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  1. We have a car carrier for him, in which he can just fit. We do not have a crate as such, where water could be left. I have seen them at dog shows, thanks for the suggestion.....discussing all the ideas with hubby over weekend.
  2. Thanks for your suggestion.....I wish.......unfortunately he spends his daylight hours with us, with supervision, cause he was not housetrained when we bought him and where he spends his time with us, has numerous valuables. He's progressed so well in a relative short period, we'd hate to have it all come crashing down literally.
  3. Thanks Mita, you're very helpful. I'll try a couple of ideas this weekend.......see how we go.
  4. Thanks for the very good ideas.......he lives with his toys and loves them, but when we're out, I notice they are left on the grass, not even those keep him happy when outdoors alone. For security purposes our laundry, his bedroom, has 2 external doors which are bolted and an internal door, which is not. The internal door is open all day being the laundry, but he is fed outdoors. His access to outdoors is through the room he shares during the day with us. Perhaps purchasing a few new toys and swapping them about may help......he is certainly food driven......I left him a brisket bone once, it had almost gone before I had and there he was waiting to get back inside:-)) We may have to find a way to isolate the laundry area, dead lock the internal door and hope he doesn't scratch that door to pieces in the meanwhile. Shall practise over the weekend and see how we fair. Thanks again.
  5. We have a beautiful 2 y o desexed male Cocker. Bought him this year. We are retired, he lives indoors and out and spends his time mainly downstairs with my husband with access outside. Whenever we have to go out without him during the day, we put him outside with his mat and toys on a covered verandah. As well, his carrying crate is left open with rug inside beside his toys. However, we hear him howling and barking on our return and need to stop this behaviour, as there are other dogs in the neighborhood that are left all day and are completely quiet. Unfortunately, other than locking him in the laundry where he spends his nights, he can't be left alone in the room he spends most of the day, too many valuables. One afternoon, we had to leave him for a few hours, came home at dark, neighbour told us he knew we were out, our dog hadn't stopped howling and barking. He is walked every day.... Some suggestions would be appreciated.......
  6. Again, thank you for your opinions. Firstly we were told both pets were used to living with dogs/cats indoors and it would work and on inspection, both seemed quite relaxed about it. We have always had cats and dogs living together in harmony indoors, however, this is the first time we have purchased mature animals and realised it would take time for them to enjoy each other's company. The cat is very well protected from our boy, has her own room if she wants to be there, as well as access to our living areas if she wants, with elevated beds in both areas which she uses. She is enjoying her new life, purring, eating well and enjoying lots of pats and cuddles, she is just not as outgoing as our previous cats and yes, no doubt time will encourage her in that area. Our dog is not permitted in her room, however as mentioned, other rooms have been available to both. Our dog however, will now only be allowed upstairs on lead in those rooms or under supervision on his rugs etc., where he sits and gets his cuddles and pats, after his day downstairs with us both and his daily walks. I'm sure it can work, having lived with all creatures great and small all my long life, I was interested to hear from others about proven methods of stopping indoor "marking", as that was something new to us. Time and patience will get us all there..... Thank you for your time.
  7. Please don't get me wrong, didn't hit dog, just rolled newspaper as a warning hitting my hand. Previous owner used this method on all her dogs and no contact at all and it worked. I was told to use same treatment on him and it seems to work - it is just the noise. I too have had numerous dogs and cats over many years, so know how to treat them well. He knew straight away he'd done the wrong thing, before I reacted a minute later. But he'd displayed his displeasure at her being here. After a sleepless night, I have remained totally calm and going about today's activities with cat upstairs in her "safety" area and our beautiful boy downstairs whilst I was in the garden. However, he didn't want to join me, he stayed on the couch in the rumpus room and watched with door open for him, keeping close to my husband. So, thank you for your suggestions and concerns.......Our dear old cat was so used to dogs she was bomb proof, this one obviously has to take her time and I think I shall have to go back to putting him on a lead when upstairs with us, until things smooth over, unless someone has another idea.
