, I would be VERY disappointed. Whatever, I am happy to read your opinion. If we all agreed the one dog we all liked would be well out of our price range!!
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