  8. We purchased 2 year old entire ex show/stud dog in January. We were training him to become indoor house dog and it was working well. Then this month decided to buy 3 y o desexed female indoor cat for company for him. Cat was supposed to be used to dogs, but has shown no liking for this dog and is generally timid in her new situation. Dog is a lovely cocker spaniel, friendly to everyone and thing, but very full-on whenever he sees cat, wants to be in her face and she responds with a growl or a slap and gets out of his way. His toilet training has gone out the window since her arrival. He "normally" comes upstairs around 5.30 p.m. after toileting, to sit with us for the evening. Cat is not keen to mix or be social with us whilst he's there. Last night when I put her to bed about 8 p.m., I left him in living room with family, only to find on my return, he had urinated on the dining table leg, marking - not because he had to go. Unfortunately, evening ruined. Immediately put to bed downstairs, no cuddles, no biscuit, just a rolled newspaper showing my displeasure. However, have never had dog toilet issues before, always purchased desexed puppies........ He is going to be desexed next week in any case. BUT...... How can I reverse this pattern as I want both of them to settle as indoor pets. That's why I bought them. Any help much appreciated......
  9. After reading all the fabulous ideas we kept our boy up till 9.45. He slept the whole time at our feet, but at least he wasn't in his bed. I then took him outside stood on the grass, saying "toilet" whilst he sat beside me for 20 minutes....by then the mozzies were after me and he hadn't done anything except smell the garden back and forth. So into bed, he was so happy with his vanilla bone and ball. No problem with the previously sprayed floor, he had his covered tramp. bed and no barking all night. I woke early and instead of waiting to hear him bark, I let him out 6.45 and all was clean......no mess........YEY! Then straight into play mode with ball on lawn, no time for toileting. So now he's outside what he does where is up to him this morning....I mixed only half his number of biscuits with his chicken roll, he knew! Left most of the biscuits and slowly ate the roll after I sat outside and coaxed him along...... I shall leave the bowl there a couple of hours, then put it away, biscuits eaten or not. Thanks for all your suggestions......very much appreciated......We may end up getting a doggy door installed, but for now, this is how it is. We were actually burgled once when someone crawled through the doggy door!!! Not that that would turn us off them........they are great.
  10. Thanks very much for your interesting thoughts. To answer some of your questions......the timetable was set before we got him. He is still being house trained by us, so he stays with us in the lounge for about 90 minutes after dinner, before we let him outside again to do whatever and then bed. That's what we were told he was used to. Last night it was about 9.30 before he was shut in and he soiled his room for the first time. But he had had a few little biscuits just before. The spray I bought was from a pet shop specifically for stopping dogs and cats from urinating on floors, gardens etc., so quite safe. Again, his food was exactly what he had been given when we got him, high quality biscuits for sensitive skins and VIP roll with egg, rice etc. I agree that perhaps he's actually getting too much feed in the morning and perhaps I could mix a few biscuits with his roll and leave it at that. We have only had him a couple of weeks and being an adult male dog, he's doing very well in other areas. In previous homes we have had dogs which have had two way access 24/7, so although indoor dogs, we didn't have to monitor their toileting and they were given two little meals a day. Currently we have to lock him in for safety, which he doesn't mind at all and he's used to it. However, when let out in the morning, his toileting concludes after his late morning walk au natural! So much more than our previous dogs....
  11. Hi there, Our adult Cocker spaniel is used to being fed a med.bowl of biscuits, then abt. 6 cm slice of Chicken roll around 8-9 a.m. once a day. He is new to us and I'm finding he's fussy eating the biscuits, no matter how long I wait with nothing to follow. He has a mix of two brands both of chicken flavour....sometimes I have to start him off, other times I put some in his ball....but he just picks....his roll is eaten happily but he's not a quick eater. His plates are removed after the roll is finished, even if some biscuits left. He is walked every day before lunchtime, as well as spending any amount of time in the garden. He's put to bed indoors around 8.30 p.m. with a vanilla bone biscuit as he was used to this before we got him. We have had one night when he soiled the floor before we let him out which is around 7-7.30 a.m. The only difference in his food habit, was I left the biscuits out all day and he finished the few left before bed. Is there a better time of day to feed him to make sure he doesn't soil his area during the night? I thought we had it covered, but after last night, I am wondering what we could change. I have now sprayed the whole floor and hope this deters him from a repeat performance tonight. Today he has had nothing to eat since 10 a.m., poor boy, except his vanilla bone biscuit at bedtime. Any suggestions appreciated......
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